City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 130 The Little Secret Of A Seemingly Loving Couple [Please Customize]

Si Bao is a foodie. When he saw the adults eating, he jumped in the stroller anxiously.

Erbao is a person who doesn't take it too seriously to join in the fun.

It just so happened that Si Bao and Dabao were in the same three-row stroller.

She watched a group of adults eating, and followed the four treasures to make noises.

You can vaguely tell that he's calling daddy, but it's not that obvious.

The second baby also called daddy when he lost his temper the last time his teeth came in.

This time I spoke more clearly than before.

Those who are close to vermillion are red, those who are close to ink are black. Dabao's mature and steady face gradually assimilates to the two naughty eggs.

Dabao is very strong and can shake the stroller slightly.

Another row of strollers.

Sanbao said that apart from breastfeeding, he had no interest in complementary foods.

Wu Bao had eaten solid food before he came. He was full and didn't think about food.

Playing with the toys in his hands, he looked serious.

Li Chen ate some and brought the Four Treasures over to him.

"What do you want to eat?"

Si Bao's hands fluttered excitedly. There were probably too many choices and he would be dazzled for a while.

Su Mo'er used a clean small bowl to make some steamed pumpkin.

Peel, remove stems, mash into paste and give to Li Chen.

"Husband, this!"

Li Chen put the four treasures back and fed them to three eager foodies.

The Four Treasures are not picky eaters and will eat whatever is given to them.

The second baby has everything to do with eating, but the first thing is to have toys.

Dabao is the same as the four treasures in terms of eating. There is no requirement, just eat.

Wubao is in a hurry.

I felt that the toys in my hands suddenly no longer smelled good.

Blinking his big eyes, he looked at Li Chen.

As if asking: Why doesn’t Baba feed me?

Am I not his little princess?

Does love disappear, right?

This scene made Su Moer beside her feel heartbroken.


Li Chen turned around and saw her daughter looking pitiful, so she immediately fed her a mouthful of pumpkin puree.

"Five treasures, come on, come on, take a bite."

Wubao took a bite, and the tears in his eyes gradually receded.

He showed a warm smile towards Li Chen.

It seems that being able to take a bite of pumpkin puree is already very satisfying.

But the Three Treasures remained unmoved, neither fighting nor grabbing.

He fully expressed his disinterest in complementary foods.

The babies have satiated their cravings, and the four treasures have stopped making noises. He wants to come out to play.

Put out your hands to show that you want someone to hug you.

Li's mother came over and said, "Li Chen, eat quickly and leave the four treasures to me."

After that, Li's mother pushed the three-row stroller out of the hall.

"Let's go, grandma will take you to watch the fish."

Li Zhiming also stood up and pushed the stroller, "We are here too."

There is a small fountain outside the hall with ornamental fish in it.

The couple pushed the babies outside the fountain and played with them.

Babies are very interested in small animals.

Sambo is no exception.

Seeing the fish swimming, everyone expressed their desire to catch fish through actions.

"Tomorrow we will wash out the fish tank and raise a few fish in it for our grandson to see."

Li Zhiming nodded, "Okay, let's raise a few."

Li's mother asked again, "Do you want to play cards with them tonight?"

Li Zhiming teased Si Bao and said casually, "What cards are you playing? Help your son and daughter-in-law look after the babies and let them play while they are young."

In Li Chen's generation, the relationship between brothers and sisters still needs to be maintained.

Li's mother also said, "I won't go either, and I will take our little grandson with me!"

At the dinner party, Li Cai and Feng Jing took the lead in toasting.

"Auntie, I wish you a happy new year and good health in advance!"

The aunt raised her tea and smiled kindly.

"Happy New Year to you too, may you be a loving couple and make a lot of money."

Nowadays, the blessing words are all about meaning, and even the toasts are just a formality.

"Hey, why are there two people missing here? Where are my uncle and aunt? Did you take the children? Bring me the pen.

After that, I went to the second uncle’s table next door.

Then came the third uncle and relatives from Feng Jing’s natal family.

With Li Cai proofing, Li Chengdong will take his turn.

Li Chengdong smiled and said, "Brother Lu, you are our eldest brother, come on."

Yue Lu smiled and said, "You guys go first, my stomach is not good, Rilai.

He lowered his head to eat and said with a smile, "How can I compare with people like them who spend all day in pubs, eating and eating."

0...Please give me flowers...

The aunt felt sorry for her son, "You will serve the tea in a moment."

Li Chen and Su Moer are definitely going to the last round.

Li Xiaojuan and Li Ning came over.

Li Xiaojuan's personality is that of her mother, and she has a carefree personality.

But in terms of being stingy and loving money, Li Zhichao followed.

Li Xiaojuan is not good-looking, but she is not ugly either, and her smile is quite attractive.

Her husband, Li Ning, is tall and thin, very gentle, and his personality complements that of Li Xiaojuan.

Su Moer said to Li Chen, "You brothers and sisters have a harmonious relationship as husband and wife.

Yue Lu couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Su Mo'er was confused, could she have said it wrong?

Pan Zhen came over and whispered, "I heard that Li Ning and Xiaojuan had divorced a long time ago. They just lived together for the sake of their children."

Su Mo'er was surprised.

Pan Zhen added, "I also heard that Brother Cai has a woman outside, and the money he has made in recent years has been through his connections with women outside.

Su Mo'er was a little surprised, "Really or not?"

"It's all being said, and nine times out of ten it's true."

Su Mo'er glanced at Feng Jing, who was chatting with someone and had a smile on her face.

"Does Sister Feng know?"

Pan Zhen hesitated for a moment, "You probably know that sometimes you have to learn to be dumb in marriage.

This sentence made Su Moer look at Pan Zhen again.

Su Mo'er was curious if Li Chengdong and his wife had any gossip.

Alas, there is no way, women are too curious about gossip.

Pan Zhen frowned, "I haven't heard of this, maybe they both like to play and have a common language.

At that time, Guolu was filled with tea.

"Let's go, it's our turn."

Pan Zhen stood up and warned Haohao.

"Haohao, stay with your uncle and aunt, don't wander around, mom and dad will be back soon.

Haohao played with the Transformers in his hands and nodded obediently.

The elders had no problem with Yue Lu replacing wine with tea.

The peers started shouting and did nothing.

Yue Lu put down the wine glass and said, "It's okay if I don't do it. Last month I had gastric bleeding after drinking alcohol and almost had a gastric perforation after a checkup."

Pan Zhen quickly said, "Now he has to give up drinking.".

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