"Mr. Su, why don't you move to the main hall and have tea?"

After killing Tang Chun, Tang Kun invites Su Xun.

"Obedience is better than respect." Su Xun mainly wanted to see Tang Xuejian, also played by Da Mi.

Don't ask why she is called big power, the essence of which is a big word.

U1s1, Tang Xuejian in the legend of swordsman is the peak of her beauty, and her performance is also very good.

"Please, Mr. Su."

"Please come first, master of the Tang clan."

They were polite. Then Su Xun followed Tang Kun to the main hall, and a servant offered tea.

"Let elder Su laugh. I thought Tang clan was good at the secret weapon. I didn't think that I could hurt the evil way. I also had a burglar." Tang Kun sighed.

In fact, the killers of the Tang school came to Beijing just to brush their prestige in the world. Tang Kun didn't feel that he could hurt the national teacher.

He was injured secretly, and time was running out. He was worried that the status of Tangmen in Shuzhou would plummet after his death, so he wanted to take this opportunity to establish Tangmen's status again.

But I didn't expect Tang Yi to sell for glory. This is what makes him most disappointed and angry.

Su Xun took a cup of tea and tasted it: "the master of the Tang clan has the heart to get rid of demons, which is admirable. As for this thief, after all, he knows his face and doesn't know his heart."

"I only hope that this meeting of removing demons will be able to destroy the evil way and bring about a pure and bright world." Tang Kun's tone is passionate and powerful, revealing a healthy atmosphere.

Su Xun immediately put down his tea cup and said with awe inspiring righteousness: "the leader of the Tang clan can be at ease. Tianyong city and the demon are at odds. I'm coming down the mountain to get rid of the demons. I will never stop fighting the demon!"

It is worthy of being the elder of the right school.

"Good!" Tang Kun cried out with admiration: "elder Su is determined to get rid of demons, and I admire him. If you don't give up, Tang clan is willing to cooperate with you."

Tangmen had a good relationship with Shushan sect. If they could make friends with Tianyong city again, even after he died, they would be able to protect Tangmen for a hundred years.

Su Xun thought it funny. He sent someone to assassinate me some time ago, but now he says he will cooperate with me.

If you know that the master of Yaodao and the elder of Tianyong city are both me, will you die ahead of time?

Su Xun wanted to make use of this meeting to establish his position as the leader of the right way step by step.

As for the identity of Yaodao national master, naturally, we should also keep it. In this way, we can make our two identities more important.

The identity of the national master of demons and Taoism can be used to win over the demons and ghosts in the world and fight against the right way.

And the identity of the leader of the right way can lead the world's Xuanmen and decent schools on the ground of resisting the evil way.

This is called mutual support and self-respect.

I'm the hero and villain.

All the heroes in the world are in your hands.

The core of a world is never the heaven and the earth, but the world full of seven emotions and six desires.

Man is the foundation of the world.

Mastering the world begins with mastering the world.

Su Xun is going to fight left and right. The nutrition express and toilet paper are ready.

"Grandfather, grandfather, I heard that the elders of Tianyong city are here! Where is it? "

as like as two peas in the red dress and the wind and snow, the women were just jumping up and down.

At the same time, the baby's granary is also bouncing, after all, there is no chest, cover.

It's a wonderful world. If you jump, it will jump.

Tut, double bet.

"I'm so careless. I haven't come to see Su Changlao in Tianyong city."

Although Tang Kun was scolding, the smile between his eyebrows and the doting in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Is this the elder of Tianyong city? It's too young, not many years older than me. "

Tang Xuejian looked at Su Xun and widened her eyes.

Su Xun is also looking at Tang Xuejian. This woman is like Feng Qingxue's twin sister.

"Snow see, don't be rude!" Tang Kun looked at Su Xun and said apologetically, "Su Changlao, this is my granddaughter Xuejian. This girl has been spoiled by me since she was a child. You can't care with her."

"Well, why is the leader of the Tang clan so polite?" Su looked up as like as two peas at Tang Xuejian: "I don't hide from Tang Dynasty's master. I'm afraid it's a miracle. Snow looks like a girl.

"Well, you're not taking advantage of me, are you?" Tang Xue frowned and pointed to Su Xun.

She was still the daughter of Huang Hua. She always felt that Su Xun's words were in tune.

Tang Kun also didn't believe it. He thought in his heart: how can there be such a coincidence in the world? Did elder Su take a fancy to Xuejian and suggest it to me?

It's good for Xuejian and Tangmen if she can marry the elder of Tianyong City, but it depends on what Xuejian means.

"Ha ha, that's true. I'll see snow girl another day." Su Xun smiles calmly. He doesn't know that Tang Kun has so many psychological activities.Tang Xue saw her eyes rolling, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Su Xun got up and said, "master of the Tang clan, I'll see you on the day of the demon removal meeting. I'll leave first."

"I send elder su." Tang Kun quickly gets up and sends Su Xun out of the Tang family castle all the way.

After leaving the Tang family castle, Su Xun went to the inn to conserve his energy. In the evening, he saw Xiaoqian and Yuhuan.

Yuzhou is not far from Qingcheng Mountain.

"Mr. Su, wait for me." An ethereal voice sounded behind him.

Su Xun turned around and looked at Tang Xuejian with smart eyes: "Xuejian girl, what's the matter with me?"

"I want to see the woman you're talking about who looks like me." Tang Xuejian carries her hands and leans forward slightly. She can only say that she is very cool.

Su Xun said with a smile, "please come with me. I think she would like to see you if she knew you."

is it really as like as two peas? Tang Xuejian ran to Su Xun, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

Su Xun nodded: "no one will doubt that you are twin sisters, but you have different personalities."

Suddenly, at his feet, he saw two figures chasing and fighting in the crowd.

"Hey, die Maomao, wait for me, or you won't even have chicken head and fart to eat!"

"Boss, hurry up, eh, boss, that man seems to be looking at you."

"Never mind. I hate people who are more handsome than me."

They are Jingtian and Maomao.

Jingtian, who wants to be the manager of Yong'an, and Maomao, who wants to go to Chang'an.

Compared with Jingtian, Su Xun had a more profound impression on Mao Mao, especially in the latter part.

"Do you know them?" Tang Xuejian asked.

Su Xun shook his head and asked her, "do you have any strange feelings about that tall and thin man?"

Tang Xuejian's noumenon is a fruit on the tree of heaven. In fact, it is the goddess Xiyao who sent to the world to accompany Feipeng's reincarnation to Jingtian.

"Why do I have a strange feeling about that guy who looks like a rascal?" Tang Xue frowned.

Su Xun didn't answer, "let's go."

If you look at Jingtian and Maomao, you can only see their backs.

Su Xun likes Jingtian and Maomao, but he is not in a hurry to get to know each other.

If you want to take away the things that originally belong to Sedum, you have to give people some compensation.

Lao Su, we are so particular about life.

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