City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 175 Arrangements For The Babies

Compared with the four treasures, they are more fearless.

Dabao, who followed closely behind, was extra cautious.

Sitting on the slide, Li Chen was holding me up, and Li's mother was coaxing me from below, but she didn't dare to slide down.

"Dabao, come on, don't be afraid if you slide down, grandma is catching up below.

"Look at grandma holding out her hand, daddy is also protecting you, we are not afraid!"

Finally, with constant encouragement, Dabao began to move the little PP.

Li Chen held him with both hands and gently led him down.

Dabao fell into Mother Li's arms.

"Look, grandma caught our big baby, didn't she?"

"I'm not afraid at all, it's fun!"

Dabao laughed and was very happy.

Sambo, playing on the slide is unique.

Even if you lie down on the slide, you won't be given a seat. You have to lie down and slide down.

Li Chen was a little dumbfounded, "Come on, come on, I'll arrange it for you! Let's go!"

Sanbao blinked and turned to look at the slide.

The little expression seemed to say.

Hey, this feels good, I really want to play it again.

Erbao is not afraid at all and is having fun playing.

Wubao kept grabbing Li Chen's hand, "Pull it, pull it..."

Li Chen kissed her and encouraged her.

"Don't be afraid, dad is here, and Rizhi is here to accompany Wu Chen!

Li Chen takes Wubao skating little by little.

"Look, daddy didn't lie to you, right? He will always be with you, right?"

Come on, keep playing!

After playing a few times, Wubao gradually let go, and a smile gradually appeared on his little face.

After changing the babies' diapers, as the weather got warmer, Li Chen was late in putting them on.

Li's mother asked, "Do you want the baby boy to wear crotchless pants?"

Li Chen shook his head, "If the babies want to shush, they will do it themselves.

He is taking care of his daughter. It is not good to wear open pants. He must pay attention to hygiene.

Just wear pants together.

It’s just a lot more troublesome to take care of.

Always pay attention to the baby's behavior when he or she shushes or poops.

They can't control themselves yet, or it's too late to say anything.

This requires Li Chen to make his own judgment.


There was something wrong with Sanbao's expression, and he was holding back a feeling of energy.

"Mom, you look at the babies, I'm going to take Sanbao to the toilet.

Sure enough, Sambora stinks.

When I come back after cleaning up, Dabao here will also stink.

Li's mother hesitated and asked, "Have you ever thought about hiring a nanny?"

"The babies are older now, and it will be very difficult for you to take care of them alone."

Li Chen smiled faintly, "We'll see when the time comes."

Li's mother took them to the Ocean Ball.

Oh, the babies are so happy.

Even Sambo, who usually showed no joy, smiled cheerfully.

Four treasures, chew them back.

Li Chen slapped the ball out of his hand.

"You little idiot, you think this is edible!"

Li's mother asked, "Are the babies hungry?"

Li Chen stared at Si Bao, "No, Si Bao is a foodie."

"When I was teething, I wanted to bite everything I saw. Now it's much better."

Si Bao persevered in wanting to taste the ocean balls and what they tasted like.

It is estimated that in his eyes, the colorful ocean balls attracted his attention too much.

Li Chen has been supervising him.

Always uphold the Four Treasures, never give up or give up.

I want to take a bite tirelessly.

"Come on, come on! Dad has a way..."

There were spare ocean balls in the store, so Li Chen took them to the kitchen and started disinfecting them.

Finally, give it to the Four Treasures.

"Come on, come on, take a bite!"

Si Bao happily took it over and took a bite.

After playing for less than ten seconds, the four treasures were thrown away, but Li Chen quickly caught them with quick hands and eyes.

"Are you satisfied now? How do you feel? What does it taste like?"

Li Chen asked the four treasures.

Si Bao didn't answer, but he won't be obsessed with the ocean ball anymore.

The babies are almost done playing. "Dian Chen took the babies to eat hot pot.

"Li Chen!"

Li Chengdong now felt the wind at his feet, and his face was full of spring breeze.

He came over to say hello to Teacher Huo and Teacher Xiao Min.

"Originally, I told Wen Yi that I would visit you during the May Day holiday.

"I didn't expect you to come back without saying a word."

"Come on, let me and Wen Yi have a drink together?"

Li Chen smiled lightly, "No, I want to take care of the child."

Li Chengdong's personality has changed a lot now, and he doesn't force others to do anything.

"Then let's take the children to play. Whether we go to the amusement park or not, babies like you can play there.

Li Chen's heart moved, "Okay.

"I'll take Xiaojie and your sister Qin to wait for you that afternoon."

"You eat, I won't disturb you."

0…Please give me flowers…

Li Chen feeds complementary foods to the babies.

After playing for more than an hour, I had diarrhea again, and my stomach was empty now.

Even Sanbao ate well.

Li Chen didn't start eating until the babies finished eating.

"I will go to the kitchen to prepare complementary food for the babies later. I will have something to eat when they are tired from playing."

Su Mo'er held the thermos bucket and said, "I'll wash it after I go."

"No, I'll just go. You can take Teacher Huo and Teacher Xiao Min shopping and playing. I'll just keep an eye on the babies."

Li's mother also said, "Yes, I will just follow Li Chen. You can entertain your friends well."

Xiao Min quickly said, "Auntie, no need. Mobile phones are very convenient now. You can find out where there is something interesting."

Teacher Huo also said, "Yes, there is no need for Teacher Su to accompany us specially.


Li's mother looked at Su Mo'er.

Su Mo'er smiled and said, "Let's go shopping together. By the way, I haven't gone shopping with you yet."

Teacher Xiao Min thought, "It's true."

"Then let's go shopping together. I feel relieved that Mom and Li Chen are here."

Xiao Min held Su Moer's arm and said, "We will borrow Teacher Su for half a day today!"

Li's mother really likes this girl Xiao Min.

He has a cheerful and lively personality, a sweet mouth, and is also a university teacher.

I really want to introduce her to someone.

"You go and play." Li Chen took Su Mo'er's hand and said, "Baby, say goodbye to mommy.

In the minds of babies, goodbye means that their mother is going to work and will be back.

Erbao waved bye, "Bye bye!"

Wubao, "Mama, bye..."

Si Bao, "Goodbye!"

Dabao waved his hand and remained silent.

Three treasures, see you off.

Su Mo'er kissed the babies and said, "Be good. Mommy will bring you toys when she comes back, okay?"

At the end, Su Mo'er said with a hint of shyness, "Hubby, I'm leaving. Call me if you need anything."

"Okay, don't worry about money, remember to buy more clothes."


Xiao Min shed tears of envy.

Such a good husband, can you give her a dozen?

Xiao Min held Su Mo'er's hand, full of expectations.

"Teacher Su, I envy the relationship between you so much. I really hope I can meet you in the future!"

[Today’s author, Jun, has a violent liver... Aren’t there any big guys feeding him? T-T five].

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