It's always Sue who's been robbing other people.

But now, he was robbed of his woman.

Is it natural? Is there any royal law?

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable.

"Wait for me here. I'll kill a few people and come."

Su Xun left a word, stretched out his hand to tear a hole, took a step, and disappeared.

"Ah! Brother Su, where did he go

Ning caichen was surprised.

"He's gone to hell. I'll see if I can help him."

Yan Chixia's voice fell, a sword cut a hole, the body also disappeared in place.

Ning caichen looked at Yang Yuhuan and said, "Miss Yuhuan, why don't we..."

"The master told me to wait for him here, so I will only wait for him here." Yang Yuhuan finished, closed his eyes and sat on the ground to meditate.

Ning caichen could only give up the idea of going to the hell to have a look, but he shook his head helplessly.


As soon as Su Xun entered the hell, he saw the black mountain old demon's wedding procession from a distance.

The mighty ghost soldier stretches for several miles. Several sedan chair bearers carry a sedan chair. In the sedan chair is Nie Xiaoqian, who is dressed in red wedding dress and full of anxiety.

"Master, help me, master, help me!"

Nie Xiaoqian also saw Su Xun, and immediately called for help, which was even closer than seeing her father.

She would rather be attacked by Su than by the ghost king.

At least, Su Xun is very handsome and capable.

Beauty is justice!

In the face of Nie Xiaoqian's call for help, a group of ghost soldiers didn't seem to see Su Xun.

In the movie, Yan Chixia said that in the sun, people can't see ghosts.

In the same way, in the underworld, ghosts can't see people.

Of course, this setting is not suitable for all worlds. After all, the rules of each world are different.

"Even the woman I like dares to rob. I don't know what to do!"

Su Xun gave a cold drink, threw his sleeve robe, and stepped up. Nine five clawed golden dragons were entangled in the virtual shadow. He stepped out, and the Golden Dragon roared and rushed to the ghost soldiers.

Nine hundred feet long five clawed golden dragons are lifelike. Where they pass, the mountains collapse and the ground breaks. Thousands of ghost soldiers disappear before they even have time to make a cry.

Su Xun stretched out his hand and Nie Xiaoqian flew directly into his arms. Su Xun bowed his head and said, "it's OK."

"No It's OK. " Nie Xiaoqian looked at Su Xun, her pretty face became more and more red, and her heart beat faster.

Su Xun destroyed the chain on her hand and said, "if you want to be angry, you also need to be separated."

"Ah! I... " Nie Xiaoqian screamed, too ashamed to look Su Xun in the eye.

I don't understand the amorous feelings of this person.

"Take my bride, damn it."

A low and hoarse voice rang out, and a figure came on horseback with an axe in hand.

The man was wearing armor and helmet. He could not see his face clearly. He had several axes and short guns on his back.

It's the old black mountain demon.

"It's you who are looking for death. You dress like a singer. Which one do you want to sing in front of us?"

Su Xun threw Nie Xiaoqian on the ground and said, looking at the black mountain demon who came on horseback.

Nie Xiaoqian kneaded the fart that kneads to fall painful, share, Wei qubaba ran to one side to eat melon.

I don't feel sorry at all. Although fart and stock belong to me, it seems that you don't need to use them in the future.


Black mountain old demon's axe flies out.

But before he got close to Su Xun, the ax was ground into powder by an invisible force.


Seeing this, the old black mountain demon realized that there was a big gap in strength, so he turned around and ran.

It should be noted that there is no limit to the dead sea.

But when he turned around, it was the abyss.

At the moment of turning around, the black mountain old demon felt a majestic momentum like the collapse of the sky, which forced him to stay in the same place and could not breathe.

"Rao Spare your life, master. The little demon is afraid. The little demon knows his mistake and asks the master to spare his life. "

The old black mountain demon didn't pretend to be forced. He begged for mercy. He felt that his bones would be crushed.

"Dress like an actor. In that case, sing a song for us."

Su Xun said carelessly.

"It's the little demon singing."

The black mountain old demon repeatedly promised that he was a demon who loved drama, otherwise he would not make this dress.

Immediately took off the ready-made gun from behind, played as a flower gun, while playing while singing.

"General, let's go to war! Let's go

Su Xun thought, Nie Xiaoqian's previous sedan flew over.

Then Su Xun fell into the sedan chair and sat down, holding Nie Xiaoqian in his arms, enjoying the old black mountain demon singing.

Don't say, this guy is still an expert. He has a good model and a good tune.Su Xun's tutor wanted to blow up the light for him.

"Mr. Su, where is the old black mountain demon?"

Yan Chixia shakes a big circle and finds Su Xun and Nie Xiaoqian. She asks anxiously.

"No, where."

Su Xun raised his finger.

Yan Chixia looked at the tall shadow who was singing and doubted her life.

That guy who sings and dances is really a black mountain old demon full of evil and has a high reputation?

"Under absolute force, no matter how fierce a person is, he will be able to sing, dance and be reasonable."

Su Xun said calmly, looking at Nie Xiaoqian in his arms: "lie in front of me."

Yan Chixia eyebrows pick, Su childe this also too Hao (waste) put (Tang).


Nie Xiaoqian's pretty face turned red and clenched her red lips, but she finally accepted her fate and lay down in front of Su Xun.

Although she was still a virgin, she still knew the relevant knowledge, and what she had learned was useful.

Looking at Nie Xiaoqian, who raised his hips to aim at him, Su Xun's face turned black: "let you lie horizontally."

What's in this woman's head?


Nie Xiaoqian this just reaction come over, not want to carry on negative distance communication with her, bashful unceasingly.

He quickly changed to lie horizontally in front of Su Xun.

With a wave of Su Yiguang's hand, Nie Qingyu falls on her back.

One word: upper class!

"Zhengzheng ~ Zhengzheng ~"

with the music, the graceful dance of the black mountain old demon has become vivid.

Listening to the sound of the piano, the old black mountain demon danced harder and felt that he had saved his life.

Finally, the old black mountain demon finished singing.

"It's over?" Su Xun asked with a smile, and the hand that was plucking the strings also stopped.

Black mountain old demon: "finished."

"It's the end of it." Su Xun nodded.

Then the finger flicked the string.

"Zheng ~"

the head of the black mountain old demon fell down and rolled several meters away on the ground like a ball.

Then he fell to the ground.

Black mountain old demon's eyes stare big, he thinks he can live, but he died.

"I thought you'd let him go." Yan Chixia was also very surprised. After all, Su Xun had just given him a soundtrack. She didn't expect that she would turn ruthless so soon.

Su Xun couldn't deny it: "he sang, I played the piano, and he killed the man who robbed me."

"It's about people." Yan Chixia admired it.

Su Xun gave a cool smile, free and easy and profound.

In fact, I just want to humiliate him, play with him and pretend to be a bully.

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