City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 149 Exchange Of Red Envelopes

"Dang, dang, it's on the left, let mom see who guessed it right!"

"The second treasure and the fifth treasure are right, but the big treasure and the fourth treasure are wrong!"

"Come on, let's do it again. All Sanbao little friends are invited to participate enthusiastically!"

Li Chen answered on Sanbao's behalf, "No problem."

After playing it a few times, the babies seemed to be no longer interested.

Su Mo'er took Mother Su's shawl, covered her face, and counted, "2,3..._

Suddenly he put down his shawl and revealed a smiling face.

When the babies saw it, they were stunned for a moment, and they were very happy as they bumped into little PP.

Even Sanbao watched with relish.

Su Mo'er covered her face again and conjured it up for the babies.

Several times in a row, it made the babies laugh.

A six-month-old baby can already sit firmly without swaying or falling backward.

Su Moer handed the shawl to Li Chen.

"Daddy comes to play."

Li Chen sat cross-legged in front of the babies, "Come, daddy, play with the babies."

"Where is daddy?"

"Hey, dad is here?"

"Where is dad again?"

"So dad is still here!"

Making the babies laugh to themselves, Su Mo'er was arranging Sibao 940's shoes while watching.

They were all wearing the same furry shoes. She didn't understand why Sibao's shoes were worth so much.

Leave the shoelaces on his little feet, and he still won't be able to walk.

Neither husband nor wife spent time with the baby well today.

Take advantage of the time when your babies go to bed and spend time with them.

After playing for more than half an hour, the babies rubbed their eyes and felt sleepy.

Taking them to the master bedroom, the two wives slept with the babies.

"Where are Li Chen and Su Mo'er? Let them come out to see the night view, it's so beautiful."

Li Chengdong's words earned Li Zhicheng a blank stare.

"There are two people taking care of the children. I thought you would know how to play in one day."

These words were full of disdain.

Li Chengdong was a little unhappy, "Dad, just say what you want, don't take me all the time, okay?"

During the Chinese New Year, Li Zhicheng didn't want to tell his son this.

"This is my first time taking a boat to see the night view." Li Zhichao was quite emotional.

Click, click, Li Chen appeared on the deck, "We are heading back now."

Li Zhicheng glanced at the time, it was already ten o'clock.

It's almost eleven o'clock when I get home. It's time to go home.

Li's mother returned to the living room and still arranged the table.

Su's mother came over to help, and the third aunt smiled and said, "You are a guest, just leave this kind of thing to us."

The third aunt is simple-minded and fickle in her work, but she is also kind-hearted.

Mother Su stood aside and said with a smile, "Then I will really sit down."

Even though he said this, he still went to pack his things.

At this time, Pan Zhen came in with Haohao, "I'll come, I'll come, this is what young people do!"

Everything is packed away, just throw away the trash when you go down.

Li's mother wiped the round table clean again.

Only then did she realize that there were patterns drawn on the table, similar to treasure maps.

"Do you think this is true?"

Mother Su came over and said seriously, "Maybe it's true."

"If I find it, I'll be rich."

Mother Su still said seriously, "It is unlikely that we will find it, after all, this thing is mostly fake.

The third aunt is simple-minded and believes it to be true.

"Really? Are you kidding?"

The second aunt found it funny, "Of course it's fake.

The third aunt smiled, "I'll just say it."

Twenty minutes later, the yacht slowly docked.

Li Chen went to the cockpit to settle the bill, "We may need you in the next few days. Can we contact you by phone then?"

The driver hurriedly said, "Boss, I'm not going anywhere during the Chinese New Year. I'll be here all the time."

Li Chen paid him an extra hour of wages.

"Okay, I'll call you if necessary then. Happy New Year!"

"Thank you boss, I will accept the money. (aeeh) Happy New Year to you, boss!"

Li Chen went to the bedroom to wake up Su Mo'er.

"Honey, we are going home."

Su Mo'er rubbed her eyes, "Really? Are we going back?"

"Well, mom and I will take the babies up, so you can wake up."

Su Mo'er suddenly thought of something, "Husband, aren't we going to give red envelopes to Haohao and the others?"

"If you don't tell me, I haven't thought about it yet. They haven't left yet. Where is the red envelope?"

"In my handbag. Haohao's red envelope has a doll on it, and the other red envelopes are Happy New Year.

"okay, I get it."

Su Moer's handbag was on the sofa, and Li Chen took out Haohao's bag alone.

"Sister Qin, this is Xiaojie's red envelope!"

"Feng Jie, this is your child's red envelope."

Both red envelopes were worth two thousand.

Sister Qin instantly felt that she had a thousand red envelopes and was a bit unable to use them.

But there was nothing she could do, after Li Chen took out the red envelope, she did the same.

Sister Qin packed a red envelope worth two thousand, after all, they are quintuplets.

As soon as the two people touched the red envelope, they knew that the amount was quite large.

At this time, the second aunt took out a red envelope with eight hundred inside.

The third aunt also contains eight hundred.

At this point, both of them passed Qi.

Each person gave Haohao another two hundred red envelopes.

Everyone got off the yacht.

Auntie said, "Come to my house for dinner tomorrow. We have been out here before, so there is no place to entertain you during the Chinese New Year."

"I will borrow the youngest's old house to entertain you today."

"Everyone comes tomorrow!"

According to my aunt, she is already over seventy years old and still has a few years left to live.

If I meet you once, I will miss you.

After the first day of the Lunar New Year, everyone visits relatives.

I have to visit the second aunt, the third aunt, and Brother Cai’s family.

After every family eats it, the New Year is over.

Li Zhicheng suggested, "Let's go to my eldest sister's house to eat tomorrow, and come to my house the day after tomorrow, and we'll take turns!"

No comments at home.

It was windy outside, so Li Chen used absolute defense to protect the babies from catching colds.

But Su Mo'er and the others didn't know.

Take the babies for a brisk walk.

Li Yuan's classmates, Li Chen, decided to drive them home.

It's late at night and I don't feel at ease if I don't send them home one by one.

"Dad, I drove this car, but you drove the RV and threw it away."

Li Zhiming was so addicted today, how could he compete with his son for a car?

Li Yuan's classmate shouted, "Cool, this car is so handsome."

Li Yuan asked, "Dad, did you buy it?"

"Where do I have the money? Your brother bought it for me.

[Thank you all for your support, bow!].

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