"Come with me."

Xuanyizi looked at Su Xun and said something. Then he walked back with his crutch.

Su Xun waved his hand and asked Emperor Yan to surround the neighborhood with the guards.

Then he followed xuanyizi back to the base.

Xuanyizi took out a pencil case and handed it to Su Xun: "this is the key of xuanming."

Su Xun took the box, then directly destroyed it with violence, and took out the key inside.

Then he threw the key out, and the aurora sword chopped it down, and the key broke into powder.

"You What are you doing! " The sudden change made xuanyizi look pale.

Su Xun put away the extreme light sword: "since this thing is so dangerous, just destroy it directly?"

He will never leave a chance for his opponent, let alone add a little trouble to himself.

"Master, I think he's right. Why should we keep such dangerous things?" Tianyu also echoed.

"You Ah, Providence, it is providence Xuanyizi sighed. He looked complicated. He couldn't tell Tianyu that Hades was your father.

Once the key of xuanming is destroyed, the Hades and the snow emperor will never come out again.

Well, it's good for the seven universes.

At least there will be no more waves.

Su Xun came here for another purpose: "xuanyizi, I want to borrow your Xuanwu spaceship."

This is Liu Bei's loan to Jingzhou. There is no return.

"You Who is it? " Xuanyizi was full of doubts. Why did he know everything?

He often said: what has been done must be done after the event, and what has been done must be done after the event.

So he asked Tianyu to find huolinfei and slim Jun. only they can stop Hades.

But since Tianyu brought Su Xun, everything seems to have changed. He can't see the future clearly.

Su Xun gave a cool smile: "a good man."

What is not a good person to devote all one's efforts to the unity of the universe and the integration of all ethnic groups?

And a great good man.

Tianyu pursed his lips and snorted, good man? A tune, a good guy who plays girls?

"Why don't you want a spaceship, Ares?" Xuanyizi said.

Su Xun looked at him with a smile: "xuanyizi, can Xuanwu spaceship compare with ordinary spaceship?"

It's a super tortoise shell with a three-layer defense system, which can start the escape mode and carry out the spatial transfer of different dimensions at the critical time.

It can be said that it is the most defensive spacecraft in the seven universes.

Su Xun is going to take ares on the expedition. It's very suitable to set the headquarters here.

"If I don't borrow it, do you want to rob it?" Xuanyizi looked at Su Xun and asked.

Su Xun shook his head, a serious face: "how can it, I never bully the elderly."

How can he rob other people's things?

If xuanyizi didn't borrow it, Su Xun would try to force him to borrow it. He would never rob it.

Xuanyizi laughed and took this as fart.

"Come with me."

Speak, turn around and walk on a platform.

Su Xun and Tian Yu followed.

Then the platform began to slide, which is a similar elevator device, deep into the underground 100 meters.

After entering the basement, the first thing you see is a huge green spaceship.

This is the basaltic spaceship.

Xuanyizi charged the Xuanwu spaceship, then Xuanwu's head fell down. This is the entrance of the spaceship.

After that, the speed of light on Xuanyi gate began to scan.


With the prompt sound, the door of the spaceship opens.

"Xuanyizi, welcome back."

After entering the cockpit, a sound sounded.

"Start the self test system." Xuanyizi said.

"Self test system started."

Xuanyizi turned to look at Su Xun: "Xuanwu spaceship, I can give it to you, but you have to promise me something."

But it was an empty place for him to talk.

Xuanyizi's face suddenly changed.

"Master, what's the matter?" Tianyu asked with concern.

Xuanyizi murmured to himself: "how can this happen?"

There should be a power lock in there.

The power lock can stimulate the potential of the human body and make people enter the armed or super beast state.

Of course, Su Xun knew what was going on.

In the original play, there was a power lock, which was once the slender and handsome captain of the Xuanwu spaceship.

In the original play, in the near future, slim Jun, huolinfei and others will travel to 100000 years ago.

Then slim Jun put his power lock on the Xuanwu spaceship, and after 100000 years, that is, now he got it again.But now Su Xun is here, disrupting the plot and affecting the original time and space. Naturally, huolinfei won't go back to 100000 years ago.

So many things have changed.

Su Xun changed the present but affected the past. On the contrary, the time and space affected by the past changed the present. This is the disorder of time and space.

It is reasonable to say that they should also influence xuanyizi's memory of huolinfei and others.

But xuanyizi could remember clearly. He was the most mysterious character in the super beast.

Su Xun also pretended to be curious: "xuanyizi, what's the matter?"

"Did you know huolinfei 100000 years ago?" Looking back at Su xuanzi, he asked.

He wants to make sure if he has a memory problem. He clearly remembers that slim Jun put the power lock here 100000 years ago. He saw it two days ago.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I didn't live that long. My parents were not born 100000 years ago."

"Is it..." Xuanyizi suddenly thought of a point and looked at Su Xun: "different number, different number."

"What has been done must be done after the event. Pluto, your words are wrong."

This sentence xuanyizi often repeated is exactly what Pluto said 100000 years ago.

"Basaltic system, he will be the next captain of the basaltic spaceship in the future. You should help him well."

Since the original time and space had been disordered, xuanyizi didn't tangle and gave the spaceship to Su Xun directly.

The underworld will not resurrect, so there is no need for Huolin to fly them. Let them be ordinary people.

"I understand." The basaltic system responds.

Xuanyizi looked at Su Xun: "in the future, Xuanwu spaceship will be yours. I hope you can make good use of it."

"Don't worry, xuanyizi." Su Xun replied.

Xuanyizi looked at Tianyu again: "you go with him, young people should go to see the outside world, rather than follow me to provide for the aged in advance."

Originally, she was going to follow huolinfei, but now Just follow Su Xun.

"Master..." Tianyu wants to refuse.

Xuanyizi interrupted her: "go, go out for a walk, it will help to improve your strength."

"Yes, master." Tianyu moved.

Hello, Sue, just ask me if she's right

"Hum!" Tianyu snorted.

Xuanyizi shook his head with a smile.

Su Xun: is my intention so obvious?

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