"Chanting -"

the Dragon chanting shakes the sky, and the vast dragon power makes all animals crawl in the mountains. The earth moves and the mountains shake with a sweep of the dragon's tail.

Seven real dragons rushed to Su Xun at the same time.

For an ethnic group, this is absolutely unprecedented super VIP treatment.

Su Xun gave a cool smile. He didn't need any fancy magic. He cut the sword directly in his hand.


A hundred Zhang sword is flying across the sky, and the mountains are falling apart.


Three huge dragon heads flew out, and the hot dragon blood fell into the sky like rain.


The corpse of the three dragons fell to the ground and knocked down several peaks. The blood flowed like a river.

The other four dragons, including Ao Liang, stopped their attack when they saw this scene.

It's too shocking to kill three dragons with one sword.

"Why, afraid?"

Su Xun asked with a smile.

"Terran friar, you are looking for death!"

Ao Liang gritted his teeth and growled. The dragon clan has not suffered so much for many years.

"I'll send you down to my brother's reunion."

Su Xun stepped out, and nine swords appeared behind him. He rushed straight into the sky, stirring the wind and clouds.

"No! Get out of here

Ao Liang felt the breath of death, almost without hesitation, and Longwei wanted to run.

"Stay with me!"

As Su Xun's voice fell, Ao Liang felt that his body was out of control and couldn't move.

I can only watch the sword cut.

"No! Don't

Ao Liang roared and felt the sharpness of the sword. His eyes were full of panic and despair.

"Puyi -"

with the blood rushing out, Ao Liang's body was cut into two parts and sent out a cry.

The other three dragons were chopped to pieces.

In a flash, Su Xun only had three swords, and then he killed seven dragons, including the Third Prince of the Dragon King.

At the same time, the battle on the other side has come to an end, and the shrimps and crabs will show their original shape after their death.

The whole Qingyu peak is full of all kinds of seafood, such as sea crabs, lobsters and so on

As the last eel soldier was killed, the noisy qingyufeng was quiet again.

"Su Meng master, thanks to your timely arrival, otherwise we can't hold on."

Qingwei flew to Su Xun, and his face was still covered with blood. It could be seen that he had just killed his red eye.

There's no way. It's him who comes forward to communicate with AO Liang these days. He is the most angry.

"Clean it up. It's all good food. Don't waste it. If you can't finish it, give it to Yuzhou people."

Su Xun pointed to the seafood on the ground and said.

The corner of Qingwei's mouth twitched for a moment, and then put forward a key: "alliance leader, what should we do next? I'm afraid we will never die with the dragon."

I just killed him, but the consequences are very serious.

"It must be the dragon people who died." Su Xun said.

Then Su Xun said, "you clean up. I'll go to talk to the Dragon King of the East China Sea. After all, he just died. He always needs someone to comfort him."

There are not many good people like him.

All of you

Didn't you kill his son?

Is there anything more demented than the murderer comforting the family of the victim?

"Alliance leader, otherwise forget it. A gentleman will not build a dangerous wall." Han Su's real person pondered his tone.

In fact, what he wants to say is: don't be such a dead person. It's easy to die.

Su Xun said with a smile: "I think Dragon King is also a reasonable person. I will communicate with him well."

With that, he flew to the ground, grabbed the Dragon horn and flew to the East China Sea with half of Ao Liang's corpse.

All of you

Even with the corpse of other people's son, or half of it, is it human's business?


Above the East China Sea.

A big pot floated on the sea, under which there was a huge fire, and the hot soup was boiling.

Su Xun tasted the soup with a spoon and added seasonings to it from time to time, which made it fragrant.

There are lots of fish gathering below. It's so fragrant.

"Is it fragrant?" Su Xun asked.

Beside, Ao Liang's dragon soul looked at his body in the pot and nodded tearfully: "incense."

He's probably the worst dragon in the world.

Watching others stew their own flesh, we have to say it's really fragrant.

"Would you like to try it?" Su Xun warmly invited the other party to taste, no one knows more about food than him!

I believe that Ao Liang, as the dragon in the pot, can tell whether his meat is delicious or not.

Ao Liang

He had never seen such a fierce human race.If not for the sake of living, how could he be so humble?

"Go and tell your father that we invite him to dinner."

Su Xun stirred the soup and looked at Ao Liang.

"I'm going now. I'm going now." As soon as Ao Liang's eyes shine, he will be safe when he returns to the Dragon Palace.

As for inviting your father to eat your own meat, it doesn't matter. The important thing is to live.

Su Xun slapped him to the bottom of the sea.

Looking at the creatures gathered on the sea, Su Xun picked up a lobster, broke off its pincers and threw it into the pot: "if you want to eat meat, you have to contribute ingredients."

Lobster with one pair of claws

Elder brother, I'm not a person, but you are a person at least. I beg you to do something about personnel.

Later, Su Xun threw the lobster back into the sea.

Looking down again, a large area of marine life that had gathered had already disappeared.

Not only shook his head, sighed:

"want to eat meat, but also do not want to pay, these days, even the animals in the sea want to go whoring."


The animal leader in the sea is giving a meeting to a group of animals.

The report of Donghai Dragon Palace is basically over.

Aolie said: "come and have a banquet..."


A scream sounded, the Dragon Palace was directly broken into a hole, Ao Liang's dragon soul fell down.

"Ao Liang! What's going on! "

Seeing aoliang's dragon soul, aolie stands up from the Dragon chair in an instant, and the dragon power bursts out.

All the Dragon King brothers were also shocked.

The third prince died!

"Father, revenge for my son, father!"

Ao Liang was aggrieved and said all the things on Qingyu peak.

After hearing this, everyone was in an uproar.

And then there was anger.

Ao lie was even more furious: "well, well, what a leader of the alliance of heavenly way, I underestimated you!"

"Your Majesty, we are willing to join forces to kill the alliance of heavenly way!"

"Your Majesty's order!"

A group of Dragon King brothers all speak out.

To maintain the dignity of the dragon people is to maintain their own dignity.

The dragon people maintain a transcendent position in the world, and only those who are attached to the dragon people can rise.

"Father, the man is still waiting on the sea, saying that he wants to invite you to dinner..." Ao Liang said.

Ao lie said coldly: "it's really brave. I dare to send it to the door. If I don't go, I'm afraid of him. Wait and see. I'll come."

With that, he flew out of the sea as a golden dragon.

Ao Liang

Father, I haven't finished. What he invited you to eat is my son's meat.

All of a sudden, his face changed, showing the color of pain. The dragon soul was breaking like glass.

"Ah! I hate it! How hateful

At this moment, he didn't know that it was Su Xun who did it. He couldn't live at all.

"The third prince! Third prince

"His Highness the third prince!"

People's faces changed dramatically.


Ao Liang's dragon soul explodes and takes away three wild dragon kings on the spot.

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