City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 121 A Surprise For Dad [Fifth Update]

The couple took off their coats, shook their hands and walked toward the living room.

Except for Sanbao who is lazy and doesn't crawl very much, the other babies have already learned to crawl.

Li Chen walked over, hugged this kiss, hugged that kiss, and couldn't put it down.

Xiao Huang meowed non-stop on the side.

Li's mother smiled and said, "The little ones have been looking forward to your return for a long time. Sanbao gave us complementary food half an hour ago."

Li Chen asked, where is Xiaoyuan?"

"He is sleeping. The teacher will arrange make-up lessons tomorrow. After all, he is in his third year of high school."

It's already late for this.

The couple took the babies to bed.

After putting the babies to sleep, Li Chen knocked on his parents' door.

"Mom, are you asleep?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Come out for a moment, I have something to tell you."

Li's mother walked out wearing an "850" coat, "What's the matter?"

In the dining room, Li Chen talked to Su Mo about buying a house.

Li's mother was shocked, "Are you rich?"

Suddenly it occurred to me that my son even has a black gold card.

Buying a villa worth several million is not a big problem.

Li Chen nodded, "Mom, you will go to the house with me tomorrow and write dad's name on it then.

"How about we give him a surprise during the Chinese New Year?"

Li's mother asked, "Did you give me the money?"

Li Chen saw her thoughts.

"If you give half of it, they won't refund it if you don't buy it."

Li's mother knew that it was not easy to make money now, but it would be nice to save a few million to raise her children later.

"Actually, this old house is quite nice to live in."

"I know what mom means, but that house was decorated by dad himself and holds many of our memories.


In fact, Li Zhiming has always been worried about buying a house.

How could she not know after being married for so many years?

Since I bought everything, it is also my son's filial piety.

Li's mother sighed, "Thank you, kid!"

Li Chen shook his head, "Mom, in my heart, you have always been my biological mother."

Li's mother's eyes turned red, hiding something.

"Go to sleep, it's already o'clock, go to bed early, go to bed early!"

Back in the house, Li's mother sat on the bed again and couldn't help crying.

Li Zhiming was shocked, should you remember it?"

"Nothing, I just feel that Li Chen has grown up and become more filial..."

Li Zhiming was speechless, "What did I think? Li Chen is a good boy."

Li's mother glared at him, angry.

"You know how to make money in a day. Have you ever taken care of the two children at home?"

Li Zhiming was even more speechless, "You, you went out to eat firecrackers?"

Li's mother snorted coldly, "Sleep!"

Li Zhiming faced Li's mother's back and said, "It's unreasonable!"

Li's mother turned over and started doing it, which shocked Li's father.

"Who are you saying is being unreasonable?"

"I can do it myself."

Only then did Li's mother give up.

Li Zhiming bared his teeth at her back.

The next morning, Li Zhiming entered the room and found his wife packing up her documents.

"Why are you packing this?"


He just asked too much, so why did he get offended?

It's strange, she has been acting strange since last night.

If you can't afford to offend, let's go.

Li's mother put the ID in her bag and asked Li Chen when he would leave.

"I've packed my things."

Li Chen greeted Su Moer, "Honey, I'll leave the baby to you. We'll be back when we're done.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of the babies."

Li Zhiming came out of the kitchen, "Where are you going?"

Li's mother said calmly, "Going to the supermarket to buy new year's goods? Do you have any questions?"

Li Zhiming stopped talking and entered the room with his head buried.

Li Chen,Su Moer,".....

Li's mother smiled and said, "Let's go."

Kang Qiao's car stopped downstairs, "Auntie, Li Chen, you are here."

Li's mother also knew Kang Qiao and had met him several times before.

Kang Qiao drove to the real estate exchange.

The landlord has been waiting for a long time, as well as Kang Wenyi and Xitong.

Kang Qiao knows the people here, so he can handle business without queuing.

The landlord was surprised when he saw Li's mother and Li Chen.

"Is it you?"

What a turn of events.

I bought the house from them and now I sell it to them.

I can't help but sigh...

Sign the contract and apply for transfer documents.

It was finally over after a busy morning.

Looking at the real estate certificate, Li's mother began to imagine what her husband would be like when he found out.

When leaving, Kang Wenyi also asked Li Chen, "Let's have tea when we have time."

Li Chen nodded, "Okay."

Kang Qiao smiled and said, "You can come to me if you want to buy a house or a shop in the future."

Li Chen nodded, "Okay."

Li's mother looked at the good weather and said, "Let's go home!"

I originally thought I would only be busy for an hour or two, but who would have thought it would be faster.

Li Zhiming made many phone calls to them during the process, and now he had time to call them back.

"My daughter-in-law and I ate noodles. You can come back and cook for yourself."

"There are meatballs in the refrigerator, did you see them?"


"Are you blind? Will my daughter-in-law only eat plain noodles if she gives her grandson a future?"

"I asked her to do it, but she said it would blow up the kitchen. I was afraid."


After Li's mother hung up the phone, she complained, "It won't happen this way, and it won't happen that way.

That's what couples are like sometimes.

You may say you despise the other person, but in fact you still care about the other person in your heart.

After returning home, Li Chen rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen to get busy.

Su Mo'er came over and said pitifully, "Husband, please make some for me too. The noodles made by my father-in-law are too unpalatable..."


After a while, Li Zhiming came over and said, "Make some for me too."

Li Chen wondered if the noodles were too unpalatable because they didn't eat much.

In less than half an hour, the meatballs and tomato noodles were ready, garnished with chopped green onion, and delicious.

"Xiaoyuan won't come back for lunch?"

Li Zhiming said while eating, "I paid to eat at the teacher's house. I won't come back until eight or nine in the evening."

After eating, Li Zhiming was content with playing with the cat and his grandchildren.

"Where were you and Li Chen today? You didn't even answer the phone."

No one in the room answered, and Li Zhiming seriously doubted whether he was going through menopause for the second time.

Well, it's also possible.

Children are afraid of menopause.

[Thank you to the big guys who urged me to update, I will work hard to update! Bow!!].

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