City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 163 Decided To Wean Sanbao

[Ding dong, congratulations to the owner for the reward of "accompanying the baby to participate in activities", five bottles of children's physical enhancement liquid. It has been added to the baby's complementary food and finished. 】

【Physique enhancement liquid can help your baby improve his eyesight, strengthen his resistance, and help your baby grow up healthily. 】

Li Chen"...

After feeding the babies, Xiao Huang went to the kitchen.

Smell here, smell there.

Li Chen took out his mobile phone and played a video of the babies participating in the crawling competition for Su Ronger.

Su Moer covered her mouth and exclaimed, "The babies who came to participate are all so cute!"

After watching the video, Su Moer regretted not participating.

Miss the way the babies compete.

"Sister-in-law, next time there is such an event, you and brother come together!"


Even if you ask for leave, you must be present.

After the chicken soup is simmered, when you open the lid of the casserole, you will be greeted by the rich smell of chicken soup.

Wen Tao said like a child, "It's time to eat!"

Every time I come here to eat, I feel so happy.

Sitting down, Wen Tao drooled, "I will definitely find a wife who can cook in the future!"

After Li Chen served the rice, he shredded the cat's chicken breast and placed it in the cat's food plate.

"Xiao Huang? Xiao Huang?"

At this time, cats usually accompany the babies, so why are they missing?

After cleansing and removing the marrow, Li Chen's hearing was better than that of ordinary people. He listened carefully and looked for the sound.

Open the door from the kitchen to the courtyard, "?"


"Hubby, is Xiao Huang outside?"

"Well, you eat, I'll go take a look at it."

After closing the door and looking for the sound, I guessed what Xiao Huang was doing.

Sure enough, Xiao Huang was running around in the chicken coop anxiously, meowing non-stop.

The chickens and ducks in the chicken coop are all confident, and they probably know that Xiao Huang can't get in.

Xiao Huang walked on cat steps, stretched his head to look around, and wanted to jump into the chicken coop.

Li Chen had quick hands and eyes and caught Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang turned his head, his eyes a little confused.

Li Chen is funny, "Eat meat la Guang."

Xiao Huang said "meow", still reluctant to part with the chicken and duck, and didn't want to give up.

Upon seeing this, Li Chen carried it into the house and closed the window.

"It wants to catch the chicken." Li Chen carried Xiao Huang to the chicken breast.

Xiao Huang meowed, lowered his head and started eating.

Wen Tao said, "Then I will build something on top. I heard that chickens in rural areas are very powerful and can fly.

Su Mo'er looked surprised, "Fly?"

"Yes, they can still sleep in the trees in winter."

Su Mo'er was even more surprised, "Really?"

This is for Li Chen.

What Li Chen felt was true, there was no need for Wen Tao to lie.


Su Mo'er exclaimed, "Awesome!"

Wen Tao and Li Chen were left dumbfounded.

Wen Tao found a cardboard one and unfolded it to cover the chicken coop.

"Brother, sister-in-law, I'm leaving first."

Li Chen nodded, "Well, drive slower on the road."

While washing dishes, Su Mo'er suddenly heard a scream.

"Husband, come here quickly!"

Li Chen put down the bowl and rushed out of the kitchen, following Su Mo'er's gaze.

He saw Si Bao standing up tremblingly while holding on to the sofa.

Su Mo'er was holding on frightenedly behind her.

Although it has thick soft pads, it will not hurt the baby.

"Husband, our four treasures can stand up on our own."

Every step of the growth of babies is very remarkable in the eyes of parents.

Si Bao only stood for about five seconds before a PP fell on Su Mo'er's hand.

Su Moer hugged him and praised, "The baby is great!"

Li Chen smiled slightly, "Yes, our baby is the best!"

In the evening, Li Chen fed the babies a few mouthfuls of chicken soup.

Because Sanbao wanted to drink milk, he was not fed.

Wu Bao didn't deliberately wean him without knowing it [Wu Bao stopped eating.

Feed her and just hold it in her mouth.

In this way, the trouble of weaning a baby is solved.

Next is the Three Treasures.

Sanbao is very persistent. If he doesn't feed at night, he will lose his temper.

He doesn't lose his temper, he just expresses his dissatisfaction to you immediately.

Su Mo'er patted Sanbao's back gently and looked at him with a satisfied expression on his face, feeling very sad.

"Husband, I have very little milk and I need to wean the baby off."

"But Sambo is so persistent, how can I stop it?"

Li Chen frowned, "If not, why don't we wait until we are completely out of milk?"

Su Mo'er's face was full of sorrow and she sighed, "But the baby drinks every day and gets some milk. But he doesn't eat much complementary food now. I think about grandma every day and I can't feed him enough."

Li Chen comforted her, "Don't be anxious, take your time."

"`~I will feed him more complementary food tomorrow night. Don't feel bad or soft-hearted if he cries or makes trouble. After a few nights, he will stop making trouble when he runs out of milk.

Su Mo'er raised her head and asked, "Really?"


In fact, he didn't know for sure, but it was hard to say.

What the couple was most worried about before was the weaning of Wubao, but in the end, weaning just happened naturally.

Maybe the Three Treasures...probably can do it too!

Sanbao drank the milk and slept in Su Moer's arms with a satisfied look on his face.

Li Chen put Sambo into the sleeping bag.

Si Bao was having fun holding toys.

Alas, when can we see the four treasures go to bed early and get up late?

"Hmm? Where's Xiao Huang?"

Li Chen found that the usual little guard was missing now.

I went to the door and took a look. No cat food was eaten, and no cat litter was used.

I roughly know where it went.

"Honey, you go to sleep, I'm going to catch Xiao Huang. This little guy may have gone to catch chickens again."

Sure enough, Xiao Huang was wandering around the chicken coop.

The chickens and ducks huddled together with (Nuo's) companions to keep warm, and Xiao Huang stretched out his little paws to grab the mangosteen.

Several times failed.

Li Chen watched for a long time, laughing so hard.

"Xiao Huang, come in."

Xiao Huang meowed to express his refusal.

"Xiao Huang, go home!"

Hearing the sharp tone of Li Chen's tone, Xiao Huang hesitated for a moment and meowed for mercy.

Li Chen had no choice but to carry it back to the house.


Li Chen took out dried small fish from the cabinet and gave it to the cat to satisfy his craving.

"Eat, don't catch the chicken, Ming."

Xiao Huang purred non-stop while eating the fish.

Li Chen checked the doors and windows and went back to his room to sleep.

When I got up to make breakfast the next day, I found that Xiao Huang was not there, so I stopped by the backyard to take a look.


Then he saw a chicken coming in leisurely from under his eyes.

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