You du.

In the boudoir of wind and snow.

"You didn't say a word before you came here."

Feng Qingxue is holding Su Xun. Her face is still lingering. Her eyes are like a pool of spring water.

"Isn't it a surprise for you?"

Su Xun said with a smile, reached out to help her wipe off a trace of saliva from the corner of her mouth.

"That's a shock. I almost called."

Feng Qingxue rolled her eyes and hammered Su Xun to vent her dissatisfaction.

She was just taking off her make-up and going to sleep when a figure suddenly hugged her from behind.

It almost scared her.

"I put a ban on it in the room, and no one can hear you when you break your throat." Su Xun said.

Feng Qingxue's eyes blinked playfully: "then should I cry out and break my throat now?"

This is a joke she heard from Sushen.

"Steal the sword tonight." Su Xun talks about business.

After all, he doesn't like to stay in the same place all the time.

Feng Qingxue exclaimed, "I'm not ready."

"No preparation, no rehearsal in life." Su Xun pinched her smooth face.

Feng Qingxue nodded: "you come."

Then she closed her eyes.

Su Xun forced six drops of blood essence from her body, and then caught it in a jade bottle.

The only difficulty for Su Xun to steal the six fierce swords was the prohibition left by Nu Wa.

Once forced to trigger, Nuwa may feel it.

According to Feng Qingxue, it is necessary to have the essence and blood of the spirit women of the Nuwa nationality to open the ban.

The whole Youdu, now only her blood essence can quietly open the forbidden system and take out the fierce sword.

After taking out the blood essence, Su Xun put Feng Qingxue in a coma.

That's the plan.

The national master jiuxiao doesn't know where to find out that lingnv's blood essence can open Nuwa's ban, so he sneaks into the Youdu, casts a spell to make lingnv fengqingxue fall into a coma, forces her blood essence out of her body, and then steals six fierce swords.

In this way, Feng Qingxue became one of the victims, and no one would doubt her.

No one would doubt Su Xun.

Everything was done by the evil national teacher.

Cover the quilt for Feng Qingxue. Su Xun's body flashed and came to the seal fierce sword pool.

There are six colorful pillars on both sides, three on one side, and the name of the sword is engraved on the surface of the pillars.

The sword is in the pillar.

There is a strong and mysterious prohibition on the surface of the pillar. It is impossible for ordinary people to steal swords by force. Even if they succeed, they will disturb Nu Wa.

Su Xun took out the jade bottle and sprinkled six drops of blood essence on six stone pillars.

Hum ~

at the moment when the blood essence contacts the stone pillar, it is absorbed by the stone pillar, and the prohibition on the surface disappears.

Su Xun showed a smile, then directly broke the stone pillar and took out six fierce swords.

He deliberately made a big noise. He wanted the people in Youdu to find out that the sword was stolen by the national master jiuxiao Zhenjun.

So you don't doubt anyone else.

"Who is it! stop! Leave the sword

At the moment when the stone pillar exploded, Youdu's mother-in-law and several elders were moved by the news.

"Hey, hey, a group of old people, want to stop me?"

Su Xun was dressed in a black robe, and his vague face showed a gloomy smile.

"Who are you, sir! Leave the sword for today, or you will have a fight! "

Youdu's mother-in-law took a crutch and looked at Su Xun solemnly.

"My seat, jiuxiao."

Su Xun generously reported his name.

"National master jiuxiao!"

Youdu mother-in-law exclaimed.

"It's me. I'll accept these six swords. I'll see you later. Ha ha ha..."

Su Xun laughed and turned to fly out.

"Stop him!"

Youdu's mother-in-law gave a big drink, and a group of elders rushed to Su Xun.

"Get out of my seat!"

Su Xun clapped it with one hand. Boom, several elders screamed and flew out, spitting blood.

"Leave it to me!"

Youdu mother-in-law's walking stick flies out of her hand.

Su Xun didn't turn his head back.


The crutches were cut off and inserted into the stone wall.

But Su Xun had already disappeared.

"That's bad."

Youdu's mother-in-law sighed. Then she suddenly thought of something and went to Qingxue's room.

After entering the room, what she saw was the faint wind, clear snow on the bed. She immediately woke up by casting the magic.

"Granny, why are you here?"Feng Qingxue rubs her head and looks at Youdu's mother-in-law in a daze.

"Qingxue, get up quickly. The six fierce swords have been stolen. You need to summon empress Nuwa right away."

Youdu's mother-in-law said anxiously, even though Qingxue had just been extracted.

Only with the help of lingnu and their elders can they summon Niang Nuwa.


Feng Qingxue was so frightened that she clenched her lips and quickly got up, then suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter with you?" Youdu asked.

Feng Qingxue's pretty face is very white: "grandma, I can't exert my spiritual power. What happened in the end."

The mother-in-law of Youdu was struck by lightning.

"It must have been the devil who did something to you when he took the blood." You all gnash teeth of say.

Feng Qingxue was at a loss: "take blood?"

Women are born actors.

"Alas." Youdu's mother-in-law sighed, said the matter again, and then said: "now it seems that the burning sword is also stolen by the evil way."

Feng Qingxue's face was flustered: "grandma, what should I do now? The seven fierce swords are in his hands."

"For today's plan, we have to go south to look for the descendants of Nu Wa, and she can also call the empress of Nu Wa."

Youdu's mother-in-law said that she did not know that Nu Wa's descendants were also in Su Xun's room.

Zixuexuan must tell Xunfeng who she is.

This is called the water splashed by the married daughter.


After stealing the sword, Su Xun went straight to Yao mountain.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the sword casting Longyuan clan found the fairy of the prince Changqin in Yaoshan and captured him.

Casting swords in Yaoshan.

Later, the burning sword was born, and the Longyuan clan was controlled by the resentful sword spirit, and the fierce sword was slaughtered.

But the sword furnace was in Yaoshan. If Su Xun wanted to combine the seven fierce swords with the magic sword, he couldn't lack the sword furnace.

And he went to Yaoshan for another reason.

That is Qian, Yu, a good friend of the prince Changqin in Yaoshan.

He was a dragon fighting in heaven for a moment, but he came back to Yaoshan just because his life was about to end.

Su Xun didn't know about the situation of Tianjie, but he must have known a lot about it.

You can ask him about it. After all, the myth of the world is a bit chaotic.

Which gods are dead, which gods are still alive, which gods exist and which gods do not exist can not be inferred from the traditional myths of the earth.

As for why not ask the prince Changqin.

Of course, it is because the prince Changqin was refined into a spirit by the Longyuan clan tens of thousands of years ago.

He knew the news was out of date.

He doesn't understand the present heaven.

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