Yin Mingzhi's eyes were full of anger, the green tendons on his arms burst out, he grabbed the baton in his hand, and was about to slash at Zhang Feng's body.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the interrogation room.

"Who is stepping on the code and knocking on the door at such a time? Don't you see that Lao Tzu is busy?"

Yin Mingzhi still couldn't knock down the stick, he opened the door with a pale face, and the deputy captain Wang Zhiguo did look at him with a strange face and said, "Captain...... Zhang Feng...... He really wasn't like a murderer......"

"What did you say?"

Yin Mingzhi looked at Wang Zhiguo with wide eyes and said, "Even your head is burned, do you want me to take you to the toilet to wash your hair and sober up?"

"Captain...... I'm not kidding......"

Wang Zhiguo slowly took out a new autopsy report and handed it to Yin Mingzhi and said: "Just now, a new autopsy report came from the autopsy department, and after the autopsy and identification of the forensic ~ doctor Qin Ming, there is residual sperm in the deceased Yang Rong's son~gong~ye...... It shows that she was killed by someone forcibly ~ jian, and fingerprints that have not been found before were also found on the body. "

"Does that prove that bastard isn't a murderer?477"

Yin Mingzhi roared loudly: "It's obvious that the kid is strong first~ rape Yang Rong and then kill her!"

"But...... The blood type of sperm~ye remaining in the corpse was detected and analyzed and showed that it was RH-A, which was inconsistent with Zhang Feng's blood type...... And the fingerprints on the corpse are not Zhang Feng's ......"

Wang Zhiguo said with an ugly face.

Hearing this, Yin Mingzhi immediately picked up the autopsy report in his hand and looked at it carefully.


Yin Mingzhi was extremely angry and slammed the autopsy report on the table.

"RH-A blood, that's probably my partner Lu Quan. "

Zhang Feng on the side suddenly said on the side: "He is RH-A blood type, and his family lives next to my house, it is very likely that he took my crutches, and then forcibly ~ jian, and killed." "

Hearing this, Yin Mingzhi glared at Zhang Feng viciously and said, "Do you think I will still believe you, a person who runs trains with a mouth?"

"Believe it or not. "

Zhang Feng slowly sat down on the chair and said with a relaxed face: "But at present, all the evidence shows that I did not commit a crime, so the police officer ...... You don't have the right to detain me anymore!"

Yin Mingzhi gritted his teeth and glanced at Zhang Feng, what he said was indeed right, with all the evidence proving that Zhang Feng did not commit a crime, the police really had no reason to continue to detain Zhang Feng.

And he wanted to beat Zhang Feng up suddenly, if he beat Zhang Feng at this time, Zhang Feng could go out and find a lawyer to sue Yin Mingzhi, which would inevitably affect Yin's future, and the gains outweighed the losses.

"You're in luck!"

Yin Mingzhi glanced at Zhang Feng coldly, left the interrogation room with Zhang Zhiguo, and ordered with a blue face: "Immediately arrest Lu Quan, the companion Lu Quan that Zhang Feng said, and interrogate him, if the murderer is really Lu Quan, let Zhang Feng go." "


After receiving the order, Wang Zhiguo immediately came to Lu Quan's home with several police officers.

At this time, Lu Quan was lying on his bed~ shang and fell asleep, completely defenseless.

What Wang Zhiguo didn't expect was that when the police handcuffed Lu Quan and took him away, Lu Quan didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, as if he had known that the police would come to arrest him.

But Wang Zhiguo didn't think much about it, and immediately returned to the police station with the right to land.


Police station.

Hao Shuai rushed to the police station early in the morning.

After hearing the new autopsy report from the autopsy department, (BICC) proving that Zhang Feng was not the murderer, Hao Shuai sighed.

This feeling of knowing that he is the murderer, but still watching and even helping him get rid of the crime, really makes Hao Shuai feel extremely uncomfortable.

However, he also breathed a sigh of relief for Zhang Guoan, as long as Zhang Feng could be acquitted, Zhang Guoan's daughter would be safer.

That young girl, who was only in her twenties, should not have died so easily.

When Wang Zhiguo escorted Lu Quan back to the interrogation room, Hao Shuai also stayed in the interrogation monitoring room to check the process of Lu Quan's interrogation.

I got Lu Quan's jing~ye yesterday, and Zhang Guoan asked Qin Ming to help get Jing~ye into the corpse, from the perspective of evidence, Lu Quan can basically be judged as the murderer.

Even if he did not cooperate at all during the interrogation and refused to admit his crime, this evidence alone was enough to convict Lu Quan, so Hao Shuai was not worried.

But what Hao Shuai didn't expect at all was that Lu Quan not only didn't have any intention of resisting, but laughed out loud in the interrogation room.

His face did not feel the slightest fear of being caught, but instead had a strange smile, which was full of mockery and something that Hao Shuai couldn't read.

Just looking at Lu Quan's face, Hao Shuai's heart was furious.

What is he laughing at?


"We found the man's essence ~ye in the victim's corpse in the sub~gong, the blood type of the essence ~ye is exactly the same as your blood, and we are still conducting DNA testing on the essence ~ ye ......"

"Don't test it, I killed people. "

Lu Quan said quietly.

Hearing this, the interrogation expert on the other side was shocked, and he didn't expect the other party to admit his crime so easily, which was a hundred times easier than the previous interrogation of Zhang Feng.

The interrogator suddenly had some tears in his heart and secretly said: "If every criminal cooperates like him, how harmonious and beautiful the world will become......

"On the day of the crime, I took my friend's crutches, beat Yang Rong to death, and dismembered her body, and then stitched it up and threw her body on the shore. "

Lu Quan said: "I am the murderer you have been looking for. "

Subsequently, Lu Quan successively explained his crime process, and he seemed very calm during the whole process, as calm as if he was doing a homely job, not at all like a criminal after being arrested.

The police officers in the monitoring room were all surprised by Lu Quan's incomparably calm look, but their faces were more joyful and excited.

。 _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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