"Brother Su, I I just... "

Xu Xian woke up and recalled what he had just done. He was ashamed and ashamed.

As a scholar, he did such shameless things as reading sages in vain.

The point is, it's also seen

"What's the point of this? It's nothing more than drunken promiscuity. Even if I'm drunk, my younger brother just enjoys it, but doesn't go any further. It can be seen that my younger brother abides by his nature and keeps himself clean. "

Su Xun was serious, and his face showed admiration. He almost believed that.

"I don't deserve it. I don't deserve it."

Xu Xian is more guilty. He is embarrassed to say that he just won't take off a woman's clothes.

Otherwise it would have been even worse.

"I don't know what my younger brother's ambition is, because he is not a talent in the pool." Su Xun asked.

Like Ning caichen, when young men talk about dreams, they are all very happy.

Don't ask why you are a young man, because those who are old only have life and no dreams.

"To tell you the truth, brother Su, I've always wanted to be a doctor and open my own drugstore to cure and save people. The more people I can save, the better." Xu Xian said.

"Confused! What a muddle Su Xun suddenly gave a big drink, and said: "you need to know, learning medicine can't save the people of Tang Dynasty!"

"Ah?" Xu Xian is confused. Why can't he learn medicine to save the people of Tang Dynasty?

Su Xun's tone softened a little: "there are countless people in the Tang Dynasty, but you only have one. You can guarantee the land of Qiantang at most, but what about other places?"

"This..." Xu Xian could not answer for a moment. He could only ask, "brother Su, since you say so, I don't know if there is any plan to teach Chinese?"

Su Xun said with a cool smile: "learning medicine can't save the people of Tang Dynasty, but if a good brother has money, he can spend money to train doctors and open medical schools all over the country to treat and save people."

"This Wonderful, wonderful As soon as Xu Xian's eyes brightened, he could already imagine that kind of picture.

But soon he calmed down again: "although brother Su's plan is good, it's hard for a skillful woman to make a meal without rice."

It's a good plan, but he has no money.

"I've got some big plans to make a fortune here. If you do that, you won't be short of money." How can the traverser get less invention?

Xu Xian said quickly, "brother Su, come quickly."

Su Su wrote down the formula for inventing transparent glass and inventing perfume to Xu Xian.

"Brother Su gave me such a valuable thing?" Xu Xian took the paper, but felt as heavy as a thousand.

Su Xun said with a bright smile, "money is just a common thing. I once thought about curing people all over the world, but now I just want to go sightseeing. Let my younger brother fulfill this wish for me."

Wen Su's eyes were moved and full of admiration.

Brother Su really has the world in mind. For the sake of the people of the world, he sent me such a secret collection.

In the past, as a scholar, he despised businessmen, but now he wants to be a businessman.

He wants to make more money, train more doctors, open more hospitals and save more people.

This is also fulfilling brother Su's dream.

"Come, brother, have a drink with me."

Su Xun raised his glass and said.


Xu Xian's voice was much louder than before, and he was no longer the soft voice.

Xu Xian, an iron and steel man, is about to go online.

I don't know what will happen when Bai Suzhen finds Xu Xian?

But it's a pity I can't see it. After all, Bai Suzhen is already his appointed bed warmer.

In this way, after five days in Qiantang County, Su Xun took Xu Xian to eat, drink, play and whore.

Xu Xian will be trained to boss phase, has been able to skilled in brothel holding sister chat with people.

Before he left, Su Xun left a sum of money for Xu Xian to start the chain hospital.

Brother Su, you are really a good man.

Looking at Su Xun's back and holding the gold leaf in his hand, Xu Xian thought with admiration.

He decided to go back and start business.

From now on, please call him councillor Xu Wai.


Three days later.

"Master, we'll be in Qinchuan in two days."

Yang Yuhuan said with a map in his hand.

"Well, it's coming at last."

All the way to appreciate the scenery of this strange world, Su Xun didn't find the journey boring.

Two days later.

The three finally arrived near Qinchuan.

"Look, young master, it seems that something is wrong."

Yang Yuhuan pointed to the sky ahead and said.

Su Xun also saw that there was a strong contrast between the sky in front of them.

They have a clear sky here, and in front of them are black clouds with lightning and thunder.His eyes penetrated the black fog and saw a black dragon rolling in it.

"Go and have a look."

Su Xun flew over with them.

Over Qinchuan County, a black dragon rolled in the black clouds and roared.

"Humble human beings, it's your honor to enter the belly of this seat, ha ha ha..."

Jiaolong laughed.

Below, all the residents in Qinchuan county are paper colored, wailing, waiting to die.

"Elder sister, if I go to cultivate immortals in the morning, I might be able to kill it now." Fang Lansheng said.

Fang Lanqin pursed his lips tightly, not in the mood to talk to him, because now they are dying.

It was said that the man who disappeared in jiaowujian was just Ganling in the mountain.

No one will go near Lingwu mountain stream.

It's been a few days.

Unexpectedly, the Jiaoxian came to the door and wanted to swallow them.

"Come in, all of you!"

With a roar, the Dragon opened his mouth and began to suck directly.

"No! no Leave my son alone

"Spare your life, please let us go!"

"God, show me..."

The people were crying, screaming and roaring.

"Bold evil, broad daylight, heaven and earth, an dares to eat people in front of me!"

Just when everyone was in despair, a sound full of righteousness was like thunder.

Everyone looked up subconsciously.

I saw a white figure standing in the void, and there were two beautiful women beside him. They were all of good temperament, just like immortals.

"The gods have come to light! The gods have come to light

"God bless..."

"The gods have come to save us!"

All of them were as overjoyed as seeing the rescuers, and some of them cried directly with excitement.

"How handsome." Fang Lansheng yearns for it.

Fang Lanqin also has to admit that the visitor is very handsome, more handsome than Ouyang Shaogong.

"Who are you? If you dare to play with your own business, you will lose your life. "

"Unless you give me the two ordinary women around you, I will forgive you for your rudeness."

Jiaoxian's Lantern sized eyeballs looked down on Su Xun with the posture of looking down on the world.

"It's true that the earthworm will lose your life, but it's a small one."

Su Xun looked at Jiaolong and said solemnly.

"Ha ha ha, joke, just mortal, who can kill me, who dares to kill me?"

Jiaolong laughed scornfully.

"I can kill you!"

Su Xun cold spit out five words, a sword burst out on his body, momentum straight into the sky.


It's like a hole in the sky.

Everyone watched the scene in horror.

Next second, stab, huge purple sword with lightning whistling away.


"Ah, ah!"

With a loud noise, Jiaolong's head was cut off directly, and blood rushed out.

It's like a rain of blood.

The people below all have dull eyes. They didn't expect Jiaolong to be solved so easily.

"Elder sister, I will worship him as my teacher!"

Fang Lansheng was so excited that he was shaking like a stimulant.

"Don't even think about it. You're the only one in the Fang family. You're waiting for your lineage."

Fang Lanqin once again rejected his brother's immortal dream without hesitation.

"I don't care! I must cultivate immortals! "

Fang Lansheng's tone is firm.

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