City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 187 Taking Your Baby To Experience Activities

The parents present saw Li Chen alone, busy with the babies, with skillful and gentle movements.

Su Mo'er on the side was just doing a favor and handing something over.

All of a sudden, the status of the family is instantly clear.

The mothers present were sour and felt very tasteful.

After cleaning up the babies, a female teacher walked into the classroom with a gentle smile on her face.

She introduces herself to the parents.

"Hello everyone, I am the teacher of this early childhood education experience class, and now we are officially in class.

"Now, I would like to invite all of us parents to introduce themselves to each other with our babies!"

Many parents came to this experience class.

"Hello everyone, I am Chen Meiqi's mother. She is seven months old this year and has a lively and cheerful personality.

"Hello everyone, I am Zhu Zhenxuan's mother. He is eight months old this year and has a lively and active personality."

Hello everyone, I am Liu Shiyu’s mother. She is almost one year old this year and is introverted and shy.

When it was Li Chen's turn, he smiled slightly.

"Hello everyone, I am the 04 father of the 'Hejia Le An Ran' quintuplets.

"They are almost nine months old, and this is the mother of the babies.

Su Moer smiled slightly and said, "Hello everyone."

"This is Dabao, with a mature and stable character and great strength."

You can see it, and he has been playing with his toys obediently from the beginning.

"This is Erbao. He has a lively and cheerful personality and a loud voice."

Well, I can see it too, sometimes my voice can overwhelm the parents.

"This is Sanbao. He has a quiet and restless personality, but occasionally has a bad temper."

Well, they really like to be quiet. They don't give them a look or a word.

“This is the fourth treasure, the most lively and mischievous, very easy to get along with, and a foodie.

This is very clear.

I keep staring at the apples and bananas brought by the teacher, my eyes are shining.

"This is Wubao. He has a gentle personality and loves to laugh. He is a little shy and afraid of strangers."

Yes, he loves to laugh a lot.

The look in the eyes of parents is so gentle.

Looking the most beautiful!

It seems like I have such a daughter (daughter-in-law)!

Looking at the babies with different personalities, everyone shed tears of envy.

After introducing each one one by one.

The teacher clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"In fact, babies between 6 and 12 months old have already learned a lot of skills. What we have to do is to tap more of their potential."

"We also do some right-brain development stuff here."

"Now let me tell you parents briefly why the earlier you develop the potential of your baby's right brain, the better.

"The right brain is used to store innate memories, and the left brain is used to store acquired memories.

"The right brain is responsible for talent, and the left brain is responsible for logic and memory."

"The left brain mainly completes the thinking, understanding and behavior of language, logic, analysis, and algebra. It carries out orderly and organized thinking, that is, logical thinking."

"The right brain controls the nerves and sensations of the left half of the body, and is a "dumb brain" without a language center.

"But there is a center that accepts music, which is mainly responsible for visual, comprehensive, geometric, and painting thinking and behavior."

"That is to say, they are responsible for appreciating paintings, appreciating natural scenery, appreciating music, observing things intuitively, looking at the overall situation, and grasping the whole.

"What it boils down to is that the right brain has the ability to recognize, figure, space, paint, and image. It is image thinking."

"Metaphorically speaking, the left brain is good at language and logical analysis; it is also like a scientist."

"Good at abstract thinking and complex calculations, but rigid and lacking in depth and rich emotions.

"The right brain is like an artist, good at non-verbal image thinking and intuition."

"Has an extraordinary understanding of music, art, dance and other artistic activities, and a strong spatial imagination."

"So, the sooner you develop your right brain, the more potential abilities you can maximize!"

When the teacher spoke again, the parents listened very carefully.

The babies, on the other hand, became one with themselves.

Only the Five Treasures and the Three Treasures were nestled obediently in the arms of Li Chen and Su Moer.

One doesn't want to play, and the other doesn't dare to play.

The teacher clapped his hands and said, "Okay, now let's start playing games.

After finishing speaking, the teacher put an apple on the table.

"Now let's teach the baby about this apple."

"First of all, we can't just tell him this is Apple.

"We're going to tell him this is red, round, and smells good."

"It's edible, and it tastes sweet and crunchy."

"It's called Apple."

“When introducing something, mothers and fathers must introduce it in an all-round way so that babies can have more room for imagination.

The teacher took the apple and introduced it one by one in front of several children.

While describing it, she asked the babies to smell it, see it, and try to understand it.

When the apple is in front of the four treasures.

He hugged the apple, and the teacher took out the small apple strip hidden behind his back.

Put on gloves and give the babies a taste.

Babies this month have all grown teeth and can eat without any pressure.

The teacher specially chose soft and bubbly apples, not hard.

While the babies were eating, the teacher told them over and over again.

Strengthen their 307 memory.

Then he took out another banana.

"It is curved, yellow, tastes sweet, and tastes soft."

"It's a banana!"

After that. Another banana was given to each baby.

Let them experience what a banana feels like in their hands, and let the babies learn her movements.

Smell what a banana tastes like.

The teacher was very patient and told every child present over and over again, what on earth is this?

What color is it?

What does it taste like.

Let the babies experience the taste themselves.

The second treasure, while eating, kept saying apple, yes.

Si Bao only focused on eating by himself and stared at the food in the teacher's hand.

The teacher smiled and asked, "Baby, what is this?"


Si Bao has put a lot of effort into eating.

"Is it tasty?"

Si Bao nodded, "It's delicious.

In the past, the four treasures could not speak as fluently as the second treasure, but later they stuttered.

When it comes to eating, I haven't had any trouble.

[Seeing the boss feeding me, the author instantly became energetic!]

[I beg the bosses for their monthly votes, evaluation votes, and reminders for updates!]

[Now it has been updated to 10,000, so I will continue writing. Please give me some feedback from the big guys!].

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