City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 123 The Family Goes Shopping [Please Customize]

Downstairs, Li Zhiming's voice came, "Li Chen, come down here."

Su Mo'er guessed that their father and son had something to say, so she took the four treasures from Li Chen.

"Go ahead and leave the babies to me."

In the living room, Li Zhiming sat on the sofa and waved to him.

"We, father and son, are here to have a drink."

There were peanuts, melon seeds and beer on the table, and Li's mother brought a plate of chopped braised meat.

"You guys chat, I'm going to see my grandson."

Li Zhiming opened his beer and said, "Come, let's have a drink."

Li Chen hadn't drank beer for a long time, and when he first drank it, he felt a little bitter.

Li Zhiming blinked, took a mouthful of braised meat, and then slowly asked.

"How much did it cost?"

"More than two million."

Li Zhiming couldn't help but sigh, "It's more than that."

Seeing that Li Chen didn't speak, Li Zhiming sighed.

"This house reminds me of how beautiful our family was back then."

"It's a pity that the investment failed, and I only have more than one million in hand to start over..."

Speaking of this, Li Zhiming's voice was choked up.

"Those who call me brothers and relatives, all of them stay away from me, for fear that I will ask them to borrow money!"

"Your second uncle and third uncle refused to borrow money from them. They teased me at the wine table and said that I deserved my investment failure.

"I will remember their words for the rest of my life."

"I will remember it for the rest of my life."

Li Zhiming wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, which were stuck in his throat.

Taking a sip of wine, Li Zhiming looked at Li Chen proudly.

"You have grown up and now have money. Don't be proud and complacent, and don't look down on others.

"In this society, there are too many people who are richer than you, and there are also many people who are more low-key than you."

"Your assets of tens of millions are nothing. There are others who have assets of hundreds of millions. Compared with them, you are nothing.

Li Chen nodded, "I will remember what dad said..."

Li Zhiming pointed to his chest, his eyes glowing red.

"You must still have an impression of what your father went through back then."

"This is a lesson for you. Don't make the same mistake I did, and follow the path I took.

Li Chen nodded, "I know, Dad.

Li Zhiming lit a cigarette and spoke slowly.

"The night after tomorrow, your second uncle's hotel has been prepared. Everyone in the family is invited to have a New Year's dinner together."

"If anyone asks you to borrow money, build relationships, or find connections at the dinner table, just ignore them!"

"When you are down and out, you run faster than anyone else. When you get rich, you rush to get better."

"These people in the family are unreliable."

Li Chen understood this when his family went bankrupt.

"Among my peers, to be honest, I don't look down on anyone except Yue Lu."

"Your second uncle, Li Chengdong, has a better character than before after getting married. He is better than your third uncle's son and daughter."

That night, Li Zhiming talked a lot and urged Li Chen again and again.

If you have money, don't take yourself too seriously.

Live a good life with Su Moer!

Li's mother went downstairs, feeling distressed and helpless when she saw this.

He smiled and said to Li Chen, "Go to sleep and leave your father to me."

"Then I'll go to bed first, Mom."

"go Go."

Back in the room, Su Mo'er was still awake, as if she was waiting for him.

"Why didn't you sleep?"

"I was chatting with my mother just now. She told me about the past..."

How did the Li family make a fortune, how did their investments fail, and how did they get back on their feet.

Su Moer came over and said, "Husband...if one day you have nothing, the children and I will support you.

Li Chen understood her meaning and intention.

The next day, Li Chen packed up the babies, held Sanbao in his arms and fed Su Moer.

Su Moer held her son in her arms while breastfeeding.

When Sanbao was full, he looked at Li Chen with big eyes.

To avoid waking up Su Mo'er, Li Chen gently picked him up and kissed the top of his hair.

"Let's go to the living room with dad."

Li's mother has already tidied up the living room.

This morning, she did some general cleaning and was tired on the sofa.

"Yue Lu said before that he would not come back to celebrate the New Year this year, but he decided to come back at the last minute."

"I let them stay in the old house [to avoid spending money on hotels].

Li Chen called Yue Lu himself.

"Brother, are you coming back by car or driving?"

"By car, you can arrive after five o'clock in the afternoon."

"Okay, there is a dinner party tonight, we will go together then."


Su Mo'er got up and after having breakfast, she learned that there would be a dinner party tomorrow night, and an idea came to her mind.

"Husband, you can watch the babies this afternoon while I go buy some clothes for mom."

Li Chen slapped his forehead and said, "Why don't we go together and buy one for Dad too."


When Li's mother heard this, her eyes turned into slits with laughter.

But he said, "Whatever clothes you buy, your dad and I have clothes to wear, so don't waste that money."

Su Mo'er held her mother's arm and acted coquettishly.

"Mom, how do you call it a waste of money? Buying clothes for you is what Li Chen and I want..."

"Just think of it as us going shopping together, okay?"

Li's mother couldn't resist, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, let's go to the doctor after lunch.

After that, he happily went upstairs to call Li Zhiming.

By coincidence, Li Yuan's make-up classes were over and he would have a complete holiday tomorrow.

The family goes shopping together.

Li Zhiming set off in the RV.

After Li's mother and others got into the RV, they looked here and there.

Li Yuan took out his mobile phone to take a photo and then posted it on his WeChat Moments.

My brother's new car.

In less than a minute, the comments were all full of likes.

Yuan Gejiahao, this car is not cheap.

I (Zhao) also really want to have a car like this!

Brother Yuan, I heard that you moved back to the villa, is it true? When can you play at home?

RV? Awesome! Beautiful!

Happy New Year, send red envelopes!

Li's mother teased Li Zhiming, "What do you think, when we get old, we also get a RV and go traveling?"

Li Zhiming was also moved.

"Okay, after I work for a few more years and Xiaoyuan graduates from university, I will take you on a trip."

During the Chinese New Year, the roads are full of cars.

When you arrive at the downtown shopping mall, you have to fight for parking spaces.

Got out of the car and put the babies out.

Li Yuanzhu is a necessary item for carrying babies.

Li Chen came over, "I'll do it."

Li Yuan shook his head, "I'll just carry it, Brother Chuang."

Li Yan is already 1.75 meters tall, a full 1.8 meters tall.

[Please order from the big guys, rest assured, Wenwen has absolute quality guarantee!].

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