"Brother Su, this girl..."

Xu Xian looks at Zixuan in Su Xun's arms and finds that she seems to be injured, and there are blood stains around her mouth.

"No problem, a little hurt."

Su Xun took out a pill and fed it directly into Zixuan's face.

Feeling that Su Xun's hand touched her lips, Zixuan felt ashamed and annoyed, but she opened her mouth honestly and swallowed the pills.

Then I felt that the internal injury in my body was repaired and my face returned to normal.

"This What a panacea

Xu Xian widened his eyes and was surprised.

As a person engaged in the medical industry, he is happy to see this kind of magic medicine.

"It's the pills refined by the monks. Don't think about mass production." Su Xun knew what he thought, but the monk was not very interested in worldly goods.

Hearing this, Xu Xian was disappointed and said, "people who practice Taoism have so many wonderful skills. Why is no one willing to use these skills in the world?"

Su Xun just laughed and didn't answer. He was afraid that the social reality would hit the young man.

Monks are all for a long life. Who has time to take care of some mortals.

It's normal to see a rescue.

Most of them turn a blind eye directly. For them, mortals are no longer of the same kind as them.

It's very good to be able to help mortals cut off demons and Demons like Shushan sect and Tianyong city.

"Let go of me." Zixuan came up to Su Xun's ear and whispered a word.

The orchid like breath was spitting in his ears, which made Su Xun excited. He was really a goblin.

"I saved you again. You owe me two lives. What are you going to pay back?"

While talking with Xu Xian, Su Xun whispered to Zixuan. As for her letting go of her words, Su Xun automatically filtered them.

Zixuan then remembered that she could transmit sound. She scolded herself for being too stupid. She didn't think of this.

"I Do you want to bring your kindness with you? "

"I want you to agree with me." Su Xun's hand around her waist slipped down a little.

Zixuan sneered: "you are really greedy for my body. I thought you were different from other men."

"I will not abandon you for the sake of longevity like Gu Liufang and Lin Yeping." Su Xun said softly, stroking the soft waist.

For those who have lived a long time, speaking is hard.

As soon as Zixuan's face changed, she was completely cold. She said in a cold voice, "I don't need you to care about my business."

"I fell in love with the same person twice, but he didn't touch you. In his eyes, the road to longevity is more attractive than your body." Su Xun said faintly.

Zixuan's face was blue and white. Su Xun's words were undoubtedly tearing her wound.

Xu Xian noticed the change of her face: "brother Su, this girl Is she really OK? "

"She's OK. She's just hurting her face." Su Xun said something meaningful.

In Su Xun's opinion, Zixuan's deep feeling was totally licking the dog, and she licked the dog twice.

Su Xun wants to save the licking dog.

Zixuan was impatient: "bullying a woman will make you feel very successful?"

"Compared with bullying you, I will have a greater sense of achievement when I get you. Gu Liufang and Linlin Ping don't cherish you. Why don't they try me?" Su Xun looked at her quietly.

Zixuan's heart trembled and her mouth closed.

Su Xun looked at Xu Xian and said, "brother, I want to use this private room. I want to talk to her about some private matters."

"Brother Su, I'll see you tomorrow." Xu Xian is very cooperative with all the people left.

Soon, only Su Xun and Zixuan were left in the private room, and the wrong atmosphere began to spread.

Su Xun raised her chin: "try it?"

One hand up the waist.

"No." Zixuan's delicate body trembled and her body became soft. She subconsciously wanted to stop him.

But how could Su Xun let her go?

"Women say no, that's it."

Su Xun laughed and crushed her to the ground.

"Let me go, I don't want to Well ~ "

Zixuan was still struggling at the beginning, but she gradually gave up and gave up after that.

Then the purple gauze floated, and they rolled on the ground, and the wind rolled up the gorgeous curtains

An hour later, peace returned to the private room.

"How does it feel to be a woman for the first time?"

Su Xun put his arms around Zixuan and asked with great interest. His hand gently scratched her pretty face.

"It's a wonderful feeling." The blush on Zixuan's pretty face had not gone away: "I thought it would be Gu Liufang or Linlin Ping, but I didn't expect it would be you."

Su Xun didn't show up at that time.

"It means that this is fate. Your body is specially left to me by heaven." Su Xun can relate everything to fate, because women believe it.

In this comprehensive world, Zixuan is not broken, otherwise Su Xun will not be interested in her.Zixuan said, "you finally admit that you don't like me at all. You just like my body."

"I'm not so hypocritical. Isn't this kind of thing about emotion developed first and then cultivated?" Su Xun has a strong reason to expound his fallacies.

Zixuan felt that it was not romantic at all, but she had a sense of sureness.

I'm sorry again.

Besides, this time, I really lost myself.

"Nuwa asked you to check and put it in advance."

"Why?" Zixuan asked subconsciously.

Su Xun poured a glass of wine and said, "I have some ideas about this. I'll tell you when it's right."

"You know everything, don't you?" Zixuan was not stupid. Naturally, she heard that susian knew the truth she wanted to find out.

Su Xun laughed and looked at her: "didn't I tell you that I know everything?"

"What am I going to do next?" Zixuan asked. She went out this time just to investigate the matter.

Su Xun said calmly, "you don't have to do anything next. Just do business with me."

"A prodigal son." Zixuan frowned and pulled the purple yarn on the ground to cover her jade like body.


On the other side, little green hill.

Fahai vented his anger to the king of ten thousand foxes on the little demons, which was more fierce than the demons.

The little demons were all dead and trembling.

Ten thousand fox King's son is kneels down to beg for mercy, in order to live, is anything to say outside.

He learned about it from the son of King fox.

Wanhu king was originally a demon general who invaded the human world with the demon emperor. Later, the demon emperor was sealed by Shushan school, and he lurked in the human world.

Some time ago, someone from the demon world contacted him and said that the demon world was ready to break the lock demon tower, rescue the demon emperor and attack the human world again.

The reason why the demon world dares to do this is that they already know that the Shushan sect can no longer perform the forbidden skills of that year, and there is a powerful support behind the demon world.

As for who this great power is, it's not what the king of ten thousand foxes can know, and his son naturally doesn't know.

After hearing this, Fahai killed the son of the fox king, and the cannibal demon, not to mention martial arts.

He thought it was a matter of great importance, so he had to let Su Xun know, so he flew to Qiantang county.

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