[congratulations to the host for activating the strongest vest system In system binding, the binding is successful. 】

an electronic sound suddenly sounded in his head, and some sleepy Su Xun was so excited that he didn't feel sleepy.

"Hallucinations? Hallucination? "

Su Xun was a little confused. He thought about the network novels he had read. He said: "system?"

[in. 】

unexpectedly, he got a response. Su Xun was stunned for a long time, and then he was ecstatic.

I had a sleep in class and picked up a system. Will his ordinary life finally shine?

"System, introduce your function." Taking a deep breath, Su Xun forced himself to calm down, although his little hand was still shaking.

[the full name of this system is the strongest vest system. The host can randomly select a new identity every Monday, and each identity has its own exclusive task. After completing the task, the host will obtain the ability of the identity permanently. 】

[Note: once extracted, each identity will be permanently valid. Please make reasonable use of it. 】

"Monday? Isn't today Monday? " Su Xun thought about it, and then said in his heart: "system, extract the first identity."

[in the process of extraction, the extraction is successful and the identity is obtained: Chairman of Qingyun international. 】

[on the surface, you are an ordinary college student, but on the surface, you still have an unknown identity - the only successor of Qingyun international, the last chairman of Qingyun international, died. Today, you will officially step on the front desk to take over the responsibility. 】

[identity and ability: business mind, big man temperament, calm personality. 】

[identity task: Zhao Chengming, the chairman of Qingyun international, was killed in a car accident. As a young chairman, you will face the situation of being elevated by the deputy director as soon as you take office. Please investigate the truth of Zhao Chengming's death within one month and regain the power of the group. 】

Su Xun blinked.

Qingyun international, the leading enterprise in Jiangzhou Province, has become the backbone of this enterprise?

In the morning, he just got the news about the accidental death of Zhao Chengming, chairman of Qingyun international, on his mobile phone.

Now it seems that there is something fishy about it.

He subconsciously took out his mobile phone and wanted to see the news again, but found that his mobile phone had changed.

Many people's contact information has been added to the address book and wechat.

He also has more information and memory in his mind, and knows who these contacts belong to.

Then, with shaking hands, he opened the mobile banking app and nearly fainted with excitement, looking at the huge balance.

I didn't expect that he, who has been protecting his three digit deposit with a six digit password, could have a nine digit balance one day.

Sure enough, the rich depend on inheritance, and the poor depend on opening!

"Su Xun, since you are playing with your mobile phone, you must have understood. Then you can answer this question."

Suddenly, a clear female voice came into the ear.

Su Xun raised his head subconsciously, facing the teacher's expressionless face.

Others around him are gloating at him, although the university is not so strict, but in the professional class aboveboard play mobile phone, this is not to die?

They are all waiting to see Su Xun make a joke. After all, can you really expect him to give the answer?

Su Xun stood up and looked at the problems on the big screen. His mind was extremely clear. Subconsciously, he blurted out: "enterprise management lies in..."

Su Xun talked with no hesitation and answered the question very clearly.

Everyone waiting to see a joke in the classroom stared at him one after another, looking at him in a daze, looking like a ghost.

Sleeper, is this still the scum?

Suddenly enlightened?

Su Xun's roommates were all angry. They agreed to take the make-up exam together, but you secretly made up the class. You betrayed us.

Liu Yun on the platform also had a little jade lips, and it took him a long time to relax: "Su Xun spoke very well. Please sit down. I hope you can keep this kind of learning state in the future."

She originally saw susian playing with his mobile phone, but she was angry and wanted to beat him. Unexpectedly, susian gave her a surprise.

In the eyes of all the people, Su Xun sat down calmly. He was as steady as a dog on the surface, but his heart was surging.

The shocked eyes of his classmates and teachers made him feel wonderful.

Is that what it's like to pretend?

That's great.

He is very clear that he is a vegetable force, just can blurt out the answer, completely because he extracted the identity.

After extracting the identity of the chairman of Qingyun international, his brain seems to be suddenly smart, with all kinds of knowledge, management, etiquette, all in all.

If he can complete the task, he hopes to get this smart business mind.

Su Xun was not in the mood to listen to this class, although he had never heard of it before (◔◡◔).After class.

"Damn, there's a traitor among us, Su Xun. He's lenient when he confesses and strict when he resists. When did you make up the class secretly?"

"Yes, it's agreed to take the make-up exam together, but you make up lessons behind our back. What's the reason?"

"Are you still human? It's like playing games with us on the Internet on the surface, but secretly learning. "

Almost at the same time, three roommates rushed around him.

One by one, they were grieved and attacked him, as if Su Xun had done something outrageous.

Su Xun is innocent. I really didn't study. I just hung up (* / ω\ *).

"Can you hope that Su Xun can do something good? He has finally begun to study hard. Must he continue to degenerate?"

At this time, a secluded orchid in an empty valley, like a graceful voice of a oriole, came into the ear.

With a gust of fragrance, a tall young woman came over, looking at Su Xun's roommates with a warm and angry face.

She looks up to 19 years old. She has long hair and a shawl. Her face is warm and pleasant. Her delicate features are not like those of a woman in the world. Her delicate red lips make her heart feel.

A white dress is wrapped with concave and convex body. Under the skirt, a pair of snow-white legs are moving.

feet on a pair of crystal high-heeled sandals, beautiful jade feet with red nail polish, a little more than a few points do not belong to this age of maturity.

"Good monitor, we are wrong."

"The monitor's education is right, and the little one knows the crime."

Seeing this woman, Su Xun's three roommates were immediately counselled. They were as good as primary school students.

Who made her the monitor.

The monitor of the university has great power.

"Hum." An Zijin snorted, then looked at Su Xun, and immediately put on a gentle expression: "I knew that you listened to my words, and finally began to focus on learning. You also care about me, right?"

Listen, if this is no different from confession, everyone in the classroom is envious.

They racked their brains and couldn't understand why an Zijin, who was born in a good family, liked Su Xun?

And he began to chase Su Xun from his freshman year. What's hateful is that Su Xun didn't accept it!

Looking at an Zijin, who was smiling in front of him, Su Xun had some shame and guilt. He never studied it seriously.

Like others, he doesn't know why an Zijin likes him.

From the beginning of the freshman day to send him breakfast, lunch with him at noon, anything to help him.

But I have nothing but a handsome face. It's ordinary.

And with his understanding of an Zijin, this is by no means a superficial woman who looks at beauty.

He didn't dare to accept an Zijin's love before, because he was forced to count from childhood, or some inferiority complex.

Because he knows that reality is not a novel, and the gap between himself and an Zijin is too big, it is impossible to have results.

But now it's different. He wants salted fish to turn over and expand!

What else is he afraid to do?

Think of here, he gets up, in the eyes of an Zijin shocked, embrace her and kiss her.


The whole class exploded in an instant, and everyone was stunned to see this scene. Some people took out their mobile phones to take photos.

Two years later, they met Su Xun for the first time and responded to an Zijin's pursuit, which was still so powerful.

Before, Su Xun didn't accept an Zijin's pursuit. They thought that this guy didn't know how to praise him and didn't know how to be blessed.

But now they were even more jealous of Su Xun and wanted to kill him instead.

Everyone felt broken.

Oh, my God!

The most beautiful monitor was really arched by this scum!

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