Li Fan copied all the previously recorded materials and videos to the computer in the conference room.

After copying, he did not immediately show the information to the senior executives of the Detective Alliance.

"The information in it is quite troublesome to talk about. I will tell you what happened first, and then I will show you the information. Professor

Zhang looked at Li Fan expectantly and said,"Okay, then you can first tell me how this case happened.""

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Li Fan slowly told the story of the case.

"First of all, the nature of this case is revenge against society, and the perpetrators do not seek any benefits."

"The perpetrator's name is Wang Meng. He once worked for a large software company in China and was a top-notch programmer."

"Wang Meng has a good career and a good family. Shortly after her marriage, she became pregnant. During her pregnancy, she had to do some errands and then boarded a passenger ship on the Oriental Route."

"However, boarding the ship this time made the rest of her life a hell. On the boat, a big wave caused the boat to jolt violently. Wang Meng lost her footing and fell."

"This fall directly killed the child in Wang Meng's belly. Wang Meng was deeply saddened by this, but this was not the most painful thing for her. The most painful thing was that the hospital told her that she had lost her fertility. Can't get pregnant for life"

"The sudden bad news caused Wang Meng to have a mental breakdown. During this period, her husband, who should have comforted and enlightened her, filed for divorce without hesitation."

"A family that was supposed to be harmonious and happy was broken up like this. Wang Meng's world turned gray, and she developed a feeling of world-weariness, and later a feeling of revenge against society."

"She believed that the ship had ruined her life, so she decided to take revenge on society and make the people on the ship feel the pain and make them regret taking the ship. Hearing this

, Professor Zhang couldn't help but grit his teeth:"Oh, this kind of person is so hateful.""

The emotions of the others were also aroused by Li Fan, and they listened attentively.

Li Fan paused and continued to explain:"I said before that Wang Meng worked in a large software company and her programming skills are very strong. After her miscarriage, she decided to take revenge on society through programming"

"Here I have to praise Wang Meng's programming level, which can be regarded as the first-class level in China. She wrote two sets of codes, one is the code to invade the ship system, and the other is the mobile APP code to control the invasion of the ship system."

"After writing these two sets of codes, she quit her job at the company, came to the Oriental Line, became a ship cleaner, and then quietly launched a plan to retaliate against society."

"She installed the program code to invade the system into a small computer, which she assembled herself and equipped with a large-capacity battery."

"Then, she wrapped a black box on the computer that could not be digested by gastric acid, and baked a big meatball outside the black box."

"There were dolphins near that sea area. She aimed at an opportunity and fed the big meatballs to the dolphins. The computer in the meatballs was hidden in the dolphins' stomachs. Because there was a black box outside that could not be digested, the dolphins I still can't urinate out of the computer and it's very painful every day."

Hearing this, Professor Zhang and others looked in disbelief.

No wonder they couldn't find the intruder on the ship. It turned out that the main program for the invasion had been programmed and put into the dolphin's belly.

The thing they were looking for was in the sea!

Before, some detectives suspected that the perpetrator was in the sea, but they only thought of the submarine. They gave up this idea immediately when they couldn't find the submarine. Professor Zhang and others really thought that they were just listening to a story.


However, they are also people who know this business after all. They are surprised. They do not question what Li Fan said and just want to continue listening.

"As I said just now, Wang Meng developed two sets of programs. One program was an intrusion program, which was installed into the computer and then put into the belly of the dolphin. The other program was a remote control program. The APP was On Wang Meng’s mobile phone, she can directly commit crimes by playing with the mobile phone."

"When committing a crime, Wang Meng clicked on her phone several times, and the ship selected by her phone would experience dangerous situations such as abnormal equipment power, leakage, and water accumulation."

"The above is the whole process. Recently, the computer battery in the dolphin's belly was almost out of power, and Wang Meng planned to replace it with a new one."

After listening to what Li Fan said, many of everyone's confusions became clear.

Why can't the intruder be found? Because the intruder's computer program is in the belly of the dolphin. The intruder can invade the ship system just by playing with his mobile phone..

Why did the hacker investigation say that the intruder's location was suddenly far away and then near? That's because the"intruder" was swimming in the sea, and of course it was far away and then near.

Professor Zhang asked:"Mr. Li Fan, Is there any evidence for what you said?"

Li Fan said calmly:"Yes, I even have the programs written by Wang Meng. They were all copied from her computer. I just copied them into the big-screen computer. I will show you now.."

At this time, a person interrupted Li Fan and asked:"That's not right. The maritime case investigation team investigated all the computers on the ship before and found no problems in anyone's computers. Why did you find the problem?"

This question made everyone in the conference room remember this matter.

That's right!

Before, the case handling team investigated the crew's computers and determined that there were no problems with the crew's computers.

So where did Li Fan copy the program code from?

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