City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 179 Why Do Handsome Guys Get Married Young?

Li Chen spread quilts and pillows around the crib.

This prevents the baby from secretly turning over the crib and falling when the adults are not around.

There were no bags in the corner of the villa at home. Li Chen slapped his forehead and forgot about it.

"Honey, you watch the babies while I go to the nearby supermarket to buy something."

"buy what?"

"It's for wrapping furniture corners.


Li Chen went downstairs and saw Xiao Min enjoying the sausages, spicy and sweet.

On the plate next to it, there are also sliced ​​pig ears, pig tails, and pig trotters.

There are also chicken gizzards, chicken feet, and chicken wings.

Not much, it's a separate area for one person.

Xiao Min was a little embarrassed and asked, " you eat it?"

Li Chen smiled, "I won't eat, Mom, I'll go to the supermarket to order something.

"Want to buy wine? We have wine and beer at home, so you don't need to buy any."

After Li Chen explained, Li's mother suddenly realized.

"Okay, if the supermarket doesn't have it, there's a baby store nearby, you can go check it out.

"I see."

Li Chen scanned a shared car and came to the supermarket.

The supermarket didn't have it, and I went to the nursery store, but it didn't have it either.

There was no other way, so he could only place an order on his mobile phone and buy it in the same city.

The seller promised to deliver the goods to your home between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m.

On his way back home at night, Li Chen saw someone handing out flyers and giving away small toys.

the staff shouted.

“It’s only 19.9 yuan to try the early childhood education class for babies aged 1 month to 3 years old!”

“For only 19.9 yuan, you can experience it once.”

"Auntie, would you like to take your little grandson to experience it? It's very cheap, only 19.9 yuan, and it doesn't even cost a field.

"Children, do you want to come and play at Auntie's place? There are many children there."

Li Chen parked the car aside.

The staff quickly greeted, "This parent, would you like to come and find out more."

Li Chen took the flyer.

The flyer clearly states that it accepts early education for babies aged 1 month to 3 years old.

The content is rich, and you can take the babies to play games, sing and dance together, and learn about objects together.

Behind is the indoor environment, which looks pretty good.

I also took some pictures of the babies playing games.

The little brother who distributed the flyers came over and asked, "How old is the baby at home?"

Li Chen came to his senses and said, "Oh, my baby is almost five months old."

"Then you're almost learning to walk and can talk?"

Mentioning the baby, a smile appeared involuntarily.

"Well, now start walking slowly."

"I can call mom and dad, speak some simple words, and can express my meaning."

Especially Si Bao, he can walk a certain distance by holding things on his own.

Dabao and Erbao are a little bit better and can leave.

Wubao and Sambo are more or less trying.

This is an instinct, and they are full of exploration about walking.

Li Chen asked the child care doctor.

It is normal for babies to try to walk at nine months old. Some babies walk early, but Tianyue has already mastered it.

He plans to buy walkers for his babies after May Day.

"Yes, then the baby can come to our early childhood education class."

"For babies from 1 to 6 months old, we focus on sensory education.

"It's better to let parents and babies have parent-child experiences, take companionship classes, etc."

"For babies during this period, we stimulate the child's brain neurological development, improve the child's crawling ability, and lay a good foundation for the child's IQ and EQ development.

"At this stage of 6 to 12 months, the main focus is on the development of our hearing and language skills. 1"

"Let your baby learn how to communicate with others and strengthen hand-eye coordination by playing games."

"Promote children's development of all aspects of perception and learn to express their emotions."

"12 to 24 months, babies at this age already have certain mobility capabilities."

“Therefore, in the early education courses at this stage, (aeei) we will use game training to enhance the child’s physical abilities and teach him more cognition.

"From 24 to 36 months old, babies have stable mobility and will begin to explore things that interest them on their own."

“Therefore, we must pay attention to the development of children’s brain and motor abilities at the same time, so that children can form independent personalities and have basic self-care abilities.

Another staff member came over.

"Now, while parents love their babies more, they also have more expectations for them."

“Our early childhood education class is actually more like a nursery, where we play with the babies, help them understand them better, and explore their interests.

"Of course, we don't advocate premature education now."

“Most of us are just playing, not taking classes, so parents, you can rest assured.

In fact, everyone knows it well.

For babies under six months old, parents rarely arrange early education classes.

Unless the family has a mine and the child has high hopes from birth, he will come to early education classes.

After six months, the baby is brought to play with peers.

Most of them are given to them in nursery after weaning.

Li Chen believes that babies should really like playing with their peers.

"Can our parents accompany us?"

The staff said with a smile.

"We can accompany you here, because many of them are parent-child games, and parents also need to participate."

“It doesn’t matter if parents don’t have time, they can leave their babies to us without any worries.

"Our classrooms have 360-degree surveillance, so parents can see their babies at any time."

Li Chen thought about it and took the babies to an experience class.

Just go and play with other children.

Li Chen asked, "Scan the QR code here?"

"Yes, I want to issue an invoice to you. Can you give me your name and phone number?"

Li Chen swept a hundred.

"Sir, you scanned it wrong."

"We have a class at 19.9."

Li Chen smiled and said, "I know, but my situation is special. I am a quintuplet."

The staff were stunned.

This dad is not only handsome, but also very young.


It’s also very good at giving birth!!

Envy and jealousy.

"We have two trial classes tomorrow, I don't know if you choose morning or afternoon.


"Okay, come then from 4:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon.


"Looking forward to the arrival of you and the five babies."

Li Chen smiled and rode away.

The female staff member lamented, “Are people getting married young nowadays?”

She was still thinking about applying for her nephew, but she didn't expect that he would become a father!

And a father of five babies!

So angry!

[Please give me votes, flowers, evaluation votes, and reminder votes from the big guys. I beg you!]

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