
The clown screamed, subconsciously covered his face, and the blood overflowed between his fingers.

All of a sudden, susian started, and everyone was startled.

"Never mind? You want to take pictures of my woman, you tell me it doesn't matter? Don't tell me you didn't recognize me. "

Su Xun looked at the clown coldly, his eyes were indifferent, just like looking at an ant.

The clown was struck by lightning, and his body was stiff in the same place. He covered his face and looked at Su Xun in horror.

Of course, he recognized Su Xun, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to stand up and talk to Su Xun, which means that there is no silver here.

At first, Su Xun came in and asked, "you Is that really ah San In fact, he was sure that Su Xun was not ah San.

Because he saw Su Xun and an Zijin together with his own eyes. Ah San couldn't be so handsome, let alone have such a beautiful female companion.

At that time, he had a bad feeling, but he didn't take it seriously because of the large number of people. After all, he would do whatever he wanted with more bullying and less bullying.

But when the bodyguards of a long and a Hu appeared, he panicked, because their advantages disappeared.

Can only hold the ostrich mentality, constantly comfort themselves in the heart, that woman may be just a fire package friend of Su Xun.

But now when he heard Su Xun say three words about his girlfriend, he knew that he was afraid that he was going to be cold.

Seeing that the clown stopped talking, Su Xun sneered: "say, don't you know how to say it? The scum of the last woman who laid hands on me is being used as fertilizer in the sea

Everyone knows that what he said is ah San, which can explain why ah San's mobile phone is in his hands.

Spiders and others are red eyes staring at the clown, you step on the horse to choose what target, this pit us all.

The clown's face was blue and white, and his heart was flustered. After all, ah San was his lesson.

Glasses swallowed a mouthful of saliva, carefully said: "this gentleman, we are willing to compensate, you give us a way to live."

"Yes, we are willing to pay as much as possible, as long as you are willing to let us go."

"Yes, everything hasn't happened yet. There's still room to turn around. Don't have to kill everything."

Several people are a burst of agreement, trying to pay some money price, in exchange for their own safety.

Su Xun was amused, and his eyes swept over five people's faces: "do you want to use money to compensate me? How much, one hundred million or two hundred million? "

It's not funny that someone tried to compensate him with money. What is it?

Five people's faces were stiff, and they were not afraid of shame. They were poor, and they didn't dare to think of such a big number.

In their mind, millions of dollars is a huge sum of money.

So poverty limits their imagination.

Su Xun didn't bother to write ink with them, so he went straight to the welcome ceremony process: "all legs are discounted, let them kneel and listen to me.

With his voice down, a group of bodyguards rushed to five people, and then the private room was full of screams.

"Oh, don't fight, don't fight, my leg, ah!"

"Brother, I'm wrong. Let me go, ah!"

"Ah, ah

One after another, the screams echoed in the empty Yulong villa, and some people, unfortunately, were destined to be unheard of.

More than ten minutes later, five animals with one leg broken were forced to endure the pain, kneeling on the ground, sweating and pale.

At this moment, they are not the murderers who are high spirited and make a set of crime plans to harvest human lives, but a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

Despair, fear, helplessness, a layer of haze shrouded in my heart.

"Would you like to turn yourself in now?" Su Xun asked with a smile.

Five people with chicken peck rice like nod.

In fact, they are thinking that if they turn themselves in, they will turn themselves in. At that time, they will also give away the things that you killed ah San and broke our legs, and they will take you to be buried with them when they die.

Su Xun got up, patted them on the shoulder, and said faintly, "don't think about dragging me into the water, you will die miserably."

Five people's eyes were wide open and looked at Su Xun in horror. Why did he know what we were thinking!

The corner of Su Xun's mouth Rose: "I wonder how I know what you are thinking, right?"

The five people were even more scared, because Su Xun had said what they thought twice in a row. The feeling of being seen through was despairing.

"Despair? If you try to drag me into the water, there will be more despair in the future. " Su Xun had a gentle smile on his face, and his words were no less than the whispers of the devil for the five people.

In front of Su Xun, they didn't have any secrets, and they couldn't even hide their thoughts.

Su Xun said to ah long and ah Hu without looking back: "you take people out first.""Yes, sir." Two people should a, and then take the bodyguard to evacuate from the compartment.

Su Xun looked down at the clown with his right hand on his shoulder and said with a smile, "don't think about taking this opportunity to subdue me. Don't say you are lame. You can't do it even if you are not lame."

The clown sweated and moved his lips to speak, but he didn't even have the courage to sophisticate. He couldn't make any sound in his mouth.

Damn, how can he know what we are thinking? How can there be such a person in the world!

Everyone is afraid of the unknown.

Su Xun's mind reading skill is beyond the ordinary people's understanding, so it makes people feel more scared.

"If you dare to drag me into the water, let alone in prison, you will die even at the ends of the earth."

As the voice fell, Su Xun clapped his hands.

Seeing Su Xun clapping his hands, everyone raised his heart to his throat.

Because the first time a group of bodyguards came, they clapped their hands.

Who knows what will happen if he claps now.

Suddenly, people feel that the temperature in the room seems to have dropped a lot, and then they see a woman in a long red skirt standing with her feet hanging in the air.

No, this horse is not a man!

"Ah! Ghost! There's a ghost, there's a ghost

Five people were scared to death, dragging a lame leg to crawl around in the compartment, one by one scared to death.

Usually do not do bad things, not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night.

The reason why they react so much now is not only the fear of ghosts, but also the fact that they have done too much wrong.

They killed six people.

Now that it is confirmed that there are ghosts in the world, they will subconsciously wonder if the six women will come back to revenge as ghosts.

So they were terrified.

Looking at the appearance of these people in a panic, Qin Zhu's mouth curled. Even if she was a ghost, she was born beautiful. Well, is it so terrible?

Well, this highlights the difference of the host.

He is not afraid, and he dares to sleep with others.

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