City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 153 Three People Cooperate To Cook Hotpot

Li Chen caught seven or eight crucian carps, which were only as big as the palm of a five- or six-year-old child.

Enough of making fish soup for the babies.

"I'll go to the kitchen to make fish soup for the babies."

Kang Wenyi didn't really want to fish with Li Chen, he came to find money for investment.

He followed Li Chen and saw Li Chen raising and lowering his knife.

The fish's scales were scraped off with numb movements, and its belly was disemboweled.

Then fry it in oil until both sides are golden brown, then boil it in boiling water.

Then he saw it again.

Li Chen cut about three kilograms of live fish into thin fillets in less than a minute.

Kang Wenyi was stunned when he saw it, and the one next to him was amazed.

He suddenly stared at Li Chen with a look as if he had found a treasure.

"Li Chen, come out for a moment and I'll discuss something with you,"

Li Chen washed his hands and went to the deck with Kang Wenyi.

He took out a cigarette and handed it to Li Chen, "Ah, I forgot, you don't smoke."

He took a deep breath and looked extremely serious.

"Li Chen, I have discussed with my family to take a break from school [to start a business in City A first].

"They gave me 300,000 yuan in entrepreneurial funds, which was originally the down payment for buying a house."

"I'm looking for you today just to ask if you have any good suggestions."

"If there is a suitable project, we can cooperate and invest together.

He turned his head and looked at Li Chen with burning eyes.

"I never knew what to do, but when I saw you killing fish just now, I knew you were a good cook.

"How about we jointly open a fish hotpot restaurant?"

"I have a hunch that I will definitely make money!"

This premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

Faced with Kang Wenyi's excitement, Li Chen reacted very calmly, "Let me think about it.

The eager fire in Kang Wenyi's eyes gradually disappeared.

"Okay, think about it!"

Li Chen is not short of money, what is he considering?

Of course, consider whether you can be trusted.

After all, the two reunited after many years, so it's not surprising that he doesn't trust him.

Li Chen smiled and said, "Isn't your aunt an intermediary? Go and ask if there is a suitable store."

Kang Wenyi was overjoyed, "I'm going to call and ask now."

Li Chen's actions showed that there was something serious about this.

While Kang Wenyi was on the phone, Li Chen said to Li Zhiming, "Dad, come with me. I have something to tell you."

Li Zhiming was next to them, and he heard it even with his ears pricked up.

In the bedroom, Li Chen wanted to bring in the Li family's allies to cooperate.

"Dad, who do you think is suitable?"

What I am asking is Li Ning, Li Cai and Li Chengdong.

Li Zhiming rubbed his chin with a serious expression.

"Brother Cai of yours can't do it. If you partner with him and act based on his expression, your friend will definitely dislike him.

"Li Ning is a bit dull, and with Li Xiaojuan, you may have a lot of troubles in the future.

"Only Li Cheng..." Li Zhiming thought for a while, "He can give it a try."

"You have also seen his changes in the past few days. He was a different person before, but now he has changed too many bad habits."

"After all, your second uncle and second aunt are spoiled, but they still have good natures."

"It's time to play, I didn't mess around, I didn't go out to cause trouble, I still behaved in a measured manner."

What Li Zhiming considered was only considered later.

When I went to buy dry pot that day, Li Chengdong chatted with him.

He no longer wants to work on the construction site and wants to find a good career.

Regardless of whether he succeeds in the end or not, he can work hard while he is young.

His two sons gave him a sense of urgency in life.

It seems that he wanted to wait for the birth of his second son, but did not have the time or money.

Therefore, he desperately wants the opportunity.

Li Chen came out of the bedroom.

Yue Lu, Pan Zhen and Su Moer have already started barbecue.

The fragrance hits your nostrils and makes you hungry just by smelling it.

The small hot pot here is much more convenient.

Make sure the side dishes are well prepared, and the hot pot ingredients can be cooked and eaten after simmering for a while.

Mother Su and Mother Li were feeding crucian carp soup to the babies.

The boiled milk is white and smells delicious.

Li Chen called Li Chengdong, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Li Chengdong was silent for a second, now!"

Kang Wenyi has made an appointment with his aunt, and he can view the house tomorrow.

Li Chen said with a smile, "Eat first, there are hot pot and barbecue here, it depends on what you want to eat."

Kang Wenyi knew that it would not be a big problem to cooperate in cooking hot pot.

But I still don’t understand what other plans Li Chen has.

Everyone was walking around.

One day I ate small hot pot, and another time I had barbecue.

Third Aunt, who has never eaten barbecue, seemed to have discovered a new world.

"Oh, these grilled chicken wings taste good! The cauliflower is also delicious..."

The third aunt couldn't stop eating at all.

`~No wonder you young people like to eat barbecue so much, it tastes delicious.

Everyone laughs at her, it’s so sweet!

When the meal was almost over, Li Chengdong came.

The third aunt joked.

"It's a coincidence. There's still some left. Come and try your brother's barbecue. It tastes really good."

"This small hotpot also has vegetables. You can cook whatever you want."

Li Chengdong said with a smile, "No wonder I smelled it from so far away. Fortunately, I came early and it was gone if I was one step too late."

After finishing the rest of the barbecue, Li Chengdong came to eat small hot pot again.

Li Chen sat down and said, "Whatever you want to eat, I'll cook it for you."

"No, no, I can do it myself."

Li Chen asked Kang Wenyi, "Would you like some more?"

Kang Wenyi understood Li Chen's intention, sat down and cooked some potato chips for himself.

It was obvious that the three of them had something to discuss.

Everyone wisely went downstairs, leaving the living room to them.

Li Chen smiled and said, "This is my high school classmate, Kang Wenyi."

"This (Mano's) is my second uncle's son, who later became Chengdong."

Kang Wenyi greeted him, "Hello, Brother Cheng."

Li Chengdong put down his chopsticks and said, "Call me Brother Cheng and you'll be fine. Just call me Chengdong."

"Then call me Wen Yi."

After getting to know each other, Li Chen started talking about business.

"Wen Yi told me that he wanted to invest 300,000 yuan and open a fish hotpot restaurant with me."

"You know that I can't be a hands-off shopkeeper in the magic city, so I just want you to join the army.

Li Chengdong was overjoyed and nodded hastily, "I'll join!"

He has tasted Li Chen's cooking.

I also know that Li Chen teaches cooking skills in the restaurant opened by Xu Jiao.

Business is tens of thousands every day!

[Updated today, all the bosses, Huahua, monthly votes, and evaluation votes can vote! As long as I am here, I will keep writing! I hope you guys will support me! However, I am a woman, so when it comes to liver damage, I try my best!】.

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