Su Xun took the people of the tree tribe on the way to Huishi tribe. The biggest benefit of annexing the tree tribe this time was the 170 young people of the tree tribe.

Population represents strength. The more young and strong the soldiers are, the more they can fight.

In this era, there are not yet full-time professional soldiers, who hunt in their spare time and serve as soldiers in wartime.

"Everyone, stop!"

All of a sudden, Su Xun heard a sound of knowing something and stopped immediately.

The footsteps are coming closer and closer.


With a loud noise, a huge monster jumped down the mountain and landed in the middle of the road.

This monster looks like an ox, but it is bigger than an ox, just like a truck. It has two human eyes and four horns on its head. It is ferocious and terrifying.

"Zhu All hearts! It's Zhu Huai

The moment I saw this monster, the tree tribe, who had just experienced great changes, was in a panic.

"Be quiet, everyone!"

Su Xun specially emphasized that he was a God, that is to pacify people's hearts, and the effect was remarkable.

The people of the tree tribe remembered that their new leader was a God. What's more terrible?

"Zhu Huai."

Su Xun stared at the evil beast in front of him. Zhuhuai was a kind of monster recorded in Shanhaijing.

is like a cow, born with four horns, * human eyes, ears, and its voice is like singing wild goose, it is cannibalism.

This kind of creature is cannibal. It's time to hunt at night. They run into each other on their way at night.


He opened his mouth to the crowd and made a bloody sound.


Su Xun jumped up, grabbed the two corners of his head, and then directly threw it out.


The trees were knocked down, the boulders were smashed, and Zhu Huai rolled several times on the ground before he stood up again.

People in the tree tribe were shocked to see this scene, and they were more and more awed by Su Xun.

Zhu Huai looked at Su Xun in fear, and then slowly turned around to leave.

All animals have the instinct of pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages, or bullying others. Since they feel the threat from Su Xun, they will not stay to die.

But how could Su Xun let him go if he wanted?

With one open mouth, a water arrow flies out.

"Puyi -"

the water arrow penetrated the hind legs of zhuhuai.

"Ow -"

with a cry, Zhu Huai smashed to the ground.

He got up and wanted to run. Su Xun rushed over and jumped up. He swung his fist and hit him on the head.


Zhu Huai, who had just got up, was smashed on the ground again. His skull was smashed and his seven orifices were bleeding. But he was still struggling and rolling with Su Xun.

Su Xun grabbed its corner with one hand and hit it with the other.

After three punches, zhuhuai died.

The tree tribe was stunned.

All of a sudden, they felt that the old patriarch's family had died well and had a valuable death. If they did not die, they would certainly stop them from running to a happy life.

Old clan leader: you are so filial to me.

"Carry it back."

Su Xun broke two trees with two fists, tied them up with vines, and used them as lifting poles to let the people of the tree tribe carry zhuhuai to the stone tribe.

After all, it's also food. Besides, bones and teeth of exotic animals can be used as tools.

The bones of these exotic animals are much harder than stones. They are used to make bone knives and guns. Aren't they fragrant?

"The patriarch is back!" "The patriarch is back!"

When Su Xun took the people from the tree tribe into the stone tribe, the people from the stone tribe cheered.

Especially after seeing all the feelings like a pickup truck, I was even more excited.

Tan Ying, Bai Yu and Xie Qing are more happy. When Su Xun is away, they are always worried.

Seeing Su Xun come back, he was calm.

"I'll tell you how many people you want to count in a moment." Su Xun looked at Jian and said.

Jian was embarrassed: "patriarch, there are too many people. I won't, only the old patriarch will."

Su Xun was surprised. He didn't expect that these people could not even count.

It's no wonder that it's really useful except for the three oil bottles.

Otherwise, he will be in charge of everything by himself. He doesn't know when he will be able to complete the task.

"You go and count, and by the way, record the numbers of men, women, old and young." Su Xun looks at Bai Yu.

White rain three people immediately took action.

Su Xun looked at Jian again: "take people to find a big flat stone slab."

First of all, there should be a place to write.

"Yes, patriarch." I'll take someone to do it.More than ten minutes later, the stone slab was found, and Bai Yu's three people also made a good statistics of the population.

"Three hundred and fifty young, one hundred children, one hundred and seventy old, two hundred and fifty women, a total of eight hundred and seventy." Tan Ying used a small stone to carve the data on the stone slab that Jian found.

At this moment, Jian and others look at Tan Ying with different eyes and become respectful.

Because arithmetic and writing are skills that only people with high status in big tribes can master.

Even the old patriarch can only write simple words, but even so, it is admirable.

Cultural people are also popular in primitive times.

They can't understand the characters written by Tan Ying at all, otherwise they will find that these characters are totally different from the mainstream characters in the world.

Su Xun gathered all the people together, stood at the top, looked at the people, and said: "the God walked in the wilderness, where he saw was full of scars. The human race was not wrapped in clothes, and could not eat enough. He felt that the destiny was in him. Now he wanted to save the world by water and fire, so that the human race could depend on the old and nurture the young, regardless of each other, so he established the dragon race."

"The dragon can be big or small, call the wind and rain, and soar for nine days. Our people will soar for nine days, and from now on, we are all descendants of the dragon."

The original mark of the stone tribe is too heavy, which is not conducive to the integration of different tribes. Therefore, Sushen wants to establish a new tribe to reduce everyone's resistance to annexation and integration, and to make his own mark more deeply.

This will also help to avoid that when the tribe grows up in the future, the people of the stone tribe will have a sense of superiority and exclude other tribes that will be integrated later.

The reason why we chose the dragon is that China has been claiming to be the descendant of the dragon for thousands of years.

Second, there are many animals on the dragon. Many tribes in Dahuang are named after animals, which is more conducive to Su Xun's aboveboard annexation of other tribes. No, that's fusion.

Hearing that Su Xun suddenly said that he wanted to change the name of the tribe, the people of the stone tribe were all in a daze.

The people of the tree tribe didn't feel much, because they were going to integrate into the stone tribe.

"Dragon Jian was the first to take the lead in supporting Su Xun.

"Dragon "Dragon "Dragon

More and more people are cheering that since it is the guidance of the gods, it must be good.

And they have seen dragons, such as Yinglong, Qinglong, and Zhulong. No matter what kind of dragons they are, they are really majestic and powerful.

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