Many criminals who commit crimes in succession have one characteristic, that is, whether the time or the object of the crime is regular.

The object of this case has one thing in common: it's all women.

Except when the police investigated the victims, they found no similarities.

The victims include unmarried white-collar workers, married housewives and students. In short, all kinds of people have their faces and figures.

There is no regular time for criminals to commit crimes. Some of them commit crimes for two consecutive days, while others commit crimes again after a few days.

Plus the surveillance couldn't find any useful information.

This makes it very difficult for the police to crack down, and they have no clue.

Su Xun can at least be sure that the case yesterday was not done by the original murderer.

Because, the original murderer has been swimming in the sea, pursuing poetry and far away (* / ω\ *).

But he felt that there must be a certain degree of connection between the current murderer and the original murderer. Maybe the admirers of the original murderer were imitating the crime, or they knew each other.

The former is ignored, because the possibility of the latter is too small.

So here's the problem.


suddenly, Su Xun, the thinker, took a breath and looked at Qin Zhu in his arms: "what are you doing?"

"I You got it. " Qin Zhu's face was shy, otherwise his heart would not be able to beat. It was estimated that his little heart would be able to jump out.

Su Xun coughed twice: "pay attention next time, it's very cold."

"Be careful." Qin Zhu nodded seriously.

Looking at his watch, Su Xun got up and went upstairs: "I changed my clothes and went out. You are good at home."

"Oh." Qin Zhu's mouth curled. I'm not a child anymore. Do you need to say that.

Half an hour later, without a bodyguard, Su Xun drove his own Pagani alone and waited for an Zijin at the school gate.

Since Su Xun became famous in a high profile, most people in the school knew it was his car, so there was no fuss.

Soon, Su Xun saw an Zijin come out of the school.

the red chiffon dress looks mature and elegant, and its white legs are thin and straight. Delicate jade feet trample on a pair of black high heeled sandals, and bright red nail polish adds some temptation.

"Long wait?"

An Zijin opened the car door, walked into the copilot, put the bag aside.

Su Xun started the sports car and said, "it's just a moment to wait for my wife."

"One for you."

An Zijin came up to Su Xun's face and gave him a kiss. After all, women like to hear nice words, especially from their boyfriends.

"If you really want to reward me, I'll stay at my house tonight." Su Xun was thinking about peach again. She had been greedy for an Zijin's body for a long time.

And he had calculated, the big aunt of an Zijin had already left, these two days are safety period.

Ann Son Jin's amorous feelings ten thousand kinds of smile: "good, but last time I didn't go home for the night in your house, my father is very angry, this time again like this, he may kill to come to the door."

"It's OK. I can handle it." Susie said that it was not normal for the old man to resist the old man in order to get the body of his girlfriend.

An Zijin smelled speech to turn a white eye: "you are thinking fart to eat, too fast, I can't accept."

For the first time, I was almost killed in her home. It was because I was moved by Su Xun, and my mood came up. I didn't control it for a moment.

But when she was still rational, Su Xun didn't even think about it.

"I'm not happy. I don't believe it. Ask Xiaoyu." After all, it was about the dignity of a man.

An Son Jin red face Jiao Chen a: "roll."

The speed is too fast. An Zijin wants to get off.

Because the speed is very fast, so more than ten minutes later to the cinema.

After parking in the parking lot, Su Xun went in with an Zijin's thin waist.

At the gate of the cinema, there was a clown in a headgear, with a bunch of balloons in his hand, surrounded by seven or eight children.

When Su Xun and an Zijin passed by him, the clown turned to see an Zijin.

It was a long look, at least three seconds.

As an Zijin and Su Xun enter the cinema, he takes back his eyes and continues to tease a group of children in front of him.

An hour and a half later, when the movie was over, Su Xun came out with an Zijin with a pretty red face.

As for why she looks so red at a movie?

Su Xun thought it might be because it was too hot in the cinema.

"Bad guy, big bad guy, don't come to the cinema next time." An Zijin bites silver teeth and scolds the bastards around her. She says that she is going to see a movie. As a result, she sees a beginning. She doesn't even remember what the movie says.

As for what she was doing, I had to ask Su Xun.At this time, the clown came to the two people and handed a balloon to an Zijin.

An Son Jin Leng for a while, then just subconsciously stretch out a hand to catch.

"How much." Su Xun looked at the clown and asked.

The clown waved his hand, turned and walked away.

Su Xun smashed it, smashed it, and said, "this man is beautiful, but he's different. When he walks in the street, people send balloons."

"Well, are you jealous? Envy? " An Son Jin the corner of the mouth rises, the mood is good many.

Su Xun said with a smile, "that guy teases my girlfriend in front of me. He's very brave."

"Let you bully me, believe it or not, I'll kick you out sooner or later." An Zi Jin bit silver tooth to threaten a, bouncing of hum a small Song son to walk toward parking space.

Su Xun looked back at the clown who was selling balloons. He didn't know why he wanted to see it. He just wanted to see it subconsciously.

The clown felt his eyes, looked up at him and waved to him.

Su Xun returns with a smile, then quickly followed an Zijin.

A few minutes later, with the roar of the engine, Pagani slowly drove out of the parking lot.

The traffic lights in the city seriously limit the performance of this car. After all, no matter how powerful the car is, it can't violate the traffic regulations.

"Where to eat, what to eat."

In the car, Su Xun casually asked an Zijin around him.

Anzijin said: "whatever."

"Western food?" Su Xun asked.

An Son Jin head also does not lift of return a way: "at will."

"Eat shit?" Su Xun asked again.

"With..." An Zi Jin just said a word, suddenly reaction comes over: "you just eat dog excrement."

Su Xun sighed: "the Internet is right. It's really the most difficult thing for women to cope with."

"It's not the time to put you to bed." An Zijin is not good at looking at Su Xun. Sure enough, men are big pig hooves.

Su Xun was speechless.

The two chatting in the car didn't notice that a humble black Volkswagen maiteng was following them from beginning to end.

On the back seat of the black maiteng car, there is a funny clown suit. The clown's exaggerated smile looks a little creepy.

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