Su Xun returned to the earth.

Together with them came Nu Wa, Zi Xuan, Feng Qingxue, Tang Xuejian and other girls.

Originally, she wanted to bring the wheel of fate back, but she was stopped by Nu Wa.

Without the roulette of fate, the world will be in chaos, falling into endless and endless chaos.

Although Su Xun was a little sorry, he still had to respect Nu Wa's opinions.

After all, Nu Wa can do domestic violence to him.

"Is this what you call Kyushu?"

Looking at the traffic on the street, Nu Wa was interested and ready to move.

"This can only be called the earth. Kyushu is broken."

Mention Kyushu broken, we have to mention xuanyue mainland, but also have to mention Tang Sanzang.

Su Xun took a look at Tang Sanzang.

In Jiushu world, Tang Sanzang is sitting on the futon with an excited face, rubbing his hands and fists.

"After saving so long, I'm going to travel to the West."

He has cut off the fortune of the world, and now he is the protagonist of the world.

He killed the generals as soon as they were born.

The Western God, the eastern heaven, all submit to the lust and power of the Tang monk.

The air transport value of the two worlds is astronomical.

He wants to use these values to locate his journey to the West. He wants to go back to be his Lingshan Buddha!

"Lying trough!"

All of a sudden, he widened his eyes and couldn't help but utter a rude remark, because Qi Yun value returned to zero.

He's going crazy!

"What happened! Little assistant, get out of here. What's the luck value of poor monk? What about the air transport value? "

Tang Seng roared hysterically.

"Oh, I'm not careful. There's a bug in the system. I've lost all my Qi transport value." Said the intelligent assistant.

Tang Monk

"I am Ganlin Niang!"

He must be greedy by this guy!

"You are so rude. People are scared, but I have no mother." The little assistant said triumphantly.

Tang Seng finally knows why this guy is so arrogant. It turns out that he has no mother.

The assistant said, "the system crash is an accident. As compensation, it can send you to a new world."

"You didn't mean it!" Tang Seng has seen through it for a long time. His little assistant has no integrity and his mouth stinks.

He vowed that one day, when he had enough cultivation, he would refine his little assistant into a human form.

And then hit her own father can't recognize it!

Little assistant Jiao didi said: "then you go or not, even if you don't go."

"Put away your sweet voice, disgusting heart, now send poor monk." Tang Monk can't wait to say.

It's better to go anywhere than to stay here.

He doesn't want to be stuck here all his life.

The next second, Tang Seng went to the world where Su Xun had just left, Xianxia film and television Comprehensive world.

Well, the case has been solved. It can be seen from this that Su Xun is responsible for the disappearance of his good fortune.

Burning the air transport values of the two worlds, Su Xun finally located the coordinates of xuanyue continent in the void through the positioning function of reincarnation space.

Su Xun was excited. Now he just wanted to sing a song: after waiting for a long time, he finally waited until today ~

looking at the coordinates, xuanyue mainland is far away from Kyushu, and even he has to catch up with it for more than ten years.

It will take more than ten years for saints.

At that time, the sky demon clan in xuanyue mainland could build a channel connecting the two worlds!

It can be seen how terrible the existence above the sage is.

The demon clan is just one of the many racial forces in xuanyue continent.

It can be seen that xuanyue mainland is more terrifying, and its world status is far higher than that of Kyushu.

After all, although they are the same world, there must be differences between the strong and the weak.

"You seem very happy?" Nu Wa asked.

"I'll take you to my waist and wait for her more time."

"Oh?" Nu Wa blinked.

Su Xun told her about Kyushu and xuanyue. Nu Wa's pretty face was full of shock.

Then there is yearning. Only in the place where the strong gather can we get a greater promotion.

"Will I meet Nu Wa of Kyushu?"

After thinking about it, Su Xun said, "you'd better take another name. Be safe."

If Nuwa of Kyushu is still alive, her strength should be the top group in xuanyue mainland.

It's not appropriate to have the same name as her.

Later, when he returned to Yuliang mountain manor, Su Xun gathered all the people together and announced the matter.

Mei pangzi and Liu An are most excited, because they have been thinking about going to xuanyue mainland for a long time.

As for a group of women such as an Zizhen, they are not interested. What they are interested in is that there is no room for them.Only at this time did they find that there were so many women in Su Xun.

It's really necessary to build a back palace for concubines.

Su Xun is busy this evening.

He decided to stay on earth for a while longer, and then take another identity before going to xuanyue continent.

I've been struggling for coordinates before, but now I've got coordinates, but I don't know.

After all, from the information he got now, it was revealed everywhere that xuanyue continent was very dangerous.


Xianxia integrated world.

"Little assistant, analyze the current environment."

Tang Seng is a mature passer-by, it is easy to adapt to the current situation.

And he thinks the world is full of spirit. It's very good that he can become a saint here.

"At present, we are in a mountain forest. There is a village one kilometer ahead. Another friendly reminder: there is no smoke in a thousand miles."

The little assistant said sweetly.

"Ha ha, it's also a friendly reminder. Thank you, poor monk." Tang Monk Yin Yang strange Qi of say.

The assistant said with a smile: "ha ha, I'm an old partner. Are you still polite to me?"

Speak the wildest words in the sweetest voice.

She has an independent personality. Apart from having no body, she is a living person.

When monk Tang came to the village, he knocked on the door of a family. Looking at the old man who opened the door, he said, "Amitabha, I'm from the eastern Tang Dynasty No, I'm lost. I dare to ask my father-in-law, "what's the boundary here?"

"Why! I didn't expect to come out and meet this kind of seedling. The Buddha's bone and heart are all born. "

A voice of surprise came into my ear.

Monk Tang followed his reputation, but he was actually a colleague.

I saw a big monk looking at him excitedly.

"Little monk, poor monk xuandu, you are predestined with my Buddha." The great monk looked at Tang Monk and said.

Tang Monk smile: "this sentence, I am familiar with."

"That's good. Save your time. Let's go back with you." Xuandu said with a laugh.

Tang said, "do you know who the poor monk is?"

He is ready to show his saints and pretend to be a force. He is the Buddha of Lingshan mountain. His cultivation is not enough and his identity comes together.

Xuandu waved his cassock, put the Tang monk in, yawned, and said casually, "no matter who you are, I'll be from Lotus Temple in the future."

He traveled all over the world and was preparing to return to Lianhua temple. He did not expect that he would meet this kind of natural talent of Buddha's bone and heart.

Still in the wilderness, it can be seen that this man is really predestined with his Lotus Temple.

Then, step out, the sky was torn a hole, the wind swept, but he was not afraid, facing the wind into the crack.

Then the crack closed and everything was calm.

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