City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 199 Come To The Supermarket To Take Your Baby To See The Fish

After doing all this, the doctor told Li Chen, "You will have to stay in the hospital for at least ten days."

Li Chen nodded.

"Our hospital has regulations for the later expenses, and you have to pay them."

"If anything happens, we will notify you and refund more or make up for less."

Li Chen paid for ten days of hospitalization fees, medication fees, etc.

When I got busy, it was already half past three in the morning.

Immediately I couldn’t scream secretly, I had to shush the babies at this point.

Li Chen quickly rode back on the electric donkey.

After arriving home, take a quick shower and then go up to the third floor.


As soon as he entered the house, he saw Su Mo'er shushing the babies, in a somewhat dazed state.

When Li Chen came in, he immediately woke up.

"The babies have been shushed."

She put Sanbao into the crib and asked, "Husband, where have you been?"

Li Chen hugged her and told her what happened tonight.

Just as he was talking, Xiao Huang walked to his cat's nest with elegant steps and found a comfortable position to sleep.

"I've only seen videos of this happening before, but I never thought it would happen to us."

Li Chen recalled the dog's appearance, "Animals are all spiritual.

Su Moer felt sympathy when Li Chen talked about the dog.

"That dog is destined to be with us. When it recovers, we will adopt it."

"I think so."

In the afternoon of the next day, after the babies woke up, Li Chen drove an SUV600 out.

The first thing I went to was the pet hospital.

Su Mo'er's eyes turned red when she saw the skinny dog.

After becoming a mother, my heart has become softer and I cannot bear to see such things.

"Let's go, our queen will pick it up and take it home."

They came to the supermarket, and the quintuplets became everyone's focus.

"Look, quintuplets, they are quintuplets! Oh my god, they are so cute!"

"Look at that baby girl, she is so beautiful. She will definitely be a beauty in the future."

“My parents are so good-looking, it’s not an exaggeration to say they are goddesses and gods.

"A family of seven is so well matched! They all have divine looks!"

"As long as I take good care of myself, my future husband will be in kindergarten!"

"It seems like I stole one and took it home. I wonder what color sacks the babies like."

Both husband and wife were tired of hearing these words.

Take the babies to buy necessary supplies.

As soon as they arrived at the supermarket, the babies were dazzled by the video in front of them.

Si Bao was so excited that he almost stood up from the stroller.

Fortunately, it has a buckle, otherwise it would be easy to stand up and run around, right?

After buying the necessities, we went to the seafood and fish area.

Are you here to buy fish?


I took the kids to see the fish.

Watching various fish swimming around, including bullfrogs, soft-shell turtles, lobsters, etc.

The babies' eyes are straight, they can't take their eyes away, and they are very interested.

Su Moer squatted next to them and taught them, "Baby, this is a fish, this is a bullfrog..."

Wubao felt better when he saw the fish, but when he saw the bullfrog, he was frightened and cried.

"Pull it, pull it, hug it..."

Li Chen held Wubao aside and looked at the live shrimps.

"Honey, I'll buy some live shrimp and make shrimp balls for the babies.

Li Chen holds the five treasures in one hand and catches shrimps with a leaky net in the other.

I bought four kilograms of live shrimps, weighed them, and thought of a trio of foodies.

Thinking about the foodie king in my family.

Four pounds is not enough!

Forget it, buy more, the baby needs to eat, and the wife also needs to eat.

All, Li Chen said to the staff who were making prices on the side.

“I want to buy all the live shrimps here.

This place is not close to the coast, so the live shrimp weighs 78 to 81 pounds.

It weighed about ten pounds by visual inspection. The staff weighed it and calculated it to be more than 800 yuan.

"Please scan the QR code here to pay."

Scan the QR code to pay before leaving the supermarket to prevent those who make a purchase and then regret it midway.

Some people will secretly put things on the shelves.

Live shrimp cannot live long out of water, so you will encounter this kind of customer when the time comes.

I lost everything, what should I do?

Su Mo'er was surprised, "Hubby, did you buy so much?"

"Mix this into minced meat, not much."

Finally came to the toy section.

The couple bought a doll for Erbao, and Wubao bought an exquisite doll (aebc).

Dabao and Sibao bought small animals, and Sanbao bought an unbreakable music box.

Everyone has something to gain, the last stop is to go home!

Su Mo'er reminded Li Chen, "We still need to buy jasmine flowers."

Li Chen actually remembers it.

But my wife still needs to be flattered.

"Wife, your memory is so good, I would forget it if you didn't tell me."

Sure enough, Su Mo'er's little face couldn't help but reveal a hint of pride.

"Husband, if anything happens in the future, you tell me and I will help you remember it.


Come to the flower shop.

I bought five pots of jasmine and some lucky bamboo, and everything went smoothly.

I also bought two very large money trees to put in the living room.

When I got home, I moved my things first and then settled the babies.

Potted plants are all shipped by the store.

Not to mention, putting it up adds a lot of green vitality.

"Honey, I'm going to cook."

"Okay, I'll shush the babies."

Li Chen first made the shrimp balls.

Ten pounds of live shrimp must be picked out from the shrimp lines, peeled, and crushed with a blender.

Choosing and peeling shrimp is no small undertaking.

After Su Mo'er finished her work, she came to the dining room to help.

"Husband, you pick the shrimp threads and I'll shell them."

"I'll peel it off so you don't hurt your hands."

After working hard for nearly an hour, it was only through division of labor and cooperation.

The next step is to mince the shrimp meat and make it into meatballs.

Each baby can eat about seven or eight.

The rest is for my wife to eat!

A faint fragrance came from the kitchen, and Li Chen shouted.

"Honey, please eat it with the baby."

"Okay, here we come!"

Su Mo'er placed the babies on the dining chairs, washed their hands and put on bibs.

You can start eating!

"Husband, where's yours?"

"I just ate it in the kitchen."

In fact, every time, I want my wife and babies to eat more.

Su Mo'er never doubted what she said to Li Chen.

This time is no exception.

Li Chen chopped up the small meatballs and fed them to the babies first.

When there is still a little bit left, the babies eat it by themselves.

The dining chairs are so clean that even if food falls on them, they can still be eaten.

The little babies liked it very much, and Sambo also ate a lot this time.

Seeing how much the babies loved to eat, Su Moer kept some of her own.

Not to mention, the babies still need to eat.

Li Chen didn’t expect to be so popular, “Dad will give you more information in a few days.

Seven or eight hundred a time, so expensive!

But for the sake of my baby, I am willing to give it up no matter how expensive it is.

[Today is so exciting, please give me your monthly votes, Huahua, recommendation votes, reminder votes... I beg you! T-T].

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