After careful observation, the senior executives found that, as Li Fan said, only Liu Xiaoying's height met the requirements for killing Liu Liming.

After confirming the information that Liu Xiaoying killed her father, the suspected murder case in the minds of the senior officials finally revealed the tip of the iceberg.

They put away their mobile phones and continued to listen to Li Fan's explanation

"Let me tell you about Liu Xiaoying’s brother, Liu Ying"

"This time, Liu Ying also took a lot of 'credit' for committing the crime. The information everyone got about Liu Ying was that Liu Ying committed suicide by jumping off the building. However, the person who jumped off the building was not Liu Ying."

"Everyone must have guessed this. In fact, no one jumped off the building at Liu Ying's rental house. The person who jumped off the building was actually thrown down by Liu Ying."

"Regarding this point, I regret to tell you that this is actually my guess."

After hearing these words, the hearts of the senior executives immediately cooled down.

Wan Duzi, you thought Li Fan could really investigate everything, but he actually started to guess again?

This is a detective competition, and it can indeed be used If they guess correctly, they can still win.

However, they don't want it to be Li Fan's guess, because in their opinion, most of the guesses are fake and unconvincing when they see this on everyone's faces. With this expression, Li Fan smiled and was not surprised.

Regarding the information about Liu Ying throwing the body from upstairs, he could only guess it, because even his system could not find any evidence that Liu Ying threw the body. On-site evidence.

This information point is indeed a blind spot in the case. If there is no need for guessing here, it will be a dead case.

Li Fan said with a smile:"Maybe everyone thinks the guesses are bad, but don't worry. Although this is my guess, you still have the opportunity to investigate the evidence. The reason why I don't investigate the evidence is because I don't want to alert the snake, so as not to affect the subsequent detectives in solving the case."

After hearing this sentence, the senior management felt a little relieved.

Indeed, this is a game after all. In order to ensure the fairness of solving the case, the Detective Alliance clearly requires that the suspect cannot be questioned directly, and the suspect cannot be touched or destroyed. The evidence cannot be taken away, so as not to affect the subsequent detectives in solving the case.

Under such harsh conditions, if you want to solve the case, it is not surprising that you have to guess in some places, and even some places can only use guessing. Okay.

Professor Zhang said:"Then tell me, when our task force investigates, how can we verify your guess and prove that the body was thrown down by Liu Ying?

Li Fan replied:"Ask the young passerby who dropped off the body for the first time."

Professor Zhang asked puzzledly:"Why do you say this?""

"Aren't you curious why the young passer-by didn't report the crime when he arrived at the body? Why did he take out his mobile phone directly from the body and dial Liu Xiaoying's number by coincidence, and then wait for Liu Xiaoying to take the body away?"

"The reason is very simple. They bribed Liu Ying. You can ask the Internet Department to investigate that person's account records to see if Liu Xiaoying has transferred money to that person."

Professor Zhang said:"Then I will ask people from the Internet Department to investigate now. Even if the transfer records are deleted from the criminal's mobile phone, the Internet Department can investigate it."

With that said, Professor Zhang called the Internet Department. The Detective Alliance has absolute command and investigation authority over the Internet Department.

Because the passerby's information is related to the case, it has been recorded in the file before, making it very convenient for investigation..

Soon, the Internet Department’s investigation results showed that Liu Xiaoying’s Alipay account had indeed transferred money to passers-by.

After receiving this news, everyone looked at Li Fan in shock and asked:"Did you really guess this?

Li Fan nodded:"I guessed it.""

At the same time, he thought in his heart: My system guessed for me, but the system is mine, so I guessed it.

Everyone looked at Li Fan with strange eyes again. It seemed that when handling the case, guessing It is also a very strong reconnaissance ability.

Then, Li Fan continued to explain to them.

"You can learn from passers-by the clues that Liu Ying dumped his body from upstairs. The transfer records are all there. As long as Liu Xiaoying is arrested, the bribed passers-by will have to be recruited even if they don't want to. After listening to this

, Professor Zhang said:"Actually, this case has been solved. We now have clear evidence to prove that Liu Ying and Liu Xiaoying are the murderers. As long as they are arrested and interrogated by the case handling team, sooner or later Can ask all the truth."

Li Fan said with a smile:"That's the case. So far, the case can indeed be announced, but it is still in the game and you haven't started investigating yet, so just continue to listen to my explanation. The information I have investigated is more than that."

Everyone listened attentively again, wanting to know how far Li Fan had explored the truth of this case.

"Now, everyone should also know that Liu Ying's body is just a person who looks like Liu Ying. That person was thrown down from the building by Liu Ying, but I don't know the identity of that person, nor do I know Was that person thrown to death, or was he killed by Liu Ying and then thrown down?"

"Although not knowing the above information will not affect the solution of the case, I will make a bold guess here. The person who looks like Liu Ying may be a criminal."

"I will call that person Xiao Ming. Have you ever thought about why the case investigation team did not receive any relevant reporting information after Xiao Ming disappeared? Xiao Ming looks very similar to Liu Ying. As long as someone reports that Xiao Ming is missing, the investigation team will definitely connect Xiao Ming and Liu Ying's murder case."

"However, the fact is that after Xiao Ming disappeared, no one reported the case, and no one cared about Xiao Ming's life and death. Why did this happen? This shows that Xiao Ming may be a criminal murderer hiding in the corner of society. He has been walking on the edge of the law for many years and does not even have his own identity."

The guesses Li Fan said are actually true. They are exactly what he saw from the deduction screen before. However, because he could not find any relevant evidence, he could only say that he was guessing.

Even if these news It didn't matter if he didn't say it, but he still said it. He hoped to provide some reference for the future investigation team to solve Boss Yang's case.

After hearing Li Fan's guess about"Xiao Ming", everyone couldn't help but become interested and asked curiously. Said:"Since Xiao Ming is a prisoner who has been on the edge of the law for many years, then why did he come into contact with Liu Ying? Is it because he and Liu Ying look alike, and then went to recognize their relatives?

Li Fan smiled and said,"No." This involves another mystery in the murder case, that is, Liu Ying in the coffin, which is what I call Xiao Ming, and why his body suddenly disappeared."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect, recommend, and share!,

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