"By the way, do you want to move in? I have two vacant rooms here."

Welcome to look at Su Xun and say.

"No, I personally like to be quiet."

Su Xun shook his head and refused the invitation.

Leave the room for Li Haotian, the summoner of Xingtian armor, and Wu Gang, the summoner of Jingang armor.

These two poor people can hardly afford a house.

What's more, he lives alone in a big villa, isn't it fragrant?

"Well, I'll go first. I have something to contact you."

Su Xun left his telephone number.

Because he's light and Shadow Armor, and has nothing to do with a dime on Ares.

So ares's voice transmission is not effective on his armor. To contact him, you can only rely on your mobile phone.

"Do you think he's right?"

Yang Yingrong looks at Xu tingfei and asks. She still has doubts in her heart. After all, she is not familiar with Su Xun.

Otherwise, Xu tingran said, "I'm sure we can't hide his strength."

Up to now, he still has a lingering fear that his armor was broken with one blow. This NIMA is so terrible.

He thinks it's going to be a nightmare tonight.

If you don't go to the galaxy with such powerful armor, it's a bug to appear on earth.

After leaving Huanhuan Teppanyaki, Su Xun took a taxi and went to Qiao shefei's barber shop.

Joe shefei, kufurs, and amishu are the captains of the three ghost legions.

The strength is stronger than ordinary nether demons. They have been resurrected for a long time, and now they all have their own lives.

They have been killed, given up revenge, and want to live a peaceful life on earth.

Qiao shefei paid homage to a master in a barber shop to learn haircut and became a teacher of Tony.

The leader of Tangtang Ziming detachment, who was once the summoner of flying Shadow Armor, went to learn haircut!

Isn't that a waste of talent?

Su Xun's great cause of unification needs him.

I've seen this series a lot of times. He loved it.

So when I read too much, I subconsciously remember the name of the barber shop where Joe spent a lot of time learning skills.

Half an hour later, I got to the place.

When Su Xun walked into the barber shop, he saw Qiao shefei sitting texting.

Look at the rippling expression, it should be chatting with his girlfriend Yueyue.

But what poor captain Joe didn't know was that his girlfriend Yueyue was green tea, which made him green.

"Hello, sir. Do you have a haircut?"

Qiao shefei put away his cell phone and got up to pick up the guests.

Su Xun looked at Qiao shefei: "I didn't expect that Captain Qiao of Ziming detachment, who once fought in the galaxy and fought alone with 50 soldiers, had fallen to such a level."

"Who are you?" The warm smile on Qiao shefei's face gradually disappeared, replaced by vigilance.

Su Xun said, "it doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you are willing to be like this?"

"He fought with Luffa for thousands of years before he put Pierre on the throne, but he was framed by him and forced to leave his hometown. Have you forgotten that?"

"I don't care who you are, don't disturb my life now, otherwise don't blame me for being impolite." Qiao shefei threatened.

"Sue looked around the store and said," do you want to fight with me? "

"Hum!" Qiao shefei snorted and went out.

Su Xun followed, and they came to a green belt.

Qiao shefei looked at Su Xun and said, "who are you in the end? Are you looking for me to talk a lot of nonsense?"

"I want you to obey me." Su Xun said.

Qiao shefei sniffed at the words and said, "what are you, and you deserve me to betray the general?"

Although he does not want to plot to fight ares with Luffa, it does not mean that he will betray Luffa.

"The general you call is not worth mentioning in front of me." Su Xun said calmly.

"It's arrogant! I haven't done it for a long time, but I have to teach you humility today. "

Qiao she lost her voice and twisted her neck. With a burst of purple fog, she became a ghost.

"It seems that only by beating you down can you listen to me well."

Su Xun walked to Qiao shefei step by step, and all parts of the emperor's armor appeared on the surface of his body.

"Armor fit."

With the sound of electricity, a golden light flashed, and the emperor's armor was summoned.

"What kind of armor is this?"

Joe was surprised.


Su Xun instantly appeared in front of Qiao shefei. Before he could react, he was kicked away.


Qiao shefei rolled several times on the ground before he got up and summoned his weapon to rush to susian.


Qiao shefei's Doomsday double blades cut on the shoulders of the emperor's armor, bringing a string of sparks.However, Su Xun felt like tickling. He didn't even move when he stood in the same place.


Qiao shefei's heart was full of shock. His attack could not damage the armor.

Even Shura armor is just like that.

"It's my turn."

Su Xun grabbed his blade with his left hand and hit it with his right hand.


Qiao shefei screamed and was smashed to the ground.

Su Xun stepped forward again and kicked out.


Qiao shefei flew out again and hit the ground hard. Purple mist appeared on the surface. Then the image of netherworld was relieved passively and restored to human form.

"You Who the hell are you

Qiao shefei covered his chest and got up. He looked at Su Xun with a frightened face, and his mouth was still covered with blood.

The other side even did not use weapons, so he had no fighting power with three fists and two kicks

this huge gap in strength, even though he had been fighting for so many years.

He belongs to the side that was crushed.

"Can you obey me now? Follow me, and I will show you the vastness of the universe. We are in the first parallel universe

Su Xun's armor disappeared and came to Qiao shefei step by step.

"I won't betray the general, and I love my life now and don't want to change it."

Qiao shefei said.

"If you knew the truth, you wouldn't like life now." Su Xun's eyes are full of banter.

He saw the grassland from Qiao shefei's head.

Qiao shefei's face changed: "what do you mean?"

"Call your girlfriend and I'll let you know what's going on." Only by letting this guy down with his life can he arouse his fighting spirit.

Otherwise, what is the use of a waste?

Joe shefei was very nervous about his girlfriend: "what do you want to do to her? It's all for me

"What do I really want to do to her? Do I need to inform you? Call Su Xun's voice was calm.

Qiao shefei hesitated for a moment, took out his mobile phone and called: "Hello, Yueyue, I have something urgent to find you. Well, I'll see you in the store."

With that, he hung up.

"Let's go and wait for your surprise." Su Xun patted him on the shoulder and went to the barber shop.

Qiao shefei's face was uncertain. He didn't understand what Su Xun was going to do, but he had a bad feeling.

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