
Ling Duan sneered and said: "in the past, you were responsible for this. Elder martial brother is no longer responsible. Of course, it's you who go."

"Good." Hearing the three words of elder martial brother, Baili Tu Su no longer resisted.

Lingduan said: "to ensure the safety of all the new disciples, you can't afford to be in trouble."

Voice down, turned to leave, in the moment of turning around, he raised a sneer.

Baili Tu Su, Su Xun, Ouyang Shaogong, this time, I see if you will die.

Furong liked Lingyue, so he often asked Baili Tu Su to send things to Lingyue.

Lingduan didn't know the inside story, so he mistakenly thought that Furong was given to Baili Tusu.

So he always regarded Baili Tu Su as his rival.

Now, the appearance of Su Xun and Ouyang Shaogong also made him feel threatened.

As for the wind and snow is not enough for fear, talent is only a woman.

There is no history of women being leaders in Tianyong city.

So he is ready to take this opportunity to take away Baili Tu Su, Su Xun and Ouyang Shaogong.

He has already figured out that in the past, feicui Valley used to release some weak elves. He can only intimidate those new disciples, but he can't hurt them at all.

This time, he is going to put the evil demon Gu Huo bird in the forbidden demon cave into the Jade Valley.

Gu Huo bird was used to kill Ouyang Shaogong and Su Xun, who were just mortals. Then Baili slaughtered Su Xun, who was not good at caring for him. As a result, his disciples were injured and killed.

As for why Gu Huo bird escaped from the forbidden demon cave, it could be pushed to master brother Ling Yue.

Because Lingyue was always in charge of guarding the forbidden demon cave, he could be punished for being a bad guard. Carelessly, Gu huoniao escaped and killed people.

This move is like four carvings with one arrow.

The smile on Ling Duan's face is more and more prosperous.

Furong is his, the leader of Tianyong city can only be his, no one can take it away!

He came to the forbidden demon cave alone.

He found the gourd that held Gu Huo bird and said, "Gu Huo bird, I'll make a deal with you to give you freedom. How about that?"

In the play, instead of negotiating with Gu huoniao, he puts Gu huoniao directly into feicui Valley, just to plant Bai Li Tu Su and protect his new disciples.

But now if he wants to kill the designated person, he must communicate with Gu huoniao in advance.

Gu Huo bird's strength can't kill Bai Li Tu Su, but it's more than enough to kill two mortals.

"Well, as long as you are willing to let us out, we will agree to any condition, any condition!"

Gu Huo bird in the Magic Gourd agreed without hesitation, because they had been locked in for too long and yearned for freedom outside.

They are willing to pay any price for it.

"Well, I'm not afraid of your repentance. Tianyong city is very big. Without my help, even if you can come out, you can't leave Tianyong City safely."

Ling Duan gave a cold warning, and then left the forbidden demon cave with the sealed demon gourd.


In this way, time turns to dusk.

With a long sword, Baili Tu Su took Su Xun and other new disciples to feicui valley.

"Brother Su, do you know that elder martial brother? You seem to have seen him many times Said Feng Qingxue.

She always feels familiar with Baili Tu su.

Su Xun said with a smile: "it's just curiosity. I heard that he was a disciple of the sword elder."

"Immortal Ziyin, the elder with the sword, I've heard something about him. It's best to worship him." Ouyang Shaogong looks up to Ziyin.

But Su Xun knew that this guy was an actor. This time he came to Tianyong City, he wanted to steal the burning sword from the sword Pavilion.

Later, he failed to steal the sword. Immortal Ziyin went out of the gate. He was afraid to show his horse's feet.

After all, ziyinzhen talent is the strongest existence of Tianyong City, at least in the play.

However, Su Xun estimated that there must be more than that. After all, there must be that kind of antiquity that has been closed all the year round and has not risen to heaven.

After all, for some people, it is more important to guard the clan than to fly to heaven.

Just like patriotism, it is more important for many people to stay at home and make contributions than to go abroad and enjoy themselves.

"Well, let's have a rest and wait for the evening." Baili Tu Su stopped, said a word, and then sat down on a stone.

Feng Qingxue looked at TU Su sitting in a hundred Li, motionless, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's the matter? He won't be the one you're looking for." Ouyang Shaogong asked.

On the way to Tianyong City, Feng Qingxue says her purpose, that is to find someone.

Feng Qingxue shook her head: "no, it can't be him. He can't be so cold."

"I'll go and find out for you." Ouyang Shaogong finished and went to Baili Tu su.In fact, he just wanted to get in touch with Baili Tusu. Burning silence and Baili Tusu are necessities for him to recover his strength.

After a while, Ouyang Shaogong came back and shook his head: "I can't ask you anything."

Two hours later, it was dark.

"That elder martial brother has been sitting there motionless for two hours, just like a piece of wood."

"Yes, he's not practicing, is he?"

"There is no monster in this place."

The disciples began to complain.


Just at this time, suddenly the wind was strong, and then countless green spirits flew over.

"Ah! Here comes the monster

"Here comes the monster

A group of people were in a panic for a moment.

Baili Tu Su opened his eyes and stood up, holding his sword and quietly watching the scene.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here."

Su Xun stopped the wind and snow for the first time. He knew that these so-called spirits were just elves.

But it's a good chance for him to attack the wind, clear and snow.

Seeing Su Xun standing in front of him without hesitation, Feng Qingxue was moved and said, "brother Su, Shaogong, don't be afraid. It's not a monster, it's just a little elf who likes to tease people."

"The elder martial brother will not make fun of us." Ouyang Shaogong said that he didn't want to touch each other all the time.

If this is not love ~

"roar -"

at this moment, suddenly the evil wind was blowing. With a roar, two ferocious looking Guhuo birds rushed to Su Xun and Ouyang Shaogong respectively.

Su Xun almost subconsciously wanted to crush it to death, but he took a look at Ouyang Shaogong who was in a panic and quickly resisted the impulse.

I'm not as deep as Ouyang Shaogong.

"Be careful!"

Hundred Li Tu Su exclaimed, his sword came out of its sheath and jumped up to stop Gu Huo bird.

But his shoulder was scratched by Gu Huo bird just like in the play.

"The three of you go to one side."

"Thank you, elder martial brother. Be careful."

Su Xun and the three quickly went to the distance.

But what they didn't expect was that.

Gu Huo bird seems to be coming for them. He has been attacking Su Xun and Ouyang Shaogong.

Su Xun and Ouyang Shaogong looked coldly at the same time where they couldn't see each other.

I know it's a deliberate attempt to kill them.

What a way to die!

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