City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 145 Main quest rewards, hit the first place in all disciplines!

end of August.

Nebula University.

Principal's office.

Li Yi is looking at the property list.

【Host: Li Yi】

【School: Nebula University】

【Number of students: 128,873】

【Number of teachers: 5124】

【Non-staff workers: 3228】

【Directly affiliated departments: 42】

【Undergraduate majors: 136】

[School funding: 458.1 billion yuan]

[School reputation: 24.12 billion points]

[School honors: world-class universities, world-class disciplines]

[University Alliance: C11 Alliance]

【School Foundation: Nebula University Education Foundation, Nebula University Charity Foundation】

[Affiliated institutions: Xingyun Primary School, Xingyun Junior High School, Xingyun Middle School]

[Directly affiliated hospital: Nebula Medical Center]

[Directly affiliated industry: Nebula Industrial Center]

【Direct Agriculture: Nebula Agricultural Center】

[Directly affiliated film and television: Nebula Film and Television Center]

[Directly affiliated scientific research: Nebula Science and Technology Center]

【Direct Finance: Nebula Financial Center】

【Direct Intelligence: Nebula Artificial Intelligence Center】

property list.

There have been some changes in the number of students.

This summer, the school admitted a total of 9,200 undergraduates, 6,300 graduate students, and 2,421 doctoral students.

In addition, this year, 31,750 undergraduate graduates chose to pursue postgraduate studies, and 4,258 master graduates chose to pursue doctoral studies.

According to the latest distribution of the number of 767 photos of Nebula University.

Freshmen: 9,200.

Sophomores: 8,500.

Juniors: 8,100.

Senior students: 10,000.

Graduate students: 38050 people.

Graduate students: 36,745 people.

Graduate students: 5240 people.

There are 4165 students in the first year of Ph.D.

Second-degree students: 5,850.

Three students of Ph.D.: 3033.

From the point of view of population distribution.

Nebula University has 35,800 undergraduates, 80,035 graduate students, and 13,048 doctoral students.

The number of graduate students is double the number of undergraduates!

This proportion of students is obviously not normal.

Of course, mainly in the first two years of Nebula University, there were too many undergraduates recruited.

Each session is 50,000 people.

After this group of students graduate, the proportion of students will tend to normal.

School funding.

There are 458.1 billion yuan in the account!

This is all thanks to the "rent" of the Nebula Financial Center.

108 skyscrapers, the monthly rent to Nebula University is as high as 81 billion!

Li Yi first experienced the joy of being a "charter man" (acdh).

81 billion a month, 972 billion a year.

You know, before Bill Gates divorced, his personal assets were only 841.4 billion Xia Guoyuan!

In Li Yi's mind, the idea of ​​"retire in place" instantly came up, and I didn't want to work hard...

reputation value.

Los Angeles Olympic Games and the school topped the world first.

A total of 24.12 billion reputation points were brought to him.

After thinking about it, he spent 20 billion reputation points in the system mall to exchange for a Nebula Art Center and a Nebula Weather Center.

Haven't even bothered to check it out yet.

A long-lost electronic sound resounded from his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the main mission: make Nebula University the first in the world within one year!"

Hearing this, Li Yi looked overjoyed and was in a good mood.

After all, he was still a young man.

Nebula University has surpassed Harvard University, Stanford University, and MIT University to officially become the world's first.

The official also called Xingyun University "Contemporary Imperial Academy"!

In his heart, he was naturally very proud and full of sense of accomplishment.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the main line reward: a Nebula University Aerospace Center! 35

Hearing this, Li Yi's eyes lit up.

Guys, Aerospace Center!

He had been looking forward to this for a long time.

However, it is also 10 billion reputation points, and there are high and low points.

Nebula Main Campus, Nebula Medical Center, Nebula Science and Technology Center, Nebula Industrial Center, Nebula Artificial Intelligence Center, this is the main line reward of the previous system.

The Nebula Film and Television Center, Nebula Agricultural Center, and Nebula Financial Center were exchanged by him with reputation points.

He is still unclear about the Nebula Art Center and the Nebula Weather Center.

But the main quest rewards.

Obviously stronger than what he redeemed with reputation points!

This system is produced by the Nebula Aerospace Center.

There are many institutions such as aerospace base, jet propulsion laboratory, flight research institute, aerospace research institute, earth observation and data center, lunar exploration and aerospace engineering center, aerospace remote sensing demonstration center and so on.

These institutions cover all fields such as solar system research, Mars research, Mercury research, lunar research, earth science research, aeronautical research, manned spaceflight, manned moon landing, satellite launch, and the International Space Station.

Li Yi was amazed just by seeing the introduction of the Nebula Aerospace Center.

From ancient times to the present.

Any human who lives under the blue sky and white clouds will be curious about the sea of ​​stars above their heads.

Space exploration is always one of the hottest topics.

Well, here comes the question.

How to explore?

The answer is simple.

Aerospace Center!

Nebula University is the number one university in the world.

Without an aerospace center, it's a bit unreasonable.

it's good now!

With the Nebula Aerospace Center, the school is qualified to explore the mysteries of the universe.

"Ding! Main quest released: Make Xingyun University the No. 1 discipline in China within one year!"

Hearing this, Li Yi was slightly taken aback.

First in all disciplines?

Did something go wrong?

The difficulty of this task is too outrageous!

If it is said that Nebula University has become the world's first university, the difficulty index is one star.

Nebula University has become the first in the whole subject, and the difficulty index is ten stars!

Has Harvard become the No. 1 subject in the United States?


Has Stanford University become the No. 1 subject in the United States?


Has Oxbridge become the No. 1 subject in Eagle Country?


Not to mention abroad.

In China alone, each university has its own ace subject.

For example, Huaqing University majored in communication engineering.

For example, the instrument science major of Harbin Institute of Technology.

For example, the civil engineering major of Tongji University.

For example, the ship and marine engineering major of Modu Jiaotong University.

For example, the aerospace engineering major of Yanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

In addition to these majors, many schools have their own characteristics.

For example, the "Eight Academy of Fine Arts" for art majors


For example, the "five colleges and four departments" of the law major


For example, the "Nine Masters" of the teacher's major

For example, the "two dragons and four tigers" in the electrical profession


For example, the "seven sons of national defense" in the military industry


thought here.

Li Yi couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He originally thought that after Nebula University became the world's number one university, the main mission would disappear.

Now it seems.

You are so naive!

According to the urination of the system, even if he can complete the task this year, the main task next year will definitely be more difficult.

There is still a long way to go for the development of Nebula University!

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