"Brother Su, the floor is rather cold and hard. Is it not good for Miss Yuhuan to kneel down?"

Looking at Yang Yuhuan, a charming beauty, kneeling to give Su Xun a massage, Ning caichen couldn't bear it.

Yan Chixia also thinks Su Xun is too much.

Yang Yuhuan showed her eyebrows: "Mr. Ning, it's my good fortune to serve the master. If I can't even do this little thing, what's the use of the master?"

Ning caichen was surprised, but he didn't expect to help Yang Yuhuan speak, but was actually hurt by her.

Yan Chixia said in secret. Fortunately, she didn't open her mouth. Otherwise, it would be a shame.

"I don't know what ambition Mr. Ning has?" Su Xun jumped to the topic and solved Ning caichen's embarrassment.

But I feel quite cool in my heart. Really, Laozi's maid, do you need you to feel sad?

How, like me, can never change the problem of loving other people's wives? When Ning caichen heard this, he immediately became energetic: "to be honest with elder brother Su, my ambition is to become a good official loved by the people."

"Moreover, now the demons occupy the position of national master and control the government. One day, I'd rather adopt the officials to wipe out the demons, welcome your majesty to be in power, and make the court clear."

Young people like to daydream.

"What's the matter with the national teacher? The national teacher didn't harm people. Isn't the world just singing and dancing?" Hear Ning caichen framed the master, Yang Yuhuan is not happy.

Ning caichen frowned: "Miss Yuhuan is a girl who doesn't know the affairs of the state. Now no one outside knows. The national master has beaten down the good officials, promoted her confidants, occupied a high position in the imperial court, and cultivated her party members. It can be said that she is ambitious!"

"You..." Yang Yuhuan wanted to retort, but he was stopped by Su Xun: "caichen is right. The jiuxiao evil road is ambitious. Sooner or later, he will die!"

Su Xun had a look of common hatred. I cursed myself. Is that ok?

Yang Yuhuan was stunned. Her ruddy mouth opened into an O-shape, so she could plug an egg.

"Brother Su is right! The evil way will be punished sooner or later if it goes against the law Ning caichen felt that Su Xun was more interested in himself, confidant.

Su Xun took out some silver: "I don't think my younger brother is rich, so I have to pay for the exam all the way. It's just because there is still a lot of money in my brother's family. Please accept it."

"This, this You can't do that. Brother Su looks down on me rather than caichen. " Ning caichen quickly refused.

Su Xun put it directly into his hand: "it should be noted that the hero can't be defeated by a single coin. On the day when you are waiting to see the title of the virtuous brother's golden list, clear the court and eliminate the demons, you can't let the virtuous brother be trapped by money."

"This Thank you, elder brother su. I will never forget the great kindness. " Ning caichen was deeply moved. He secretly vowed that he would win the champion and eradicate the national teacher.

We can't live up to big brother Su's high expectations.

Seeing this, Su Xun said with a smile: "it's good if you are willing to accept it. You don't give money to everyone for your brother. You admire your talent and know that your brother is nothing in the pool. Maybe you need your help in the future."

"Brother Su, don't worry. I'll never forget your kindness, but I'm duty bound to give you orders!" Ning caichen's tone was firm, and he raised his hand to swear.

In ancient times, the oath was very important, not to mention that it was a real world of ghosts.

Yan Chixia laughs: "if one day young master Ning will be named as a capable minister, it will be a good story for you to meet each other today."

"What brother Yan said is very true." Ning caichen bows his hand.

Soon, late at night, three people each find a room to rest, Yan Chixia again told two people at night to hear what sound must not go out.

"Master, it's time to rest."

Yang Yuhuan took off her Luo skirt, wore a white dress, and hugged Su Xun with a red face.

Although Su Xun hasn't eaten her yet, there's a lot to do to make her familiar with the process ahead of time.

"No hurry, you go to bed first."

Susian was staring out of the window. He was waiting for the ghost.

Ning caichen is a novice and has no experience. He has ridden ghosts for a long time, so let him be an experienced old driver.

There are two wangzuxian in his harem. Nie Xiaoqian must accept them.

Otherwise, if you are accepted by others, you will always feel green.

"Then I'll warm the bed for the host first."

Yang Yuhuan stepped down.

"Zheng, Zheng, Zheng..."

A melodious sound of the piano suddenly sounded.

"Master..." Yang Yuhuan got up from the bed.

"Stay. I'll see."

Su Xun's voice fell and his figure disappeared.

When it reappeared, it came to a corridor at the end of which was a pavilion.

It was raining heavily. Inside the pavilion, a woman was playing the piano. The sound of the piano was gentle.

Women's white clothes are like snow, and their skin is like jade. They can smile and smile as if they can seduce people.

In the movie, Ning caichen, an old pornographic critic, is hooked by Nie Xiaoqian and leads him to rush up, hold him and chew him.

Compared with him, Su Xun was more reserved."Pa pa pa..."

Su Xun clapped: "the girl's piano is very good. Her fingers must be very flexible."

"I'm flattered." After playing Xiaoxian, Nie Yuqian plays a long tune.

Su Xun went over and said, "I play the piano here in the middle of the night. Aren't you afraid of ghosts?"

For example, color, ghost.

"Ah, is there a ghost here?" Nie Xiaoqian pretends to be afraid and deliberately pours on Su Xun's arms.

Su Xun put his arms around her naturally and said in a soft voice: "I'm here, girl, don't be afraid."


All of a sudden, Nie Xiaoqian deliberately slipped under her feet and fell into the water. Her clothes were soaked through.

The wet clothes were close to her delicate body. She clenched her red lips and looked at Su Xun with her eyes like water: "childe ~"

the picture was beautiful.

In order to respect the original plot to the greatest extent, Su Xun jumped down and fell on her.

Nie Xiaoqian closed her eyes and said in secret that she was very handsome. Unfortunately, she came to the wrong place.

Then he prepared to stun Su Xun.

But she found that her magic had no effect, and her clothes were less and less.

Something's wrong. The whole ghost is in a panic.

"No, young master, No."

Nie Xiaoqian cried out in panic.

She's never been in such a situation. Is she really going to lose herself tonight?

"Dare to be a demon, Yan has accepted you!"

With the sound of thunder, Yan Chixia's sword comes out of its sheath and kills Nie Xiaoqian.


Su Xun blocked Yan Chixia with a backhand and said, "great Xia Yan, I'll take this female ghost."

Well, it's amazing.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Su didn't show up. It's just We should know that ghosts are Yin things... "

Yan Chixia is shocked by being forced to retreat, but she still can't help persuading Su Xun.

Looking at Nie Xiaoqian, who is not well dressed and shivering in the water, he can't tell who hurt whom.

"Great Xia Yan, she belongs to Yin and I belong to Yang. It's just that yin and yang are in harmony." Su Xun was smiling and rubbed Nie Xiaoqian's chin with his hand.

Nie Xiaoqian cried with tears. She covered her clothes tightly with her hands. She didn't know that she had been cheated and whored.

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