"What's the matter? What do you think about it? As soon as you come back, you look worried. The appointment with Miss anda is not smooth?"

Qin Zhu, lying dead on the sofa, climbs into Su Xun's arms. His big eyes are full of doubts.

"No, remember the serial killer who was thrown to feed the fish?"

Su Xun shook his head and handed the iPhone to Qin Zhu, explaining to her what he knew.

"A bunch of animals!"

Qin Zhu listened to Su Xun's story and read the group chat record. He scolded angrily.

What's the difference between this kind of behavior and animals?

Those victims have no grievances or grudges against them, but they enjoy elaborately planning blood cases. How cruel.

What's more, it's not enough to focus on Liao Yu first, but now he focuses on an Zijin.

"Yes, a bunch of animals." Su Xun thought that it was not too much for these people to die ten thousand times.

This group of people are damned, but it's not his turn to start. After the legal trial, the animals in this group are absolutely 100% shot.

So you don't need to dirty your hands, and it's easy to get into a mess.

Different from Liao Yu's time, the other party had already started. At that time, as long as it was a man, he could not help killing.

After many thoughts, Su Xun sighed again: "now the problem has come. The police can't find the evidence, but I can't give it to the police. How can the police catch them?"

"I have a way." Qin Zhu's eyes twinkled with cunning light.

Su Xun looked at her and said, "what can I do?"

Qin Zhu didn't speak and stretched out his face.

Su Xun was a little speechless. He bowed his head and gave her a kiss on the face

"That's about the same." Qin Zhu's eyes narrowed with joy and said, "the police can't catch them, but they can turn themselves in."

This may sound ridiculous.

But Su Xun's eyes lit up and he thought it was reasonable.

He and Qin Zhu join hands, there are 100 ways to let the animals obediently climb to the police station to surrender.

Now the only problem is getting those people out.

However, now ah San's mobile phone is in his hands, which seems not difficult.

Thinking of this, Su Xun took out his mobile phone and continued to look through the chat records. First, he was looking for some important information. Second, he was familiar with ah San's speech style.

He found a very important message from the chat records of these people.

That is, this group has been established for a long time. Members of the group are familiar with each other and trust each other. After all, planning a crime together is no longer a simple matter of trust.

But group members have not met, has been in the state of netizens.

Su Xun thought it was an opportunity.

Then he imitated the style of ah San and sent the first message in the group.

Ah San (Su Xun): there's been an accident these two days. I didn't go online. I didn't expect that clowns replaced me.


After the message was sent out, the group was very quiet and no one answered.

Su Xun was not worried. After all, there were only five people left in the group except the dead ah San. It was impossible for everyone to stare at the group all the time.

A moment later, the first person replied.

Spider: ah San, if it wasn't for the lack of information from the police, I thought you were arrested.

Ah San (Su Xun): Yes, I'm sending this message in prison.

Spider: ha ha, I almost believe it.

Joker: third brother, I won't blame me for robbing you.

Shell: how can he blame you? He can chop you along the net line.

Bamboo: third brother, what's the situation this time? In the past, he didn't go online for more than one or two days at most. This is the first time that he didn't go online for more than three days.

Glasses: Yes, are you in any trouble? If you're short of money, just squeak.

Other people began to bubble one after another. It seems that they have no doubt about ah San who hasn't been online for three days.

The main reason is that ah San often didn't get any news for a day or two before, but this time it took a little longer, but it didn't take much, so people didn't get surprised.

Ah San (Su Xun): Zhi.

Spider: third brother is still so humorous.

Su Xun had a chill. He couldn't imagine ah San's obscene male humor.

Clown: third brother, I've got a sheep in my eye. Have you seen it? Isn't it beautiful, the real Bai Fumei? I remember you said that you were also in Jiangnan City, otherwise this time we would work together, and you would be happy?

Su Xun sneered in his heart? Cool your uncle, I sent you to the bureau to be picked up soap, chrysanthemum, flower residue slowly hurt, let your dog say slowly cool (quite rhyme).

Ah San (Su Xun): Yes, I'm also in Jiangnan City. I really want to meet you. After all, we've known each other for so long, we've done so many exciting things together, and we haven't had a meeting offline.

For the sake of safety, he can't take the initiative to propose an offline party, so he adopts this way of thinking guidance.Joker: that's good. I suggest that we get together. In Jiangnan City, my third brother and I will serve as hosts.

Spider: whatever, I'll do. Anyway, everyone is so familiar, and there's nothing to be afraid of.

Shell: let's talk about the time and place. I'm very curious about what the third brother looks like. I've caught six sheep in a row. I admire them from the bottom of my heart.

Ah San (Su Xun): it's all your plans. I'm just doing it.

Bamboo: since everyone has this idea, I'm not disappointed. Let's get together.

Glasses: OK, I'm not far from Jiangnan City.

Everyone agreed to the proposal of offline party without any precaution.

First, we all have this idea in our hearts. After all, we have known each other for a long time and cooperated with each other on several cases. We feel like we are friends.

Second, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and we don't have to worry about who will betray who, so the safety is reliable.

Third, it is related to ah San. He has completed the sheep catching operation perfectly for six times in a row. Everyone is a little curious about him in reality.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth went up and he gave a sneer. Then he typed back: it's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. So how about tonight? Anyway, the air tickets are convenient now. When you arrive, I'll give you reimbursement. I'll take care of food, drink and play.

Spider: the third brother is heroic.

Bamboo: I'm sorry if I don't come.

Ah San (Su Xun): find a secret place for the address. Let's go to Yulong villa tonight. I'll wrap it up then. When you arrive, just give me my name.

Yulong mountain villa is located in Yulong mountain on the edge of Jiangnan City. It is a well-known farm with high mountains, dense forests and beautiful scenery.

The biggest advantage is that what happens here is just a daily failure.

Clown: Yulong villa is good. I have been there once. It's very secret. The environment is also good and the taste is very good.

Spiders: you can book your tickets in the afternoon. I'll do that.

Bamboo: I'll book the ticket right away.

Ah San (Su Xun): OK, let's book the tickets as soon as possible. I'll arrange a good evening for you.

Put away the mobile phone, Su Xun called Long Yi and asked him to take people to Yulong villa to wrap it up. Then he dismissed the waiters in the villa and replaced all the security guards with his own bodyguards.

Only in this way can we be good at entertaining those "guests" who come from afar in the evening.

Only when they turn themselves in to the police can they find their conscience.

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