City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 156 This Big Family Comes To Help

When I got home, except Su Mo'er who was upstairs, no one else slept and waited for the news.

"The store has been found. Let's reorganize it and prepare for opening during the Lantern Festival."

Li Zhiming asked, "What are you going to do?"

“Buffet steak and fish hot pot buffet.

After chatting for a while, Li Chen went upstairs, where Su Moer was coaxing Erbao.

"Pull it, pull it...

Erbao reached out for Li Chen to hug him, his aggrieved look made people feel heartbroken.

"Dad will come and hold the baby after he washes his hands."

Su Mo'er held Erbao in her arms and supervised, "Dad, your hands will be washed soon, don't rush, don't rush!"

"Er Bao didn't see you today. He's been in a bad temper for a long time!"

Li Chen hurriedly washed his hands and spread them out. Erbao turned over to ask for the baby.

Li Chen took her over, and Erbao hugged him and kept calling her, "Bah, Bah, Bah."

The voice was soft, and the word "610" was waxy, which made my heart melt.

"Do you miss your father, Erbao? Dad has gone out to do something very important!"

"Starting tomorrow, daddy will always stay with the babies, okay?"

While talking, he kissed Erbao's forehead.

Erbao lay on his chest and looked at Su Mo'er with big eyes.

Su Mo'er teased her.

"Are you happy now that daddy is back? Huh?"

Erbao seemed to understand what his mother said and grinned.

The other babies were playing on the bed.

Wubao suddenly felt that the toy in his hand no longer smelled good, as if thinking.

Do children who can cry get candy?

Li Chen came over, picked up Wubao and coaxed him, "Dad, hug our Wubao too!"

The two daughters have completely different personalities and are both Li Chen's pet peeves.

Both daughters lay on Li Chen's chest, Qiao Qingqing.

Dabao didn't know anything about what happened.

Until he found that the five treasures around him were gone, and turned around to look.

I saw two younger sisters being hugged lovingly by their father.

And he has nothing!

Erbao is the kind of person who is not good at expressing himself.

He watched helplessly, playing with the four treasures carelessly and the three treasures who were indifferent to him.

A sharp contrast.

Li Chen sat on the sofa and said, "Honey, bring me Dabao."

Su Moer placed Dabao on Li Chen's chest.



Dabao sat on Li Chen's chest, bumping her head, very happy.

Su Mo'er wanted to hug him away.

"No, let the baby play, the weight is not a problem."

Dabao's plump little PP was shaking hard, and Su Mo'er's hand was supporting him.

"Well..." A muffled groan came.

Su Mo'er quickly picked up Dabao and said, "Hubby, are you okay?"

Li Chen shook his head, "Fortunately, if Dabao weighs more, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you a happy life in the future."

Su Mo'er is no longer the little white rabbit she was before.

He immediately understood what Li Chen meant and blushed, "I'll put Dabao back.

Dabao is not the kind to hold on to something, he just plays with it when he is satisfied.

Erbao and Wubao yawned on Li Chen's chest.

I'm afraid I won't fall asleep soon.

Sure enough, within five minutes, everyone fell asleep.

Su Moer and Li Chen placed the children in sleeping bags.


"What's wrong?"

"I still feel pain, please show me if it's broken."

Su Mo'er said coquettishly, "See for yourself, I, I won't show it to you."

"Really?" Li Chen hugged her and asked in a low voice, are you not worried about our happy life?"

Su Moer blushed and pursed her lips, "Go away!"

"I don't!"

Here, Li Chengdong comes back, and everyone at home is waiting for him.

Li Zhicheng saw his son's face beaming with joy and said with a smile, "How's the progress going?"

Li Chengdong smiled and waited for me to drink some water. "

The second aunt smiled and said, "You tell me, I'll pour it for you."

After Li Chen finished talking about this matter, the couple were frightened by Li Chen's decisiveness in doing things.

The second aunt asked, "900,000 yuan at that time?"

"Isn't that right? He also said that all the money for the renovation will be credited to him, and he will settle the matter with us later."

"I finally figured it out. Kang Yiwen and I are actually just working together. Li Chen is rich, but we just need someone to help us run the business together.

Li Chengdong felt that he couldn't look at Li Chen at all.

Before, he still had a sense of superiority.

Among the sisters of the Li family, she is the one with the best fate and the best conditions.

Don't let Li Chen break this sense of superiority now, let him face reality completely...

"Tomorrow, your dad and I will go to the store to see if we can help you and try to help you open the Lantern Festival.

Li Chengdong said, "Isn't it our turn to treat everyone to dinner?"

"How can I care about this now? I believe they will understand.

Li Chengdong smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"You kid, we are your parents, let's talk about hard work or not."

The second aunt discussed with her daughter-in-law, "You will go back to your parents' house to stay for a while in the next few days. Your father and I will go to the store to help, and we don't have time to take care of you and Xiaojie.

Sister Qin thought for a while and said, "I might as well contribute a little, go to the store to see what can be done, and find something to do."

Husband and wife are of the same mind, and I will definitely be by my husband's side this time.

"Okay, more people, more power."

The next day, the second aunt called every house.

Everyone is invited to see where the store is and if you can help, please help.

On the way, the third aunt complained quite a bit, "Xiaojuan knows, but she doesn't know how to blame us.

Li Zhichao sneered, "What are you complaining about? Who can you blame if you don't have the ability?"

Would he not know the virtues of his own children?

Except for Li Cai and Li Xiaojuan, everyone came.

Kang Wen said that I would help anyone I can find.

His parents, Kang Qiao, also came.

"How big is this? Is it three to four hundred square meters?"

"There must be one in 5.7. The decoration is really nice and very unique."

"Looks pretty tall..."

Kang Wenyi had contacted the refrigerators last night and found a total of five brand-new ones.

All of a sudden, everyone became busy.

The babies looked at the busy people in the stroller and thought they were playing games.

Everyone smiled happily.

We need to decorate the children's area, buy TVs, buy baking sheets, and source supplies.

The store name needs to be changed again, and promotional leaflets need to be made, etc.

All these things will be completed in more than ten days.

All of a sudden, everyone came to help.

The most idle ones are Su Moer and Li Chen.

After taking over the leaflet matter, I went to find someone to design the drawings.

[It must be the wrong way to ask for flowers... Guys, is it OK to kneel down? Is it OK to lie down? Is it OK to stick your head out?].

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