"Alliance leader, I venture to visit you. I don't disturb you."

As soon as Tang Kun entered the room, he arched his hand and said.

"The master of the Tang clan is very polite. Please take a seat." Su Xun got up to greet him with a smile.

After waiting for Tang Kun to sit down, Su xuncai asked carelessly, "I don't know if the leader of Tang clan has any advice here?"

"I don't dare to give advice. I just want to talk to the alliance leader about some private matters." Tang Kun said, looking at Feng Qingxue, showing an apologetic expression.

The wind is fine and the snow sees shape, smile slightly: "that you chat first, I go to make tea for you."

With that, he swayed his waist and went out.

"Master Tang, let's just say what you have to say now." Su Xun was very curious. What can't he say in front of Feng Qingxue?

Tang Kun sighed: "don't hide it from the alliance leader. I'm going to die soon!"

"How to say that." Su Xun made a very surprised expression. Tang Kun died early in the play.

But in this world, everyone's value of force has been raised. As an immortal, Tang Kun has an endless life span. How can he die of illness.

Tang Kun said slowly: "when I was young, I fought with others and hurt my foundation. I have been relying on drugs for many years, but now I can't maintain it any more."

"This..." Su Xun said, Lao Tang, you are totally killed by the plot.

Tang Kun continued: "people can't be detached. They will die, but the only thing I can't rest assured about is my granddaughter Xuejian. I want to ask the leader to take care of her."

"Don't worry, master of Tang clan. Qingxue and Xuejian are sisters. I should take care of my sister-in-law." Su Xun said seriously.

It's normal for brother-in-law to take care of his kind sister-in-law.

Tang Kun looked directly at him: "alliance leader, I'll say it straight. I hope you can accept the snow to see me as your concubine."

"What Su Xun was very surprised and refused again and again: "absolutely not. I see snow as my sister. I've never thought about this. Absolutely not!"

Sister Qing is also a sister.

"The leader of the alliance is a gentleman. I naturally believe that you have never had such a mind, but Xuejian has such a mind for the leader of the alliance." Tang Kun sighed.

Su Xun still refused: "don't say it again, master of Tang clan. I will certainly take care of Xue Jian, but it won't be in this way. I don't agree!"

"For the sake of my life, please accept my request." Tang Kun got up, went to the middle and bowed to Su Xun.

Su Xun quickly got up to help him: "master of Tang clan, what is this for? This kind of thing can't be forced."

"I know it's hard for the alliance leader, but when I was a grandfather, I only wanted my granddaughter to get what he wanted and asked the alliance leader to pity me, a dying man." Tang Kun said.

The reason why he dared to force Su Xun like this was that he had been supporting Su Xun since the demon removal meeting, so he was a meritorious minister.

People are going to die. Naturally, they don't worry about whether this will make Su Xun unhappy. It's the right thing to marry his granddaughter while he's still alive.

Seeing this, Su Xun sighed and said helplessly, "it's just that. What's the matter here? What's the matter here? Please get up, master of the Tang clan. I promise you."

People are talking about it. If I don't agree with it, I'm not human.

So I'll try my best to agree.

"Thank you very much for your kindness. I will never forget it. The Tang clan will surely be the leader of the alliance." Tang Kun's tone was much more relaxed when he finished his wish.

Su Xun shook his head: "we should respect Xuejian's opinion on this matter. If she doesn't agree, you can't force me again."

It's so natural for me to be cheap and show off.

"Don't worry, alliance leader. I'll go back and tell Xuejian now. Ha ha ha ha..." Tang Kun laughs and leaves.

Soon, Feng Qingxue came in and said, "I saw the master of the Tang clan go away with a smile. What are you talking about?"

"Ha ha." Su Xun waved his hand with a bitter smile and sighed: "look, what are these? It's the first time that he was forced to take a concubine."

"The master of the Tang clan is also determined to see the snow." Feng Qingxue didn't want to get angry. Instead, he had to persuade Su Xun: "since you have agreed to the master of the Tang clan, you will be treated equally if you accept the snow and have seen the gate."

"With you." Su Xun sighed, and the corners of his mouth rose. This man is too handsome. Peach blossom is coming.


The next day, Su Xun left qingyufeng with fengqingxue and longkui.

As for Ouyang Shaogong and Baili Tu Su, you don't have to worry about them. They can't squeeze their value.

It's just like a scum girl who plays with her feelings. After she swindles other people's money, she turns away.

However, he at least helped Baili Tu Su achieve his wish to be a normal person from now on.

As for Ouyang Shaogong, it's none of his business.

"What are you thinking?"

Along the way, Su Xun found that Feng Qingxue was sad and silent.

"Said:" snow to steal the wind to help you out"Is it necessary to think about it? I've already figured it out. " Su Xun's face was full of confidence.

Feng Qingxue looks at him curiously and blinks: "what bad idea can you have?"

"You'll know then. I don't want to tell you now." Su Xun said casually.

Feng Qingxue said, "intuition tells me that you must have cheated me in some way."

Su Xun laughed and didn't speak.

In fact, his plan of stealing sword is very simple.

That is to use the National Teacher's identity and Feng Qingxue to steal swords easily.

After all, as a demon in everyone's eyes, it's normal for the national master to steal six fierce swords.

Burning silence and losing can also make him carry the pot.

In this way, it's the national master who steals the sword. What's the relationship with the leader of the Soviet Union?

It's good to have two waistcoats. If it's inconvenient to do something, you can do it in another waistcoat.

"Zixuan! Since you don't keep your promise, don't blame me today. We Shushan sect are not polite! "

"I went to Shushan to investigate the truth of a matter on the order of empress Nuwa, not to see Xu Changqing."

"Well! Bewitch people with evil words, look at the move

A sound of conversation, mixed with the sound of fighting, came into his ears, and Su Xun raised his eyebrows.

Mainly heard the word Zixuan.

Did Nu Wa ask her to investigate the disappearance of Prince Chang Qin Xianling?


Feng Qingxue frowned slightly. She felt that the name seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a moment.

"Let's go and have a look."

Su Xun flew with Feng Qingxue and longkui in the direction of the fighting.

Then I saw Xu Changqing's master Canggu and Zixuan fighting in the jungle below.

Zixuan couldn't hold on.

I don't know how the descendants of Nu Wa practiced. It's like losing Nu Wa's face.

"Come on! Stop it

Su Xun stepped into the battlefield. As his words fell, a great magic power separated them.

"How can the leader of the Soviet Union appear here?" Canggu was surprised to see Su Xun coming down from the sky.

Seeing that they knew each other, Zixuan looked at Su Xun with vigilance.

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