The detective, who was riding in the direction Li Fan was riding before, planned to catch someone by surprise and follow Li Fan to"eat meat".

Just now, he had been investigating for a long time, but he didn't come up with any results.

Then he was thinking, could he investigate in a different way?

He felt that there must be a reason for Li Fan to ride a bicycle to visit other places.

Maybe you can make some new discoveries by riding along Li Fan’s route.

For some reason, he vaguely felt that the possibility of making new discoveries was very high.

When he thought of this, he felt very excited and couldn't help but speed up his riding.

Time is money, and he doesn't want others to see his little tricks.

He knew that other detectives would definitely think of"following Li Fan to drink soup" and then ride in this direction to investigate.

He wants to investigate and find out the results before others realize this!

Unfortunately, he ignored one thing.

When he secretly rode his bicycle and moved in the direction Li Fan had taken, he automatically substituted himself and Li Fan.

He mistakenly believed that he, like Li Fan, had no one else around him and only needed to avoid the eyes of other detectives.

He forgot that there were security personnel and translators around him!

The security personnel and translators had no idea what he was planning to do, so they drove their cars carelessly and followed him.

Now he and the other detectives on Lyle Street noticed him.

"Woj, where is that guy riding his bike? What does he want to do?"

"I understand, he wants to walk the same path Li Fan has walked, trying to investigate for any clues!"

"It's too cunning, no, I have to follow him to investigate, I can't let him take the advantage!"

The detectives saw the detective sneaking away from here, and immediately guessed what the detective was thinking.

Although they have not completed the investigation here, they are also worried that there are no important clues in the place where the bicycle is riding. Others were the first to investigate.

So they all found their own cars and followed the detective on their bicycles.

Moreover, they moved very fast while riding their bicycles, rushing to get there. Riding forward , it looked like a bicycle competition.

Dozens of detectives, plus their security personnel and translators, a total of hundreds of people headed to the direction where Li Fan was riding.

, it looks very spectacular.

People walking on Helei Street didn’t know what to say after seeing this scene.

Why do they feel that the detectives here this year have a different style of solving crimes than usual. ?

Of course, some detectives continue to investigate here.

They believe that keeping their own ideas is the most correct way to investigate.

No one can be sure that there will be evidence where Li Fan has been. If they were going for a ride on bicycles, then they would have left here in vain and wasted their investigation time. Furthermore

, the detectives who left here just left Helai Street in the direction Li Fan left.

After they left Helai Street, they didn't know which direction Li Fan was riding in. By then, they would have to waste a lot of time looking for evidence.

Relatively strong detectives.

These detectives also have extremely strong psychological qualities.

Even though so many people have left here on bicycles, these detectives still stay here, relax and work hard to investigate. Under the guidance of the driver, he quickly returned to the headquarters of the Detective Alliance. Here, he only needed to report his case solving and the investigation method he had guessed, and then he could go back to the villa on Detective Street to rest.

After the detectives finish solving the case, the investigation will be officially launched.

Naturally, there are many reporters stationed here at the entrance of the Detective Alliance. They want to see who is the first to solve the case.

For them.

However, when they saw that the first person to come back was Li Fan, they instantly lost interest.

Now, people on the Internet still don't know how powerful Li Fan is, and they all think that Li Fan is a genius. The liar is an actor.

These reporters cheated on Li Fan every day and deceived themselves into it, so that they now really thought that Li Fan was a liar and an actor.

Therefore, when they saw Li Fan's exclusive car driving. When they arrived at the entrance of the Detective Alliance headquarters, no one came up for an interview.

Li Fan was able to come back in such a short period of time, obviously because he couldn't perform anymore.

This competition was no joke. There were so many opportunities. Act for him.

In his original country, he might be able to deceive people who don't know how to solve crimes.

In this international competition, it won't be that easy for reporters. We don't need to think about it to know that Li Fan has no other choice but to abstain.

This was also the main reason why they did not interview Li Fan.

Anyway, you can guess that he has abstained from voting, so there is no point in going for an interview.

Of course, they had another reason not to interview Li Fan.

That is, Li Fan has hit reporters before.

They didn't dare to rush to interview Li Fan, lest Li Fan beat them up again.

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