"There are so many hidden things in this world."

"Who would have thought that there were creatures in the world who had become saints before Nu Wa?"

As soon as Zhu Rong's thinking diverges, he can't stop the car.

In his opinion, Su Xun must have been born before Nu Wa.

Otherwise, the news of becoming a saint was so big that he could not have no idea. After all, he had personally experienced the scene of becoming a saint of Nu Wa. Good guy, boss.

Su Xun looked at him quietly, smiling without saying a word. Well, yes, what you said was right.

"I've offended a lot before. I hope you'll forgive me."

After confirming that Su Xun was a saint, Zhu Rong's attitude turned 180 degrees.

There is a great difference between sanctification and non sanctification.

Because he was good friends with Nu Wa, he knew too much about the terror of the saint. He was really able to kill the world in anger.

"He who does not know is innocent."

Su Xun said softly.

"I don't know what the elder asked Zhu Rong to do. Zhu Rong is willing to do what he can." Zhu Rong said.

Licking a saint is that licking?

It's called fighting for the future!

In the same way, can lick rich woman call lick?

That's why we have to work hard to come here!

Su Xun looked at him with a smile: "this seat is really useful for you. Let's say, what do you want from this seat?"

"Zhu Rong just wants to know how his predecessors proved the way of the sage." Zhu Rong said respectfully.

Everyone's path is different, but the ultimate goal is the same, preaching.

It's like all roads lead to Rome.

Everyone takes a different path, but the ultimate goal is to get to Rome.

So although the road is different, it will have certain reference significance.

Su Xun looked at him: "is it difficult to become a saint? I've been practicing all the time, and he has made a breakthrough himself. "

He didn't brag, as it is.

It's just less about the system.

Zhu Rong

Is this horse riding human?

"Master That's a joke. " Zhu Rong laughed twice. He would believe it if he was stupid.

Su Xun looked at him faintly: "do you think it's necessary for us to cheat you? Are you qualified for this

Zhu Rong

Looking at Su Xun, he didn't look like a joke, and there was nothing to hide.

So, he was hurt.

He just picked a lemon.

Why, why can he become a saint only by cultivation!

Is he the son of heaven?

We are different ~ prepare ~ sing!

"You want to take revenge on the emperor of heaven, but I'm bored and want to rule the world, so we can benefit each other." Su Xun's voice was calm, as if he was saying that I had a steamed bun at noon.

Zhu Rong is unable to make complaints about it, so boring to play, he wants to rule the world.

He suddenly felt a little sympathy for the emperor.

I'm afraid the emperor of heaven never dreamed that his throne could be lost so absurdly.

The throne changed into a younger brother.

Aware that he was a moody saint, Zhu Rong was afraid of offending each other and asked carefully, "what do you need to do next?"

"It's said that you are on good terms with Nu Wa." Su Xun wanted to have a try on Nu Wa. It was interesting only when it was difficult.

Nuwa in the ancient sword fantasy is very beautiful.

Failure means failure and no loss.

If you succeed, isn't the sense of achievement full?

Of course, he felt that there was a high probability of failure.

At the level of Nu Wa, I don't think about men's and women's affairs. I have seen through the world for a long time.

He is an exception, which delays the retreat of the majority of saints, and greatly improves the rate of getting married and concubines in the group of saints with the help of a single person.

I can't help it. If you don't marry me, what should we do with so many leftover women and the shortage of new students.

Su Xun, as a saint, must lead the way and set a good example for all the male compatriots.

What's more, mastering Nu Wa is equivalent to mastering the world and completing the task.

Nu Wa is the master of the world.

Zhu Rong replied, "if you go back to your predecessors, Nu Wa and I were close friends before she became a saint."

In Zhu Rong's opinion, it's not surprising that Su Xun inquires about Nu Wa, because Nu Wa and he are both saints, which will be the biggest resistance for him to enter heaven.

Now that the three realms are stable, Nu Wa will not allow too much violence to happen in the sky.

Even if it was him, in fact, he was not sure whether Nuwa would sit by and watch him create rebellion against the emperor of heaven.

"What does Nu Wa like?" Su Xun asked.

Zhu Rong was stunned. He seemed to have misunderstood.

Su Xun wanted to solve the problem fundamentally

For a moment, his face became complicated.He once pursued Nu Wa, but she didn't have this idea. Later, when Nu Wa became a saint, the greater the gap between them, he completely broke this idea.

I didn't expect that another person would come to ask him for Nu Wa's strategy. It's a mixture of five flavors.

"Well, I once wanted to be a Taoist partner with Nu Wa, but I failed." Zhu Rong is sad.

A loser is a loser. Do you want to ask?

If my strategy worked, it would have been a success.

Su Xun

You seem to have a point.

"You know something about her. She's interested in something." Although Zhu Rong failed, Su Xun felt that stones from other mountains could be used to attack jade.

Zhu Rong pondered for a moment: "she is only interested in the broader road and the new things, but now the three circles tell her that there is nothing new to speak of. Tens of thousands of years later, her heart is as still as water."

Su Xun's eyes moved. There was no one in the three realms, but there was one outside.

It turns out that women like freshness. No matter how powerful a woman is, she is still a woman.

More importantly, the world's Nu Wa can be seen from her attitude towards the prince Chang Qin.

She has seven passions and six desires. She has personal feelings, but she has been reasonably suppressed.

Otherwise, Su Xun would not want to attack her. Without the human image machine with seven emotions and six desires, he would not move.

The first step is to get to know her.



In Lingxiao hall, the emperor of heaven sits on the throne.

Civil and military officials are on both sides.

The eldest prince of Donghai Dragon Palace knelt on the ground and cried with tears in his nose: "I beg emperor Zun to be the master. That day, the leader of the Taoist alliance had no heaven and was cruel. He killed the Donghai dragon clan and nailed my father to the bottom of the East China Sea by virtue of his cultivation power. I beg emperor Zun to save my father."

All the immortals are in an uproar. The Dragon King of the East Sea is a golden immortal. When will there be such a strong one in the world?

"Ask the emperor to respect the dragon people."

The Dragon King of the West Sea, the Dragon King of the North Sea, and the Dragon King of the South China Sea all went out to bow to the emperor of heaven.

"Emperor Zun, I need to make a detailed investigation on this matter. The Terran can't provoke the Dragon without any reason." A white haired old man stood up.

"Yes, the human race is weak. Even if there is a major overhaul, it won't provoke the dragon race for no reason."

"I hope the emperor can see things clearly!"

More and more people have come forward. These are the ancestors of various sects in the world.

Their official positions in heaven are not high, but they are also a force that can not be ignored.

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