"It's worthy of me now."

Su Xun looked at Li Xiu and an Jianyun with a bright smile on his face. He was polite and reserved, but full of lethality.

Li Xiu's face was embarrassed, and she moved her lips. Finally, she didn't say anything.

If Su Xun doesn't deserve an Zijin.

I'm afraid no one is worthy of this big Jiangnan City.

As for speaking angry words, she can't do it. She's over the age of impulse. She's not a little girl who can't stand angry.

Su Xun is now the chairman of Qingyun international. If he can marry an Zijin, it will be good for them to settle down.

What's more, she knew that what she had just said was really ugly. What's wrong with Su Xun's sarcasm.

At this moment, Annan's calm voice suddenly sounded:

"you are worthy of my daughter, but it does not mean that I will agree to let her marry you."

Li Xiu's face and an Jianyun's face changed greatly.

"What are you talking about?" As soon as Li Xiumei took the lead, she changed her position quickly and began to defend Su Xun.

An Jianyun also has no moral integrity. He cleared his throat and said, "Dad, I think since Zijin likes it, it's quite appropriate for the couple to fall in love."

After all, he is going to take over Taishan Group in the future. If there is such a powerful brother-in-law as Su Xun, he would be very happy.

"Shut up Annam day of course understand his son's idea, not angry stare at him: "shameful thing, also think people see the joke is not enough, right?"

An Jianyun sneered, and the tortoise shrank aside and did not dare to speak again.

"Uncle an won't oppose Zijin to be with me just because of your grudge with Uncle Zhao." When Su Xun took over Qingyun international, he felt that he should treat Zhao Chengming as an elder. He should sincerely shout uncle Zhao.

People should always have a sense of gratitude, which is the most basic way of being a person.

"You know that?" Annan first frowned, then suddenly said: "yes, he has never been married in his life, and he will give Qingyun international to you in the end. I'm sure he won't hide anything from you."

Seeing that an Nantian misunderstood, Su Xun didn't explain. He just laughed without saying anything.

Of course he won't tell Annam. God, that's what your baby daughter told me.

Annam day very frankly admitted: "yes, it is for this reason that he gives you Qingyun international, which is equivalent to taking you as a son. I will never allow my daughter to marry his son!"

It's like a child getting angry.

"Dad..." Hear this words, an Son Jin instant anxious, where still have usually coy appearance.

Su Xun patted an Zijin's hand and motioned her not to worry. Then he looked at Annam and said, "Uncle an, can you talk about it step by step?"

"Come to my study." As the voice dropped, Annan got up and went upstairs.

Su Xun took a look at an Zijin, released her hand, and then followed her.

Annam days study is not big, antique, in addition to air conditioning and electric lights, can not see any modern tools.

The desk is a bit messy, with a few books full of notes, which is enough to prove that the books on the shelf are not decorations.

"Say what you want."

Annan's deep voice drew Su Xun's attention back.

Su Xun pulled away a chair and sat down: "I want to win the purchase contract of Taishan Group and reach a long-term cooperation."

"Ha ha." Annan Tian hehe took a sip from his tea cup, with a look of "you're thinking about farting".

To be expected, Su Xun was not disappointed, but changed his words: "I heard that uncle an and uncle Zhao were friends before?"

"Why, you're playing the emotional card?" Annam day sneers, the facial expression does not agree.

Su Xun said calmly: "Uncle Zhao's death is strange."


Annan Tian's teacup fell to the ground and stared at Su Xun: "what did you say?"

"I said, there is something strange about Uncle Zhao's death." Su Xun repeated. He knew he was right.

It's good for Annam and Zhao Chengming to fall out because of women, but their friendship for so many years before can't be fake.

Men tend to attach more importance to their relationship with men.

Chen Hua didn't know the inside story. They only saw that the two men were incompatible. They unilaterally believed that Annan would not give the purchase contract to Taishan Group.

Why don't you know if you have something to try?

Annan Tian took a deep breath, his eyes became cold: "boy, the police investigation of the provincial department all concluded that it was an accident. Do you have any evidence, dare to say so?"

Zhao Chengming died in a car accident. A big man of this level died. In any case, he had to go through a close investigation before he dared to draw a conclusion.

So after the police decided that the car accident was an accident, many people had already given up the idea of conspiracy theory.

"I'll find out who's behind it." Because of the system, Su Xun can be sure that there is something strange about Zhao Chengming's death, but there is really no evidence in his hand.Annan day sneered: "that is to say, you don't have any evidence. Are you talking nonsense with me here?"

"Uncle an, do you really believe uncle Zhao died in an accident? I have the evidence, but it's not comprehensive, so I can't tell you. " Su Xun's face never changed when he told lies.

He has evidence of a hammer.

Annam day facial expression becomes dignified again: "you did not cheat me?"

"No, I won't use uncle Zhao's death for my own benefit." Su Xun's words were absolutely sincere, because he really could not do such a thing.

There is silence in the sky.

Su Xun continued: "Uncle an, in private, you and uncle Zhao have been in love for so many years. Even if there is any unhappiness in the middle, everyone else has gone, it should be gone."

"Yu Gong, we Qingyun international have great strength. We can cooperate with us without any mistakes, don't you think?"

"Have someone come to the company to sign the contract tomorrow." Annam day voice falls, got up to walk out of the study.

Su Xun laughed and got up to keep up: "thank you very much, uncle an."

In fact, some things are so simple. The more people think about them, the easier it is to think about simple things.

If it's successful or not, just try it?

You see, now he won the purchase contract successfully and easily?

"If you dare to bully my daughter, don't blame me for being rude." Annam day stopped, turned to look at him, said coldly.

"Uncle ANN, don't worry. I will only spoil her."

The smile on Su Xun's face was more brilliant, because it meant that Annan Tian had agreed to associate with an Zijin.


Looking at Annan Tian coming down from the upstairs, an Jianyun feels that he is wrong. He seems to have just seen a smile on his father's face.

Annan day cold face scolds a way: "bastard thing, still Leng do what, roll to pick up the fruit on the ground to wash clean."

"Well, yes." An Jianyun answered, and then looked at Su Xun with an apologetic expression: "I'm just confused, my brain is confused, and I fart in my mouth. Don't give me the same opinion. I'll be a family in the future. We often come and go."

With that, he bent down on the ground to pick up the fruit that had just been thrown away by him.

Since he threw it away, he should pick it up one by one and put it back in place with his own hands.

This is to find a way to ease the relationship between sue and his father.

Su Xun also understood it, and chuckled: "young man, who hasn't been impulsive yet."

It's so easy to get along with people with brains.

If you don't have a brain, ha ha, now maybe you are still unconvinced with Su Xun.

As for the consequences, it won't be too good.

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