City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 144: Gan, I Will Shamelessly Fool Around With Him From Now On

"Gan, this ship is so handsome!"

Li Chengdong stood on the berthing deck and couldn't even see the top when he raised his head.

But it doesn't stop the smell of banknotes coming from the shop. This is the delicious smell of money.

Li Cai clicked his tongue.

This kind of yacht is something they never dare to think about and have never been exposed to.

I can’t guess how much it will cost, it must be several million.

At most, they are now at the stage where they have a house, a car and a deposit.

But we are still far from being a truly wealthy person.

Yue Lu lives in a first-tier city and is close to the sea.

I am no stranger to yachts, at least I have seen them before.

"I have a client who bought a small private yacht."

"It's like a one-day trip. It costs more than one million yuan to complete a set of procedures and conduct research.

He gestured, "I guess it's only a quarter of this size. If it's this big, it's even more expensive!"

At this time, the administrator came over with a cold face and ordered the guests to be kicked out.

"Everyone, this side is a private parking area, not for viewing."

Yue Lu and others couldn't help but look at Li Feng.

It's Li Chen who wants to come over.

Li Chen took out the yacht parking permit, his own documents, etc. from his pocket.

The administrator looked around at Li Chen, wanting to be suspicious.

But the evidence in hand is true.

The largest and most luxurious ship in the mooring port, 513, is indeed his.

It wasn’t just the administrators who looked in disbelief.

Yue Lu and others' eyes almost fell out.

They thought Li Chen was here to rent a boat.

I never expected that I already had a yacht.

Li Chengdong has made up his mind, "Mr. Li, Brother Li, I will follow you from now on. Seriously, don't dislike me.

Anyway, he is thick-skinned, so he may have something to eat by following Li Chen.

Li Cai couldn't sit still anymore and licked his lips.

"Li Chen, if you have a way to make money, tell me about it. We are all brothers of the Li family!"

Yue Lu opened her mouth, but finally said nothing.

There is no one who does not desire to make money and become rich.

Sister Qin and Feng Jing, who were with Li Chengdong, made their hearts beat out of their throats.

Especially Feng Jing.

At this moment, she (aefi) understood that her husband was so complacent and proud of having earned one or two million.

Compared with Li Chen, it's nothing.

He also deceived himself and others about Fang Chen's current achievements.

Either it was an act, or it was given to me by two fathers.

Otherwise, how can a senior student have so much money?

Now it’s a slap in the face, now I can’t stand it anymore.

Although Li Chen has system support, it is still a bit awkward for him to drive a yacht for the first time.

"Excuse me, do you have a driver here?"

"Yes, yes, but I went home to celebrate the New Year on New Year's Day."

Li Chen frowned slightly, "Are there no other drivers?"

The administrator hesitated and said, "Boss, let's do this. I'll call you and ask him to come over."

“But the charges will definitely be higher than usual, after all, it’s the first day of the Lunar New Year, right.

Li Chen expressed his understanding and asked how much it would cost. "

"Six hundred an hour is the price, it can't be any less."

Li Chen nodded and said yes, "You can call him."

"Then wait a moment."

The administrator went over to make a phone call.

"Xiao Chen, come quickly, there is a job waiting for you here..."

"I'm asking for 600 an hour. The other party has no objection. Come quickly, they are very rich!"

"But you can give me fifty for every hour."

It's only after five o'clock now, and we will play until nine o'clock in the evening, at least five hours.

He can also earn a few packs of cigarettes to smoke.

"Come on, we're going to take a look."

Li Chengdong couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to see what the inside of such a luxurious yacht looked like.

Li Chen can’t wait either.

After boarding the yacht, standing on the deck and looking at the vast Jiajiang River.

Li Chengdong spread his arms, "I like this feeling so much!"

Li Chen saw that Su Mo'er didn't say anything, "Honey, are you unhappy because your husband spent money to buy a yacht?"

Su Mo'er shook her head, "Husband, I said, no matter what you do, I will support you."

Mother Su said something well.

Only when a man is willing to spend money can he be willing to make money.

A man who is willing to spend money must see where the money is spent.

Spending it in inappropriate places, on other people, is a waste of money.

Just give flowers to your family and spend them on your own people.

Is that called spending money?

Li Chen was moved by Su Moer's understanding and trust.

"I took a look and found that if we want to visit City A in the future, we can take a cruise ship.

"The Jiajiang River stretches out. When the weather gets better in the future, we can go out on a yacht, okay?"

Su Mo'er snuggled next to him.

To be honest, I was really shocked at first.

Now, she knows that this man has been anxious about his family from beginning to end.

She looks forward to it too.

Summer is here, it would be fun to go out on a yacht with the kids.

There are fixed sofas and coffee tables on the deck.

After going down, there is the driver's cab.

Next is the living room, the kitchenette and the bathroom.

There is a locker and a lounge at the rear of the yacht.

The living room is decorated very grandly and is very large.

There is no problem watching TV or singing.

At the bottom is the sleeping room.

There is a master bedroom with bathroom, a second bedroom, a double room and a single room.

and a public restroom.

Even the smallest single room has everything.

Several people couldn't help but marvel.

"Having money is really a pleasure."

"No wonder so many people like to be rich. It is simply a paradise on earth."

Sister Qin whispered to Li Chengdong, "This is estimated to cost seven to eight million.

Li Chengdong guessed, "Yachts are high-end luxury goods, and their maintenance must be very expensive, probably more than one million a year."

Sister Qin pulled him. The husband and wife had never worked together so well.

"Tell Li Chen and do it with him."

Li Chengdong nodded, "I think so too."

Anyway, he had made up his mind not to do the job on the construction site.

Feng Jing in the kitchen looked left and right.

"How do you think Li Chen got the money?"

Li Cai shook his head, "I don't know. If I ask, people may not be willing to tell."

[I ask for the support of the big guys, Huahua, monthly tickets, reminders are all acceptable, bow and thank you!].

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