A week later.

Su Xun left the earth, shuttled through the endless void, and followed the direction of xuanyue continent.

Son Su Xian and daughter Su Wan have been left on earth, and they are completely independent.

Su Xun was in the state of stocking all his children. Once he had the ability of autonomy, he was too lazy to manage.

Parents are true love, children are accidents.

In the endless void, the fierce wind came, but it had no effect on Su Xun.

From the earth to the moon continent, through the endless void, even with his cultivation will take ten years.

And it's all day and night.

But fortunately, he has a magic weapon.

After the emperor's armor was rebuilt, the emperor's foal was also upgraded. It was used to speed up the journey.

So in the endless void, there is a picture that is outrageous and slightly contrary to the painting style.

A handsome young man with golden crown and hair and white clothes is riding a dark golden aircraft with a full sense of science and technology, shuttling through the void like a shadow.

Although the speed of emperor foal is not as fast as his own, the key is not to consume mana.


Suddenly, Su Xun's eyes lit up.

He saw a boat.

An ancient five story wooden building ship, but now it stops in the void ahead.

Obviously, this is a ship specially used to drive in the void. As a professional means of transportation, it should be faster than its own imperial foal.

Su Xun is going to take a boat.

Although the distance looks very close, it's actually very far away. Nearness is just the illusion of emptiness in the void.

Su Xun speeded up and rushed over. He looked closer and saw that the boat was really big.

Another look, crouching trough, there is an armed fight on board, and the behavior is extremely bad.

With the end of the year approaching, Mr. Su had to stop such a tragedy.

Maybe you can get a free ride.

Immediately leaned on the past: "friends, Hello everyone, what happened, need help?"

In an instant, the two groups of people fighting on the ship stopped to look at Su Xun, the uninvited guest.

They all rely on the empty boat to isolate the wind, so that they can walk freely in the void.

And Su Xun can cross the void with a magic weapon of peculiar shape. He must be a person of high cultivation.

"I'm Tang Jianyao, a disciple of yujianzong. I've learned from the three elders of yujianzong. Today I'm under the command of my school. I hope you don't interfere."

A young man in a blue robe with two swords embroidered on his sleeve looked at Su Xun and said.

Although the words are polite, they are neither soft nor hard. They name their identities and teachers, implying threats.

The people on the other side were very flustered. An old man in the brocade robe began to shout: "please help me. I'm from the matchless Pavilion of Lingzhou in xuanyue continent. Yujianzong is plotting our treasure. If you help me, I'm willing to give it to you."

"Presumptuous! You old thief, don't you dare to talk nonsense to deceive the elder! " As soon as Tang Jianyao's face was cold, he raised his hand and chopped at the old man. His sword was like thunder.

Su Xun blew up his sword between his fingers and said faintly, "it's you who are presumptuous. You dare to kill people in front of me. Is your emperor Jianzong so arrogant?"

It doesn't matter whether it's treasure or not. The main reason is that the three words "xuanyue continent" fluctuated Su Xun's heartstrings.

This ship really went to xuanyue continent.

And he didn't know anything about xuanyue mainland. He just needed someone to talk about it.

"Hu -"

seeing Su Xun stop the people of yujianzong, the people of Wushuang Pavilion were greatly relieved.

"Do you really want to get involved?" Tang Jianyao held the sword, and his eyes gradually cooled down.

In order to seize the treasure this time, yujianzong planned many times to get into the flying boat of wushuangge. Now they have killed all the passengers on the boat.

It's a must for that thing.

But I didn't expect that there would be a disturbance in the middle of the way, but this man's cultivation is not weak, so people don't dare to mess about.

Tang Jianyao only wanted his opponent to be afraid of yujianzong's reputation and withdraw on his own initiative.

I didn't know that Su Xun had never heard of it.

Su Xun sneered and uttered a word coldly: "what do you want to explain to you?"

"In that case, I'll give you face." Tang Jianyao restrained his anger, saluted respectfully, and then turned to leave.

The other side's cultivation is unpredictable. Now falling out is the way of death. Tang Jianyao is not so stupid.

Recognize counsellor first. Anyway, he has written down the man's appearance. When he goes back, he will report to the sect and ask the sect to send the elder with high accomplishments to snatch back the treasure.

Isn't this person going to die?

But what was in his mind? How could he hide it from Su Xun.

The dog that bites doesn't bark. Su Xun still understands this, so he likes to kill the dog."Has this seat let you go?"

Su Xun said casually that Qi had locked the people of yujianzong.

Tang Jianyao's face suddenly turned white, and a bad premonition rose in his heart: "master, I am the imperial sword..."

"What does your royal sword sect have to do with you?" Su Xun laughed contemptuously, stepped up in the air and put out his hand.

At this moment, as if the void is broken.

Tang Jianyao's eyes were flustered. He could not hide at this time, so he could only offer a shield to resist.


The shield went out in a flash, and Tang Jianyao's body was stiff and motionless.

A moment later, the wind blows and turns into vermicelli.

Everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, Tang Jianyao in the later period of Da Luo Jinxian died like this.

"Forgive me, sir, forgive me!"

"Please forgive me!"

After a brief shock, the rest of the yujianzong disciples knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Tell me what you are going to rob." Su Xun stood up with a negative hand and asked softly.

The old man in Wushuang pavilion was stiff. He knew that Su Xun was trying to prevent them from playing tricks.

A disciple of yujianzong blurted out: "it's an excellent sword spirit fruit, even if a mortal takes it, it can become a congenital sword body."

Even ordinary people can have this effect. If you cooperate with the secret methods of various sects, how can you get it?

Su Xun suddenly realized that it was no wonder that yujianzong had killed so many people. It was the best treasure for all sword practitioners.

"That's a good answer. I'll give you a good time."

With that, Su Xun waved his sleeve robe in the frightened eyes of the imperial sword spirit disciples, and the sword light fell like rain.

Young people, don't talk about martial arts.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of disciples of yujianzong were killed one after another.

The people in Wushuang pavilion are shivering. How can they feel that the wolf has gone and the tiger has come?

It seems that this one is more fierce than yujianzong.


Xuanyue continent, Lingzhou imperial sword sect.

Three elder Xie Lingyun suddenly felt something. He opened his eyes and began to calculate. His face was ugly.

Tang Jianyao, one of his disciples, died, but the traces of time and space were completely erased, which made him unable to trace back. It seems that he was at least quasi saint.

Besides, he is the quasi saint of the way of time, otherwise he can't wipe it so thoroughly.

"It's a matchless Pavilion. I underestimate you. However, how can my disciples of Xie Lingyun die in vain?"

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