City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 72 The Li Family’S Team Members Are Here

Xu Jiao had a bad feeling and planned to hide first.

In the end, it was still a step too late and was stopped by Xu's mother.

"Where to go?"


"I haven't even given birth to a grandson. How dare you go to the toilet?"


Her mother was indeed struck crazy.

Su Mo'er quickly put Dabao into Xu's mother's arms.

Xu's mother was diverted.

Xu Jiao showed a grateful smile to Su Mo'er.

As everyone knows, Chu Mu looked at the cute glutinous rice dumplings in front of her.

Tears of envy were shed in my heart.

Father Xu wished he could snatch one and take it home to raise.

I shed tears of dissatisfaction in my heart!

Except for the five treasures that recognize people, the other glutinous rice dumplings are very considerate if you hug them casually.

Li Chen is holding Wubao. Does the baby want to drink from grandma?

Su Mo'er took the five treasures from his arms. "One hundred and eighty-three"

"Husband, go ahead and go ahead, I'll take care of the babies."

Li Chen nodded, "Dad, mom, uncles and aunts, I'll go there first."

With the blessing of good grandchildren, Su's father and Su's mother became more pleased with Li Chen.

Su's father said coldly, "Go ahead, you don't have to worry about it here.

Turning his head, he smiled like a flower.

"Who are you? A second treasure? I am a grandpa, do you know? Yoyoyo, you look so beautiful."

As soon as Li Chen left, Mother Su teased Sun Sun and asked.

"Have you found a confinement nanny? You are taking care of the children?"

Su Mo'er didn't want to discuss this topic at this time.

"Mom, let's talk about it when we have time."

Mother Su nodded.

Li Chen received a call from Yue Lu.

We are already on the way, and we will probably reach the hotel in two or three minutes.

Li Chen stood at the door waiting.

Yue Lu has been away from home for nearly ten years and only comes back during the Chinese New Year.

I don’t come back every year.

A rental car arrived at the door of the hotel, and Yue Lu got out of the car.

Behind is Aunt Li Chen, Yue Lu’s wife Pan Zhen.

And their child Haohao.

"Brother, sister-in-law, aunt..."

Li Chen went up to say hello, and finally looked at Haohao and smiled tenderly.

"Haohao has grown so tall."

Haohao has almost caught up with his mother and is playing with a toy car like a child.

Yue Lu looked surprised, "Li Chen, you are very different now than before!"

Pan Zhen smiled and said, "You are more handsome than before. I remember when I came here last year, you were quite dark."

Aunt Li Chen then added, "It's different now that you're married and a father."

Pan Zhen said quickly, "I heard that your wife gave birth to quintuplets, which is amazing!"

His words were filled with envy.

Li Chen smiled and said, "The babies are inside, let's go!"

Yue Lu put her arm on Li Chen's shoulder, just like before.

He looked at the hotel's facilities, "I've made money, boy, four stars, not bad!'

Li Chen said with a smile, "Because Mo'er and I are in a special situation, this time it's just a half-wedding. I'll organize another one for her later."

Apart from the Li family's parents, only Yue Lu knew the situation.

"It's not easy for girls, you have to treat them well in the future!"

"By the way, uncle, second uncle and the others haven't come yet?"

Li Chen said with a smile, "My mother called me just now and said she will be there in ten minutes."

When he walked into the venue and saw the colorful balloons, Haohao rushed over to play with them.

Pan Zhen grabbed him.

"You can't play with this. Mom will let you play with it after it's over! Play with the army in your hand first.

Haohao insists on playing.

He is no longer the child he was back then.

Li Chen went over and asked the staff to make a flower for Haohao.

The colorful balloons made Haohao calm down and play with them obediently.

Here, father and mother Su also saw the differences between Haohao and Houtang.

Su Mo'er said softly, "They should be my husband's aunt's family. This child is poor. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. 17

Li Chen brought Yue Lu and his family over.

"This is my wife Su Mo'er, just my father-in-law, and this is my mother-in-law."

"This is Uncle Xu, Auntie."

"This is my aunt, this is my brother, and this is my sister-in-law. This is their child."

After saying hello, everyone chatted happily

The five babies have become a star-studded existence.

The envy on the faces of Yue Lu and Pan Zhen could not be concealed.

Li Chen's aunt, on the other hand, was wary of her grandson so as not to hurt the babies.

Pan Zhen pulled Li Chen aside and said, "You can do it. You are so lucky to have such a goddess-level wife!"

Li Chen nodded and admitted, "It's my luck."

Yue Lu came to attend the Hundred Days Banquet.

More importantly, I wanted to see if there was any hope of curing my son's disease.

So, I was always absent-minded.

Li's mother called and said that they had arrived at the hotel door...

This time, everyone except Li Chen’s parents came.

There are also the second uncle Li Zhicheng and his wife, and the third uncle Li Zhichao and his wife.

Among the ordinary people, those who came were Li Zhicheng's son, Li Chengdong and his wife, and their son.

Li Chen stood on the steps.

After going through the first stage of cleansing his essence and marrow, he lost a bit of turbidity and looked clean and refreshed.

If you talk about it in detail, it's dignified.

At the same time, it also makes Li Chen's handsome face more obvious.

People who have met Li Chen can hardly believe that after not seeing him for more than half a year, one person can change to the point where he is completely different from the other person.

"That's Li Chen? It doesn't look like him, he looks so handsome!"

"Who is Li Chen? Although he has changed a lot, he can still be recognized."

Li Chen walked up to him and said hello.

"Second uncle, second aunt, third uncle, third aunt. Brother Chengdong, sister Qin. Our Xiaojie is here too!"

Li Zhicheng looked at Li Chen with a veteran attitude, and spoke with a smile.

"You have changed a lot. Have you made money? Invite us to four-star shopping. It's not bad!"

The second aunt then said, "After half a year of school, not only do I have a wife, but I also have a child. It's amazing!"

The third uncle said directly, "Li Chen, if there is a way to make money, please tell your third uncle."

The smile on Li Chen's face never changed.

"If we have anything to say, let's go in and talk about it first.

He took the opportunity to say to Li's mother, "Mom, be happy, I'm going to meet my in-laws soon."

Mother Li quickly cheered up, are they coming?"

2.8 "Yeah."

When they arrived at the hotel entrance, they all stared at the cute babies on the poster.

Li Chengdong and his wife are very good-looking, and their son Xiaojie is also very cute.

But compared to these little angels.

He looks more honest.

"Li Chen is so lucky to have five babies in one breath!"

"The burden is heavy now! It would cost tens of millions to raise her."

Li Chengdong and Li Chen walked side by side and came over to investigate.

"Aren't you in school? Where do you get the money?"

Li Chen said with a smile, “College life has a lot of time, so I just run around and invest in something.

Li Chengdong obviously didn't believe it, but he said it.

"You kid can do it!"

As soon as their son Xiaojie arrived at the venue, he went to play in the field.

Aunt Li Chen quickly followed, "Run slowly, be careful of falling.".

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