City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 110 Buying Clothes For Husband [Fourth Update]

Su Moer still has three days off.

After the couple discussed it, they went to buy clothes and prepare gifts after the holiday.

I was worried about traffic jams during the Chinese New Year, so I set out early to prepare.

Today, Xu Jiao is rarely free to come over.

Because she hired a cashier--she could finally take a breather.

"Are you going back to City A to celebrate the Chinese New Year?"

“My parents also said they would come over to have a New Year’s Eve reunion with me this year, thinking that we would have a lot of fun together.

"You take the babies with you. They are so young and can't stand the torment."

Su Mo'er held her chin and said with a smile, "Li Chen bought a RV and it will be absolutely no problem to take the baby home for the New Year.

Xu Jiao shouted, "It's cool, take me to see it."

Xu Jiao had a dream when she was in school.

Take a dog, a notebook, buy an RV and travel around the world.

While writing literary novels to earn royalties, I can also go to see great places.

Arriving at the garage, Xu Jiao was very satisfied with the appearance of the car.

"Oh, it's still a Xiaoben brand!"

After Xu Jiao entered, the words in her mouth never stopped.

"I love this decoration style."

“I like the color, the design is reasonable, and the space is large. It’s more than enough for your family to travel.

"I'm so envious. When I make money, I'll buy a RV and travel around the world."

Xu Jiao is particularly persistent in her dream of traveling around the world.

She clicked her tongue, "I'm not telling you Mo'er, you are really lucky to have met such a good man like Li Chen.

Su Moer's smile was a bit silly.

"Li Chen is the perfect husband in my heart. I am lucky to meet him."

Seeing Su Moer and Li Chen gave Xu Jiao the idea of ​​getting married and having a baby.

However, she understood that she might not be able to meet a man like Li Chen.

"How about this? We go back to Li's house to celebrate the New Year, and you and your uncle and aunt come to live here. How about that?"

Xu Jiao lives in a single apartment now, which is too small.

Xu Jiao was not polite to Su Moer, "Well, I won't let them book a hotel then.

Three days passed quietly.

Su Mo'er doesn't have to go to school tomorrow, it's officially a holiday.

She was in the children's activity area, playing and laughing with the babies, as happy as a child.

Su Mo'er felt very happy at the thought of being able to stay with her family all the time.

There is still half a month before the Chinese New Year, and there are too many things to do during this period.

"Honey, let's go to the mall tomorrow to see if there are any suitable gifts."

"Okay, I'll buy you some clothes by the way."

"Husband, you have to show it too!"


Li Chen originally had winter clothes, so he could think about the new year and the new atmosphere.

Buy some clothes,

In the evening, Li Chen was busy.

Anyway, Su Moer won't go to work the next day, so she can sleep until any time.

Sure enough, Su Moer didn't get up until almost noon the next day.

Looking at Li Chen who was already making lunch, she blushed with embarrassment.

"Husband, don't you feel tired?"

Li Chen asked with a pun, "What are you asking about?"

Su Mo'er pursed her lips, hummed slightly, and did not answer the question.

After upgrading the ‘sleeping’ skill, you can completely ensure that you have enough sleep time.


How can a man say he is tired?

Su Mo'er ate breakfast and lunch together, and then she could go out after the babies took a nap.

I went to the "Splendid City" and also took a look at the temperature difference.

Wen Tao has been dejected recently, and Li Chen sees through the problem at a glance.

"Xu Jiao rejected you?"

"Damn it, brother, how did you see that?"

"It's all written on your face."

One is his brother, and the other is Su Ronger's best friend.

Li Chen had no way to intervene, nor did he want to intervene.

In his opinion, it was normal for Xu Jiao to reject Wen Tao.

"I learned from your sister-in-law that Xu Jiao was pursued by many young talents in the past, but they were all rejected. 1"

"I guess she doesn't care about looks or net worth."

"Maybe, I just think it's inappropriate."

Wen Tao sighed, "I've been thinking about this issue for the past two days, but... I just don't want to give up..."

Li Chen patted him on the shoulder, "I can only say that you work hard."

Because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, the business in the store is very good, and they are all buying for New Year gifts.

Especially for gift boxes, the store has intensified its activities.

Many customers buy two or three sets at a time.

"You're busy, your sister-in-law and I are going to buy some things to bring home for the New Year."

0…please give me flowers…

good. "


Li Chen and Su Moer's appearance and quintuplets.

No matter where you go, you can attract the attention of people around you.

They have long been accustomed to it and choose the right gift without anyone else.

After choosing over and over again, Su Mo'er couldn't find one that she thought was suitable.

I'm afraid that if I buy it myself, if someone says I like it, that may not mean I really like it.

Money has been spent, and people don’t like the gift. Isn’t it a waste?

Li Chen sighed when he saw Su Mo'er frowning.

"Give me some money, they will definitely like this."

"And with the money, they can buy whatever they want, right?"

Su Mo'er thought about it and realized the same thing.

Give up the idea of ​​buying gifts, "Okay, just give me money. Let's go buy you clothes."

Li Chen is 1.82 meters tall. He is not thin, but looks muscular.

After washing the essence and cutting the marrow, I felt a sense of dignity.

"Think about it, this is the first time we've known each other for so long that I've bought you clothes."

Li Chen smiled and said, "I don't care about these superficial things."

Su Mo'er looked him over and said, "He's a handsome man. I wonder what he's good-looking about."

Li Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Su Mo'er nodded heavily, "My husband is very handsome!"

"come over."

Su Mo'er came over and gave Li Chen a peck.

In front of the public, Su Moer covered her face and spoke softly.

"How can you kiss me outside..."

"You are my wife, there is nothing you can't kiss. Let's go and choose clothes for my husband."

I came to a men's clothing flagship store and got married very... awesome!!

Su Mo'er pulled her in and said, "I know this brand before and it suits you very well. And——"

She turned her head to look at Li Chen, unable to hide her excitement in her eyes.

"It will look good on you."

Li Chen knows this name, one of the famous men's luxury goods.

Focusing on young people, it is steady yet energetic, and is very popular with men of all walks of life.

Su Moer was more excited than buying clothes for herself.

"This one, this one, this one, and this one...

Behind Su Mo'er, followed a smiling shopping guide.

I have to praise Su Moer for her good taste. These are all new models. .

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