I'm a fox spirit, but you're a pole spirit!

Fox spirit impatient, she ran so many single business, the first time encountered such a prickly.

Is it important that my mother is the child of a poor family?

My body and beauty are important!

Is your focus so unique?

The first thing I saw was not to do it, but to kill me. The fox spirit felt offended.

"If you dare to do something bad to me, you will die!"

The fox spirit stopped pretending and had a showdown. With a shriek, scarlet eyes and evil spirit, he jumped up and grabbed Su Xun.

"Ah! Goblin! Goblin

"What a goblin! Run

The onlookers all around saw that they were so scared that they stepped back a few steps one after another.

Su Xun slapped him with a backhand.


The fox spirit was sucked into the wall by this slap and died, showing his real body.

It's a red female fox.

"Tut, I've seen more goblins than you've ever seen. I can see at a glance that you're not human."

Su Xun said lightly.

All of you

Is this "up" serious?

Before the onlooker's melon eating crowd came slowly, Su Xun had already left.

It's the right way to open Xianxia world to cut a demon, get rid of a demon and a ghost.

Finally, Su Xun found Xu Xian in the brothel where he and Xu Xian first visited.

It's the original private room. It seems that Xu Xian is also a nostalgic person.

"Brother Xu, you and I haven't seen each other for a long time. I haven't been well these days." Su Xun looked at Xu Xian and said with a smile.

Is holding a glass of wine, listening to Xiaoqu son shaking his head, Xu Xian instantly opened his eyes.

Seeing Su Xun, he was overjoyed and quickly stood up: "brother Su, I finally see you again."

"Brother Xu is a thunderbolt in Qiantang county now, except for member Xu of Baoan hall." Su Xun joked.

Xu Xian rarely showed a embarrassed expression: "people outside don't know, brother Su can't know? It's thanks to you that I'm here today. "

When other people heard this, they were shocked and looked at Su Xun suspiciously.

It's said that councillor Xu Wai was called on by others to become what he is today. Is that the man?

"No, it's the result of your own efforts." Su Xun said and sat down beside Xu Xian.

Xu Xian quickly said, "come on, call another girl in and ask for the best one here."

"Master Xu, the best thing we have here is the smoke around you." Said the singer.

Xu Xian's face was stiff: "this..."

Ruyan is the flower chief here. He doesn't sell himself. He can't give Su Xun what he held.

"Come on, don't bother. I'll take it with me."

Su Xun chuckled, then looked out the door and said, "girl Zixuan, come in."

Along the way, he had noticed that Zixuan had been following her, but he didn't give her a chance to meet her.


Accompanied by a Jiao hum, and then the door of the private room was blown open by a gust of wind, Zixuan came in with a veil on her face and a long purple dress.

Everyone was stunned.

This is really a fairy beauty.

No wonder people come to brothels with their own women. The common powder in brothels doesn't deserve it.

"Such a beautiful woman, brother su It's a lot of good fortune. "

Xu Xian murmured to himself, and instantly felt that the smoke in his arms was not fragrant.

With a wave of Zixuan's sleeve robe, all the people in the room were given to live by her.

"I want to see you on the cold sun Gong," he said

"Miss Zixuan, don't spit. When did you play with me?" Susian leaned lazily on the chair, and the folding fan in his hand swayed gently.

She's still a woman. She should be bloody.

Zixuan was ashamed and angry: "I'm not talking about that game."

"Which one is that?" Su Xun looked at her jokingly and looked at her delicate body.

"Son of a bitch!"

Being so frivolous, Zixuan scolded her, and her white hand beat Su Xun.

Su Xun raised the folding fan, opened her hand, grabbed her skirt with his backhand, and pulled her into his arms.

"You let me go!"

Feeling Su Xun's strong masculinity, Zixuan was ashamed and angry, struggling in his arms.

As a matter of fact, she just increased the friction force and made Su Xun have a different taste.

This body is so soft.

"Miss Zixuan has been following me for thousands of miles. I thought you fell in love with me."

Su Xun sighed and said with a smile.

Zixuan spat: "no face, no skin, who loves you, I just want to go to qingyufeng.""After drinking this glass of wine, I'll give you a keepsake to let you have a smooth passage in qingyufeng." Su Xun took the exquisite white jade wine cup and fed it to Zixuan's lips.

Xu Xian, an evil capitalist, has fallen. He even brought his own wine glasses from home.

Zixuan was stunned for a moment, her eyes seemed to be in a trance, her red lips slightly opened, and she drank the wine: "I've already drunk the wine, now it's your turn to do what you said."

"No Su Xun threw her a jade pendant with the word "the way of heaven" written on it, which was the sign of the alliance of the way of heaven.

Zixuan slipped out of his arms when she was unprepared, looked at him with a jade pendant, and said, "I don't care about the things that belittle me today, and I don't owe each other in the future."

Finish saying then prepare to leave, hereafter never see this man again, this is an asshole!

I've been taking advantage of her.

"As a friendly reminder, it's been half a month. Ouyang Shaogong and Baili Tusu have already left."

Su Xun said carelessly.

Zixuan's body was stiff, and she looked back at Su Xun angrily: "you You did it on purpose

He was juggled twice, dancing for the first time and drinking for the second time.

As a result, every time he got useless information or things from him, he was completely whored.

"You can go to Qinchuan to find him."

Su Xun said with a smile.

"I thank you for the reminder!"

Zixuan gritted her teeth and then disappeared in the compartment.

After a big circle, she still wants to go to Qinchuan.

"You're welcome."

Su Xun snored and fanned out the magic on Xu Xian and others.

"Brother Su, where was the girl just now?"

Xu Xian asked suspiciously.

"She has something else to do. She's gone." Su Xun said casually, and then said, "tomorrow is Tomb Sweeping Day. It's said that there will be many people going out for an outing in Qiantang county. If brother Xu is free, you can show me."

"Brother Su, don't worry. If you are free, of course you are." Xu Xian nodded. He didn't want to go for an outing.

But now I think about it all of a sudden.

Su Xun raised his glass: "come on, brother Xu, please."

The light red lipstick on the cup is a little conspicuous.


Zixuan left the brothel and flew directly to the direction of Qinchuan county.

After leaving the city, I suddenly saw a place outside the city full of evil spirit. I frowned and flew over.

It must be abnormal for so many demons to get together.

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