After listening to Professor Zhang explain this murder case, Li Fan roughly sorted it out in his mind.

This case sounds suspenseful.

A man named Liu Ying committed suicide, and then his family held a funeral for him. During the funeral, they suddenly discovered that the body in the coffin was missing. Then the family discovered that Liu Ying was alive again. Then, the family discovered that Liu Ying's body was missing. The father hanged himself.

The whole case is just such a process.

It contains some details.

For example, before Liu Ying committed suicide, he wrote a suicide note and put his thumbprint on the suicide note. Before Liu Ying committed suicide, he also sent a voice message to tell his family.

Among them, the handwriting on the suicide note is indeed Liu Ying's, the handprint is also Liu Ying's, and the voice message sent to his family is also Liu Ying's own voice.

However, Liu Ying said that he knew nothing about these things and there was a memory gap in his brain.

This is incredible.

Is there something controlling Liu Ying? What did he do?

But what happened to the body in the coffin?

It is said that the remains are already stinking and are not alive.

So, where did that body come from, and how did it suddenly disappear?

Especially when Liu Ying was"resurrected", his father actually hanged himself.

Is there any reason for this?

Could it be that Liu Ying was really borrowing his life from his father and came back to life?

At this time, Li Fan suddenly thought of Liu Ying's younger brother.

It was Liu Ying's younger brother who brought Liu Ying's body back from other places. Did he know anything else?

This case is quite confusing, but many things are related together, and everyone can basically think of it when they think about it.

Someone asked:"Professor Zhang, when the funeral was held, was the body in the coffin Liu Ying's own?"

Professor Zhang answered:"According to the judgment of the family, the appearance of the body is that of Liu Ying."

Someone else said Asked:"Can you confirm that the body sent back is really dead?"

Professor Zhang answered:"It is indeed dead. According to the family members, the body at that time was smelly and had no body temperature."

Immediately afterwards , someone else asked:"The body was sent back by Liu Ying's younger brother Liu Xiaoying. Is Liu Xiaoying suspicious?"

Professor Zhang explained:"According to the investigation, after Liu Ying committed suicide by jumping off the building, the body was discovered by passers-by downstairs. , a passerby found Liu Xiaoying’s phone number from the mobile phone on the deceased, and then called him. Only then did Liu Xiaoying find out about this incident."

"Moreover, Liu Xiaoying was a hundred kilometers away from Liu Ying at the time. Liu Xiaoying was at work at the time and had nothing to do with this incident."

After hearing the news, everyone couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Can passers-by find Liu Ying's mobile phone from the deceased?

Could it be that the dead Liu Ying was really Liu Ying, and the current Liu Ying is actually a fake?

Professor Zhang guessed that they would think so, Then he said:"The current Liu Ying is real. His fingerprints are the same as those recorded on the ID card. However, the fingerprints of the body have not been tested. The body may not be Liu Ying himself."

Everyone was silent again.

Who is the body in the coffin?

How did the body in the coffin suddenly disappear?

Why did Liu Ying have symptoms of memory blanks?

Why did Liu Ying write a suicide note?

Who controlled it? Liu Ying?

Does this mean that there is high technology that can control other people's thoughts in this case? Or is there a hypnotist who knows how to control others? Why did

Liu Ying's father suddenly hang himself?

Suddenly resurrected?

Is the case of a dead person really resurrected?

Who is the person behind the crime? What is the purpose of the other party?

The question before them seems not to find the murderer, but how to explain it. The phenomenon of the dead being resurrected through life

"Here are the on-site materials that the case handling team investigated and compiled at the time. You can copy them to your mobile phone."

Professor Zhang found some information from the computer that the case investigation team was investigating at the scene to facilitate their reference when solving the case.

Li Fan and others took out their mobile phones and copied the relevant information to their mobile phones using a data cable.

Waiting for them to copy After finishing the information, Professor Zhang continued:"These are the information at that time. You should still be able to investigate when you go to the case scene, because from then to now, the case handling team has been protecting the case scene and checking whether there is anyone there every day. The purpose of sabotage is to wait for famous detectives like you to investigate, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded.

Finally, Professor Zhang said:"The impact of this case on the Internet is very bad. Many netizens mistakenly believe that the phenomenon of borrowing lives really exists in the world. We hope that people can believe in science, so we also I hope you can solve this case and let everyone understand the truth behind the murder case."

After listening to Professor Zhang's words, Li Fan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Borrowing one's life sounds very mysterious, but for him as a time traveler, similar things have indeed happened to him.

"System, is there a time traveler in this case?"

"Report to the host that there is only one time traveler in each world, so there is no possibility of others crossing over. Apart from the host, this world is still very scientific."

After receiving a positive reply from the system, Li Fan was relieved about this case.

This means that the person who borrowed his life in the case of borrowing his life is fake. This case is a scientific case, so he can solve it.

Seeing that everyone is not After speaking, Professor Zhang said:"Now that everyone knows about this case, you can set off tomorrow morning and have a good rest tonight."

After the meeting, everyone returned to their rooms.

The Detective Alliance headquarters is very large, and everyone can be assigned a very comfortable room.��

After returning to the room, Li Fan lay on the bed thinking about where to start when solving the case tomorrow.

There are two locations where the crime occurred. To be specific, there are four locations in total.

The first location was where Liu Ying jumped from the building. The location was not in the village, but more than a hundred kilometers away.

The second location is the mourning hall. The body in the mourning hall was suddenly discovered and disappeared during the funeral.

The third location is Liu Ying's room. Liu Ying's room was originally empty, but after the body disappeared, Liu Ying's person appeared in his room and was still sleeping soundly.

The fourth location is the room where Liu Ying's father, Liu Liming, committed suicide.

People who don't believe in science think that Liu Liming heard his son's words of fate to him in the underworld. In order to bring his son back to life, he decided to hang himself and lend his son his life.

People who believe in science believe that Liu Liming committed suicide because he was too sad after his son died.

And Li Fan, based on his previous experience in handling cases, vaguely felt that this matter was not simple.

He even felt that the man behind the scenes might be Liu Liming, and there might be some unknown secret hidden in it.

Of course, these are all his guesses.

Everything will have to wait until he completes the investigation before he can know the answer.

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