The leaders and elders of all sects lived for hundreds of years. They were calm and would not be beaten by Su Xun.

Otherwise the picture would be beautiful.

It's like a group of old men and women with swords and knives jumping on an old disco.

However, it's not as good as the young disciples yelling at each other.

But they are determined to eradicate the evil.

One of the reasons why we want to eradicate the evil way is to really get rid of the harm for the people and save the common people.

The second reason is that Yaodao controlled the imperial court and took the military power. He used the army to help him search the world's elixirs and treasures just like locusts.

It is also famous for refining elixir for the emperor.

According to him, the mountain searched by the imperial army is cleaner than the monk's head.

What about the horse riding sects?

So we must eradicate the evil way and save the common people. They are also members of the common people.

Save yourself. There's nothing wrong with it.

Su Xun raised his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet. Then he said, "you guys, the evil way controls the Imperial Army, and has cultivated many Taoist children. It's not a matter of one day to get rid of him."

One by one, one by one, for the sake of the common people in the world, he was really worried that one day he would get into the play too deeply, so he ran to kill Chang'an that way.

"Mr. Su is right."

"Yes, it's not a day or two that the demon way has been in charge of the imperial court, and his cultivation is profound. It's absolutely not so easy to get rid of him."

"Isn't that why we are united? Let's join hands and fight together. We don't need to tell him anything about the morality of the river and the lake! "

Everyone nodded, you say I agree, they also know this.

Tang Kun felt thoughtful, then clapped the armrest of his chair and stood up: "then we should be prepared to fight against the demons for a long time. I suggest that all the sects form an alliance. What do you think?"

All the people are quiet again in an instant, form an alliance, and then push out the leader. That will really confirm the establishment of subordination, unless they withdraw from the alliance.

But now that I have joined, how can this alliance be so easy to retreat?

What's more, it's necessary to say who is the leader of the alliance?

So all the people were thinking about it and didn't say anything.

Su Xun looked at Tang Kun, and the corner of his mouth was a little.

It is more appropriate for others to bring up this matter than for him to bring it up himself.

I know that Tang Kun is selling to himself on purpose.

Su Xun said that he had a good idea. In the future, I will give Tang Xuejian several billion yuan to express my thanks.

If she has a big appetite, she can repay tens of billions or hundreds of billions at one time.

Tang Xuejian: it's almost overflowing.

Youdu's mother-in-law stood up with her crutch, looked at Su Xun, and said slowly: "I think this proposal is good, and the evil way is powerful. If everyone is like a pack of loose sand, it's easy to be broken one by one by the evil way."

She is also helping Su Xun build momentum. From the first time she saw Feng Qingxue, she knew that she was broken.

Looking at Feng Qingxue's eyes, she could think that Su Xun had done it with her knees.

Su Xun said that I did it, and I will continue to do it (づ◡ど).

Su Xun sleeps with the spirit girl of Youdu. Even if she is half a Youdu person, her mother-in-law will help her.

"Listen to me, gentlemen."

At this time, Qingwei stood up.

Everyone looked at Qingwei. After all, Qingwei's prestige is still very high.

The Shushan school has saved the human world.

Qingwei sighed and said, "now there is one thing I have to tell you."

All people are slightly a Leng, in the end is what, let Qingwei are so heavy.

"You only know that when the demon Kingdom invaded the human world, we Shushan sect used the secret technique to temporarily enhance our power and defeat the demon emperor, but in fact, the future is endless..."

Qingwei tells the story of the evil sword fairy.

After hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"This What can we do? The evil way has not been removed. Another one is more powerful than the evil way. "

"Yes, the great calamity is coming. It's in danger."

"Who on earth let out that evil idea? It's insane, insane!"

Su Xun: you scold again ('Δ ')!

"Listen to me, everyone." Qingwei once again raised his voice: "before there was jiuxiao Zhenjun, the national master of Yaodao, and later there were evil ideas to bring disaster to the common people, so I also agreed that all families should form an alliance together to fight against this disaster!"

"I'm all for it

"The Tang clan agreed!"

"Tianjianzong agrees!"

Now, all the sects no longer have any opinions. They all agree with each other, and they are very positive."Hahaha, old man Qingwei, a group of rotten fish and shrimps want to fight against us? Innocence

An arrogant laugh came, accompanied by evil, a big bald man came in a flash.

The evil atmosphere directly enveloped the whole Shu mountain, and the sky was gloomy, which made people feel stuffy.

"Evil thoughts! How! How could he be so quick to become a real man! "

The five people in Qingwei were shocked. They thought there was still time to prepare, but they didn't expect that evil thoughts could cultivate their real bodies so quickly, and their strength increased greatly.

"This is the evil idea!"

"He How could he be so strong! "

All of us are faced with a great enemy. We thought that Qing Wei's words were exaggerated, but now we know it after seeing the evil sword fairy with our own eyes.

This evil idea is stronger than what Qingwei said.

There was a haze in everyone's heart, even a sense of desperation spreading.

"What evil thoughts! I am the evil sword fairy

The evil sword fairy gave a cold drink, and his evil spirit was very strong. Looking at those frightened people below, he was very comfortable.

That's the right way to play.

Apart from the Lord, in this world, no one will be his opponent! no one!!!

Then, his eyes fell on Ouyang Shaogong and Baili Tu Su, and he immediately appeared beside them, caught them and flew to the sky.

"Tu Su! Don't be polite

Wind clear snow exclaimed.

"It's you

With a grim smile, the evil sword fairy uses the evil force to extract the spirits from the two people's bodies, and then throws them down.

"Evil sword fairy! What have you done to them

Su Xun was surprised and angry. Teacher Guo saw the acting and had to send him an s card.

"Are you the leader? I'll kill you first, so that I can get rid of my anger yesterday! "

The evil sword fairy's eyes were cold and his words fell down. His two claws were carrying the evil spirit to Su Xun.


Solanum nigrum and fengqingxue were shocked.

"If you dare to hurt my Tianyong disciples, you will die!"

Su Xun clapped his hand, and the cup beside him flew out. The tea suddenly turned into a huge wave, and then condensed into a huge blue sword.


Feeling the great power of the blue sword, the evil sword fairy was shocked, then turned around and ran.

In my heart is ten thousand pieces of grass, NIMA ran by.

Ruthlessly trample on his young heart.

I don't know_ (•̀ω•́」∠)_!!!

Who can tell him, he was sealed in the lock demon tower these years, what happened outside in the end?

Why does it feel like everyone can hang him?

What's more shocking is that Qingwei and others, one by one, also have huge waves in their hearts.

They didn't expect that they were as fierce as the evil sword fairy. When they faced Su Xun, they didn't dare to fight hard.

One by one, one can't help but start to doubt life and whether one's own cultivation is wrong.

What kind of immortal is this horse?

It's more fierce than Taiyi golden fairy!

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