
The emperor of heaven is waiting.

Waiting for Su Xun to be taken to Lingxiao hall.

Anyone who dares to challenge the authority of the emperor of heaven will be crushed mercilessly by him.

All those in power are very sensitive to this.

What's more, his superior position is not aboveboard.

Suddenly, everyone looked out of Lingxiao hall.

They all felt someone coming.

As soon as the spirit of the emperor of heaven was boosted, the corners of his mouth could not help rising slightly. The work together was quite fast.

It seems that Su Xun was just like that. Most of them had just been promoted to Zhunsheng, so they had no sense of propriety.

How could it be the rival of Gonggong?


Accompanied by a water blue light, the injured Gonggong appeared in the middle of Lingxiao hall.

The emperor was stunned and had a bad feeling.

"I was guilty, but I failed to win Su Xun, which also led to the annihilation of a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals."

Gonggong looked at Tiandi and said.


Lingxiao hall is a moment to burst the pot.

Who is Gonggong?

It was an ancient god of the same period.

Even if he was defeated, he would not be able to survive. How strong was Su Xun?

Why have you never heard of it before?

"What are you talking about?"

The emperor of heaven stood up, holding the imperial case in both hands, leaning forward slightly, his face full of disbelief.

Even he can't beat Gonggong so easily. Is Su Xun better than the emperor of heaven?

"Emperor, that's a saint."

Gonggong said bitterly, he even gave a hand to a saint, didn't he want to die?

I'm still alive. It's a gift from a saint.


There was an uproar in the Lingxiao hall.

"Sage? How could it be a saint! There are no two saints in the way of heaven. Empress Nuwa is still there. "

"How can Gonggong defeat the sage so easily?"

"What the hell is going on? How can there be a strong second sage?"

Everyone is talking about it, because the word sage has a lot to do with it.

If it is really the second saint, it means that there may be a third, Fourth

The road is endless, the road ahead is endless.

"Sage? You said it was a saint

The emperor of heaven stares at Gonggong, and his mind is full of twists and turns. What he thinks of at the first time is conspiracy.

That Su Xun was transformed by Nu Wa.

But soon he got rid of this suspicion, because Nu Wa really wanted to deal with him. She didn't need so much trouble. In a word, she could replace him as the emperor of heaven.

But is Su Xun really a saint?

God can't believe it. He can't believe it.

"Yes, it's absolutely the power of saints. I only felt it in empress Nuwa, and I couldn't even catch her at will." Gonggong said bitterly.

it's really cool to say that it's a saint.

A saint born before Nu Wa.

Because, if it was born after Nu Wa, they can't have no idea.

In this way, heaven is very embarrassed, after all, offended a saint.

When a saint is angry, heaven and earth change color.

Everyone looked up at the emperor.

The emperor's face was blue and white, and he said: "Taibai Jinxing, go to the palace to see empress Nuwa, and ask empress Nuwa to resolve the misunderstanding. Otherwise, the three realms will be turbulent, and it will be the common people who suffer."

All the immortals bowed their heads.

Usually, I don't like Nu Wa, but now I don't hesitate to ask her for help, and I use all the people in the world to kidnap her morally.

When the demon clan invaded the human world, the human world almost died, and I didn't see you do it.

When the emperor of heaven, you can't be shameful.

But everyone knows that only Nu Wa can solve the coming disaster in the sky.


Taibai Venus is on her way.

"It's unforgivable that Aiqing, the domineering dragon clan, provoked the dispute between the dragon and the human. Now that the Dragon King of the East China Sea has been punished by the sage, let's stop here." The emperor's praise began again.

No one can say.

"The emperor is wise!"

Even the Dragon King of the West Sea, the Dragon King of the North Sea, and the Dragon King of the South China Sea can only follow suit.

Otherwise, how about going to the trouble of saints?

He pointed to his nose and said: if you don't nail me in the sea today, it will not be over.

Isn't that cheap?

What? Is Donghai Dragon King our brother?

Gan! Don't talk nonsense. We don't know him at all.

That's what happened to the Terrans and the dragons.Everyone is very happy, but the prince of Donghai Dragon Palace is not happy, but he has nothing to do.

The emperor looked at the immortal Jianqiu and said in a gentle tone: "immortal Jianqiu, since the saint is old with you in Tianyong City, please take a trip for me and tell the saint that I was deceived by Donghai dragon palace. I almost misunderstood the saint. It's really a crime."

He was afraid and wanted to admit his mistake, but he didn't want to lose face, so he sent someone else to admit his mistake for him.

"Yes, sir." Sword autumn real person bow hand.

The Grand Prince of Donghai Dragon Palace couldn't help saying: "emperor, my father, Emperor..."

"Let him lie down." The emperor impatiently interrupted him.

If it wasn't for you Donghai Dragon Palace, would I have offended a saint?

"Disperse the court!" At the emperor's command.

"To the emperor!"

Civil and military officials all bent down and cried out.

After the emperor of heaven left, the crown prince of Donghai dragon palace had to turn to the other three Dragon Kings: "three uncles..."

"Ah! Don't shout. I'm not familiar with your father. We just happen to be officials of the same court. "

"Yes, we are so far away from each other. How can we be related?"

"Hold your tongue, I don't know you."

The Dragon King of the West Sea, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, and the Dragon King of the North China Sea were ruthless, and they didn't let each other finish.

The Grand Prince of Donghai Dragon Palace

Why is that all?

Yesterday also a virtuous nephew, patting chest, indignant said will help my father emperor revenge.

Is it a strange dragon today?


Qinchuan Fangjia.

Feng Qingxue, Bai Suzhen and others all looked at him as if they recognized Su Xun for the first time.

It's really frightening. Just after Su Xun's hand was taken, they thought the sky was going to collapse.

Shuishen Gonggong is so vulnerable.

And Su Xun also clamored to challenge Nu Wa.

The men who usually work hard on them are so powerful that they have the feeling of dreaming.

"Xianggong, you are very good."

Zixuan murmured to herself, her eyes were blurred, and women worshipped the strong.


The others nodded like chickens pecking rice.

In addition to pecking rice, they would also peck other things under Su Xun's training.

"Why not? Come and serve me

Su Xun said with a strong reason, went to the chair and sat down on all fours.

A group of women gathered around them, pinching shoulders, pounding legs, and feeding fruits.

Su Xun felt Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Suzhen's head. Isn't it more comfortable to be a Heavenly Emperor?

His happiness is beyond the imagination of the emperor of heaven.

But the emperor's panic, he can imagine.

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