City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 190 Li Yuan’S Classmates Come To Visit

Li Chen settled the babies and came to the kitchen to help.

Li's mother smiled and said, "I brought food to Xiaoyuan today. His friends all like your cooking."

"Xiaoyuan asked me to ask you, how about inviting friends to your home for dinner today?"

Li Chen has a good impression of Xiaoyuan's friends.

"no problem."

"Then I'll call Xiaoyuan."

"Well, let's ask some of his friends what they want to eat."


Five minutes later, Li Chen started busy in the kitchen.

Li's mother was slapping her hands nearby, but was called by Li Chen to see the child.

After babies get on the walker, they become more powerful and can go wherever they want.

If there are a few kids who all like to play, then one is happy.

Only Sanbao is not crazy, holding the toy in his hand.

After seeing this, Su Moer took Sanbao out of the walker and played with Wubao in the activity area.

Mother Li comes over.

Ouch yelled, "Oh my God, they're not walking, they're driving."

But no, swish, swish, and I don’t know how tired I am.

Seeing that the time is almost up, shush the babies.

Now the babies stink three times a day.

Get up once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. Most of them are regular.

As for peeing, you should do it once every two hours to see if there is any.

When babies are having fun, they forget about peeing and pee their pants.

Fortunately, the weather is warm, so even if I wet my pants, I can just wash the PP.

It’s a lot more troublesome in winter.

Su Moer called Teacher Xiao Min.

I have already started cooking dinner and asked her when she would be back.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Su, I was just going to tell you that I'm going back to the Magic City..."

Teacher Su asked with concern, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's not my mother. She thought I was at school. She couldn't see anyone when she came to see me, so she called 110."

Su Mo'er was surprised, "Ah? You came over here and didn't call your parents?"

"No, I'm not a dual-SIM mom. I changed my SIM card and she doesn't know my number.

Su Mo'er didn't expect that Teacher Xiao Min was quite rebellious.

"Cheng, then go back, pay attention to safety on the road, and call me when you get there.

Xiao Min said cheerfully, "Okay, I've excused you for the past two days. Please tell Auntie."

Su Mo'er nodded, "I understand."

Mother Li is right next to her, isn't she coming?"

"I have something to do at home, so I'm going home."

Li's mother didn't ask any more questions, and asked about today's morning class.

180 per class is indeed a bit expensive......

One baby is fine, but the key is five.

However, for the sake of the babies, Li’s mother still agreed to go to early childhood education.

"I am not an old-fashioned thinker. Early childhood education has become a common imagination now. There is nothing wrong with going to see it and get in touch with it."

"Other babies have it, but if we have the conditions, we must let the baby have it."

"As a parent, it's so heartbreaking to see your baby's disappointed look."

Parents often work hard to give their babies the best.

He had wronged himself, but he could not wrong his children.

After eight o'clock, Li Zhiming came back.

"Hey, no meal?"

Li's mother glared at him, "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat."

"You said, besides eating, what else do you do?"

"Can't do anything!"

Li Zhiming was confused.

"What happened to me? I just said one thing and you attacked me like a firecracker."

Li's mother snorted coldly, "Did you go out drinking today?"

Li Zhiming was wronged, "No! I went to sign the bill today, and they asked me to have dinner, but I refused."

Li's mother looked better now.

"It's so rich tonight. Did you know that I signed the order and made it specially for me?"

Li Zhiming went to pour the wine as he spoke.

"When my son cooks such delicious food, how can he not pair it with fine wine?"

Li's mother started talking again, "Drink, drink, drink, you will know how to drink in one day. It means nothing."

"And, as you may think, these are all made for classmate Xiaoyuan.

Li Zhiming,

He was certain.

This is definitely the second wave of menopause.

After cooking, Li Yuan and his classmates finished school. It was already half past eight, almost nine o'clock.

Li Chen has already fed the babies solid food and put them to sleep.

And, darling, you must not let the Four Treasures see this meat.

That little foodie, must he be crazy?

Li Chen's biological clock indirectly affects babies.

Around seven o'clock in the morning, the babies wake up.

0…Please give me flowers…………

Take a nap at two o'clock in the afternoon and wake up around three o'clock.

If you're sleepy, it's around 3:30.

Go to bed at eight o'clock in the evening. Drinking milk powder once in the evening will wake you up for a while.

If there is anything special, it is that the four treasures wake up too early and the three treasures wake up too late.

"Honey, you go down to eat, I'll come and see the four treasures.

Su Mo'er sat beside the bed, "No, I'll stay with you."

She enjoys spending time with Li Chen and the babies,

Even if you don't do anything and just watch quietly, you will be very happy.

Sibao had a great time playing with his walker today. He broke the record today and fell asleep the fastest.

Li Chen settled the babies and finally placed quilts and pillows around the crib.

"Xiao Huang, the next step is up to you."


Xiao Huang has been wild recently!

But Li Chen is not worried about him going out to have a romantic relationship, because he is a father-in-law.

No matter how long Xiao Huang plays outside, he will definitely go home when the babies are sleeping.

Xiao Huang lay on the pillow and meowed twice, seeming to answer Li Chen's words.

The couple went downstairs and heard Xiao Yuan chatting with his classmates.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

Li Chen and Su Moer greeted them with a smile.

This is their second time meeting Li Chen.

This is not the first time they have been guests at Li Yuan's home.

The four of us will study together, and they all study very seriously.

After eating, they went to the living room to do their homework.

Su Mo'er leaned over and asked, "Can I see your textbook?"

"Okay, just watch whatever you want."

"Sister-in-law, my handwriting is ugly, please stop reading it."

"Me, mine doesn't look good either."

Just kidding, I am a university teacher.

As a student, I have an invisible respect for teachers.

Su Moer smiled and said, "It's okay, I won't mind.

Li's mother was washing dishes, and Li Chen cut fruits for them.

I made one for Li Zhiming and one for Xiao Yuan and his classmates.

I made a separate portion for Su Moer.

"What are you looking at?" Li Chen came over and asked.

Su Mo'er smiled and said, "Just look at the textbooks to see if they have changed.

"It's still the same."

[Put yourself up and ask for the flowers and monthly passes in the hands of the big guys... T-T mouth].

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