City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 101 Nebula Science and Technology Center, a milestone in Xia Guo's scientific research

Xia Guo, Ministry of Science and Technology.

Song Zi is an administrator.

Her job is simple.

It is responsible for the declaration and qualification certification of laboratories all over the country, and reports the laboratories that meet the evaluation requirements and submits them to the expert group for evaluation.

Follow your usual work rhythm.

It usually takes a few days for a laboratory declaration to be issued.

Today, Song Zi opened his work mailbox as usual.

However, something surprising happened to her.

In the mailbox, there are as many as 1061 unread messages displayed!

The title of each message is "Xingyun University State Key Laboratory Qualification Application Report".

Song Zi smiled silently.

What is Nebula University doing?

Just send a copy of the email, no need to send it repeatedly.

She opened the first file.

I saw the above: Application report for the qualification of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of Nebula University.

The specific content of the document is: Xingyun University has completed the construction of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and has passed the review of the National Certification and Supervision Center.

At the bottom of the document are the official seal of Xingyun University, the official seal of the Laboratory and Testing Supervision Department, and the official seal of the National Certification Administration and Supervision Center.

All formalities are complete!

see here.

Song Zi nodded slightly.

The qualification application report of Xingyun University has all the formalities and is in line with the preliminary examination regulations of the Ministry of Science and Technology for the national laboratory.

Next, as long as the Ministry of Science and Technology sends an expert group to the laboratory for evaluation and identification.

After all procedures are up to standard.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory of Nebula University can obtain the authorization of the national key laboratory!

to be frank.

It is not the first time that Song Zi has received a qualification application report from Nebula University.

In the past two years, she has successively handled the authorization and certification of 15 national key laboratories, such as the Laboratory of Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, and the Laboratory of Turbulence and Complex Systems of Xingyun University.

The two sides are "old friendship".

However, this time Song Zi still wanted to complain very much.

It is enough to send the qualification application report once, there is no need to send 1061 copies.

Even if it gets stuck when sending, it will not get stuck 1061 times!

Just when Song Zi was about to delete other "duplicate files".

She was surprised to find out.

These files have the same title but completely different content!

"Xingyun University Genetic Laboratory Qualification Application Report.""

"Nuclear Laboratory Qualification Application Report of Nebula University.""

"Senior Application Report of the Thermal Radiation Laboratory of Nebula University."

"The Qualification Application Report of Neutron University Neutron Research Laboratory."

"The application report for the qualification of the Molecular Biology Laboratory of Xingyun University.

"The application report for the qualification of the Basic Particle Physics Laboratory of Xingyun University.


Song Zi was stunned on the spot.

what the hell is this?

Is Nebula University Crazy?

How many national-level laboratories are authorized and accredited by major universities in the country in one year?

How can you, Nebula University, set up so many state-level key laboratories?

She is a little unbelieving.

One after another is opened, and the content of each is different.

However, the official seal of the school, the official seal of the Laboratory and Testing Supervision Department, and the official seal of the National Certification Management and Supervision Center have each!

Apparently, Nebula University is not joking with the Ministry of Science and Technology.

There are really 1,061 laboratories that require authorization from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

thought here.

Song Zi suddenly felt a little desperate.

Nebula University can start with the same title and send all the documents to her.

But she didn't have the guts to forward these documents directly to the expert group of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Song Zi needs to classify these documents, conduct a preliminary review, and then send them to expert groups in different fields.

such a huge workload.

Apparently, her National Day holiday this year was in vain...

At this moment, Song Zi was speechless.

What you sow will bear fruit.

How leisurely work is usually, how hard it is now!

The whole golden autumn and October.

Expert groups in various fields of Xia Guo's Ministry of Science and Technology are busy in various laboratories of Xingyun University.

They need to identify the basic facilities and technical capabilities of the laboratory, as well as review and evaluate the laboratory.

The expert groups held qualification accreditation on-site review meetings again and again, and conducted three-day on-site experiments.

On-site experiments include blind sample assessment, personnel comparison, instrument comparison, sample retest, witness test, operation demonstration, etc. 2 categories, 6 subcategories and 16 tests.

After all formalities are passed.

The expert group announced that the laboratory has reached the national key laboratory standards and will be authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

In order to evaluate the 1,061 laboratories of Xingyun University as soon as possible, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Xia Guo recruited thousands of senior professors from major universities across the country.

This is in time for the end of October, and all laboratories have been reviewed.

During the judging process, the professors were amazed at the laboratory of Nebula University.

The level of these laboratories is more than a national key laboratory.

It is a world-class key laboratory!

If they had to use four words to describe the Nebula Technology Center, they would call it "the cradle of the Nobel Prize".

The Nebula Science and Technology Center, composed of thousands of high-end laboratories, has more facilities than Xiaguo Academy of Sciences!

0.. ask for flowers........

All the professors realized for a while.

With this large-scale comprehensive scientific research base, Nebula University is destined to shock the world!

Early November.

The Ministry of Science and Technology of Xia Guo held a press conference.

at the press conference.

The head of the Ministry of Science and Technology solemnly announced: "The 1061 laboratories of Xingyun University have become national key laboratories through evaluation and authorization!"

The voice just fell.

The media reporters present immediately made a sensation.

As we all know, the State Key Laboratory is the embodiment of the highest standard of scientific research in an industry.

There are 316 national key laboratories in China.

Among them, there are 171 colleges and universities, 67 Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, 47 national ministries and 31 enterprises.

Once rated, the state will issue a fund every year to invest in the laboratory's scientific research.


Previously, it was on the list of national key laboratories in universities across the country.

Nebula University has 15, ranking first in the country.

Huaqing University has 13, ranking second in the country.

Yenching University has 10, ranking 3rd in the country.

Zhejiang University has 10, tied for fourth in the country.

These four universities belong to the first echelon in the field of scientific research.

There are 8 in Modu Jiaotong University, 7 in Jinling University, 7 in Harbin Institute of Technology, and 7 in Northwestern Polytechnical University.

These four universities belong to the second gradient in the field of scientific research.

Now, Nebula University has added 1,061 state-level key laboratories, including the original 15, bringing the total to an astonishing 1,076!

Such an unbelievable situation happened, and everyone fell into madness!

at the same time.

Netizens all over the country.

"What the fuck?! I'm really going to swear this time, and Nebula University is so awesome! 35

"The number of state-level key laboratories in a school is more than three times the number of national key laboratories. You really have it! (thumbs)"

"The Nebula Science and Technology Center is another milestone in our Xiaguo science and technology field!"

"I am a student of Huaqing University. I would definitely refute who said that Xingyun University is better than Huaqing University. But this time, I am really convinced!

"I'm a student of Yenching University, and this time I've accepted it too!

"Xingyun University now has 1,076 state-level key laboratories, which have taken over the field of Xia Guo's scientific research. It's really great!"

"Yes, the Nebula Science and Technology Center will definitely become the cradle of the Nobel Prize in the future, leading the scientific research field of Xia Guo forward!"

"Congratulations to Nebula Science and Technology Center! Congrats to Xia Guo's scientific research field! On 33.

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