Su Xun then threw the Shura Summoner to Emperor Yan: "if you lose, you will serve me."

"As long as you are strong enough!" Yan Emperor said, and then opened the summoner, found that the prompt energy is insufficient.

Su Xun said, "Lu FA has used up all his energy. I'll fight again when I get the energy stone to charge you."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. You remove the armor and we fight each other." Emperor Yan can't wait.

Su Xun laughed: "are you sure?"

If you put on the armor, you can get more punches. If you take off the armor, you won't be able to hold a punch.

"The strength of the summoner also largely determines the strength of the armor. I can't beat you, and it's nothing if my armor beat you." Emperor Yan is very magnanimous.

And as the summoner of Shura armor, he knows Shura armor very well. This emperor's armor is definitely not weaker than his Shura armor, and it is faintly stronger.

Su Xun lifted the armor: "please."

"You take the punch." Emperor Yan's voice fell, and he hit Su Xun with a fist.

Su Xun dodged cleanly and made a fist, which was faster and more powerful.


Emperor Yan flew out and hit a clay sculpture in the magic pagoda, which collapsed.

"Cough Cough... "

Emperor Yan kept coughing up blood. He staggered up and looked at Su Xun with a shocked face.

"What planet are you from?"

He suspected that Su Xun had a genetic problem. Otherwise, how could anyone be so strong without armor.

"An ordinary earthman."

Su Xun threw an ID card between his fingers.

Emperor Yan was silent for a long time: "I took it."

"In the future, you will be my subordinate. I'm going to ares to kick peel off the stage." Su Xun doesn't know if Pierre has stepped down at this time.

I hope not. It's also the source of the plot. It's more historical to solve it by yourself.

Emperor Yan knelt down on one knee: "willing to serve the general."

He was a subordinate, not a slave, so he called Su Xun a general, and the slave called his master.

The good thing about Emperor Yan is that he is willing to gamble and admit defeat. If he loses, he will obey.

"Step on..."

With a sound of footwork, Xingtian armor, Feiying armor and Vajra armor came in.

"Brother Xun! What's going on! "

Looking at the chaos in the town magic tower, but there was no sign of the nether devil, the flying Shadow Armor asked.

They received a welcome notice, and there were four ghosts in the town tower.

Although Luffa's clay sculpture is not in the tower, he was also predicted when he was welcome to use prediction.

"Luffa is dead." Su Xun said.


They looked at Su Xun in shock.

Su Xun shrugged: "don't look at me. He killed me. His name is Emperor Yan. Shura armor summons people."

The reason why Lu FA's death was attributed to Emperor Yan was to accept Qiao shefei, an Mishou and Ku Gus.

Only when Luffa is dead can the three of them join others, because that is not betrayal.

However, if they knew that Lu FA was killed by Su Xun, they would certainly take revenge for Lu FA.

Because although they resent Luffa's indiscriminate killing of innocent people and want to get out of his control, they still respect and appreciate the general in their hearts.

So it's the most convenient for Yandi to be treated by this pot.

After accepting them, he gave them a chance to challenge Emperor Yan to avenge Lu FA.

If you lose, it will be written off.

In this way, the three of them were accepted, and there would be no conflict with Emperor Yan.

Hiss -

Gan, it seems that I am the most calculating one in the end. This time, I am very decent!

Xingtian armor three people looked at Yan Emperor again.

"Lu FA, it's just mole ants." Yan Emperor cold hum a, haughty raised chin to install a force.

Although I don't know why Su Xun said that Luffa was killed by him.

But now that he has been loyal to Su Xun, the general will admit what he says.

Xingtian armor three people are in disorder in the wind.

Because Luffa is about to revive, they have Shura armor in their hands, and they are always in a state of tension.

But now, Luffa died suddenly, which made them confused and confused.

It's like playing a game. They're not finished yet. They suddenly find that the big boss has been killed by others.

It's a wonderful feeling.

The three men released their armor one after another.

Looking at the summoner in their hands, the three of them look complicated. Maybe they won't be able to use it any more.

"Come on, let's go back first." Su Xun then pointed to Emperor Yan: "he will be my man in the future."

They were shocked to see Su Xun."Brother Xun, I didn't expect you. Welcome to be sad." Xu tingfei felt sad for the welcome.

Wu Gang swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "brother Xun, you Or is it a subject? "

"Men and men, no good." Li haona of the day also said.

"Get rid of me!" means "I'll give him a face."


The three were even more shocked. The Shura armor that killed Luffa became Su Xun's subordinate.

It seems that the emperor's armor is more powerful.


At the same time, hope park.

Qiao shefei, kufurs and an Mishou were sitting on the wooden chair with a complicated look.

"You You've already felt it. "

An MI Xiu sighed and said.

Josef and Coopers nodded.

As the team leader, they have a special feeling with Luffa. At the moment of Luffa's resurrection and complete death, they have already felt it.

"I didn't expect the general..." Kufurs rubbed his face and smashed his fist on the chair: "maybe we should have gone back to help the general."

"It's no use. It's no use if we can kill the general." Amelio shook his head. He was the calmest of the three. He was his father.

Kufurs said, "I will avenge the general! Even if it may be death, I will go! "

"I'll go too. He'll be my adoptive father." "But now the question is, who killed him and who has the ability to do it?" said Annie

With the three earth imps now, the armor they summon is impossible to defeat the general.

What's more, since the general is resurrected, it means that he must have gone to retrieve the Shura summoner.

Who else can be his opponent?

After all, the emperor hesitated to find the armor.

After all, Su Xun didn't mean him any harm and helped him, but if he didn't say it, he was sorry to the general.

He was entangled in his heart and finally decided not to say it, which was worthy of Su Xun.

If an Mishou and Ku Gus speculate that Su Xun wants to take revenge on him, they will go with him, which is worthy of the general.

All of a sudden, kugus said, "could it be the strange armor that's been on the news recently?"

"If anyone can defeat Shura armor, it's only him." An MI Xiu's mind came up with the picture of the emperor's armor killing five ghosts he saw on TV.

Kufurs got up directly and said, "I'll go to him now. You can go or not."

"Of course I will." ANNISU gets up.

Qiao shefei followed: "I'll go too."

As they walked, the three stopped.

"Where shall we find him?"

It suddenly occurred to them.

An MI Xiu thought: "let him come to us and destroy some flowers and plants."

Then the three turned into ghosts and began to destroy the plants in the park, causing confusion.

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