Before dawn, after breakfast, Su Xun was about to set out for the mountains in the south.

Accompanied by Jian and more than 30 other young people.

They were armed with bows and arrows on their backs and stone spears in their hands.

It's about two days' walk, so we should start ahead of time and arrive at Nanshan one or two days before the full moon.

All tribes are like this, according to the distance of their location, choose the departure time.

The fair ends as soon as the night of the full moon is over.

"Be careful. Don't think you are invincible with your strength. There are so many monsters."

"Don't eat, don't provoke those monsters, we all depend on you."

"Come back early, if you don't, we can't control the situation in the tribe."

Before leaving, Bai Yu told Su Xun that he was more wordy than the old lady.

"Don't worry. I've got it. Let's go."

Su Xun took three people in his arms and gave them a kiss. Then he set out with more than 30 dragon athletes.

"He Kiss us? "

Bai Yu stood in the same place for a long time to react, and touched the place on her face that she had never touched.

"It seems to be." Tan Ying nodded stupidly.

Xie Qing's heart is full of mixed flavors. She feels that her hair is turning green gradually.

"I'll take a bath." Xie Qing left with a word and took a bath by boiling water in a pottery pot.

As a patriarch, women are so luxurious.

Bai Yu and Tan Ying look at each other, and then two people emerge a touch of bright red from their faces at the same time.

All in silence.

"Come back and strangle him. How dare you take advantage of us?" Bai Yu pretends to be fierce, but he lacks confidence.

Tan Ying nodded: "yes, strangle him."


"They must want to strangle me."

Su Xun's secret way is that he runs fast.

It's the first time that I've been able to earn three people's money at the same time. It's really exciting.

"How many tribes are there in each trade."

Su Xun asked as he walked and chatted. He had not been in a hurry like this for a long time.

"A lot of..." Jian doesn't know how to count. To be exact, he won't remember the number more than ten.

Counting sounds simple, because it's very difficult for modern people to learn from childhood.

Qi quickly said: "there are fifteen or six tribes, all of them are nearby, all attached to the fire tribe."

"Can you count?" Su Xun was a little surprised.

Qi Wenyan, proud of the chest: "Hui Long, but I can count from one to 30."

"Then you're really good." Su Xun praised that even the level of kindergarten was not as good.

Qilaijin: "because I once learned from an old man from the star tribe, I..."

"Well, don't talk. Go quietly, or you'll easily attract wild animals." Su Xun interrupted him.

He really does not want to continue this topic, otherwise he is afraid that his IQ will be pulled to the average level.

After walking for five or six hours, Su Xun didn't feel tired. Jian and others didn't even have the slightest sign of wanting to rest. The giant's physical quality was very strong.

After walking for more than three hours, I was finally ready to stop for a rest, because Jian and others were hungry.

Qi took out the food he had brought and roasted meat in the same place. He poured a cup of fruit wine for Su Xun.

This is the welfare of the patriarch alone.

Su Xun said that he had been the smallest official and enjoyed the most backward welfare.

"Patriarch, you eat."

Jian handed Su Xun a leg.

Sheep are wild sheep that are hunted and killed. Small tribes don't even have the consciousness of raising them in captivity, but big tribes do.

"Someone's coming." Su Xun said suddenly.

When they got up, they took Jianli's bow.

Jian is very talented in archery. If you leave him in modern times, he will be an archery champion.

But now, he's just the head of a hunting team wrapped in animal skins.


Soon, with the sound of bushes and grass being waved, a group of people with stone spears rushed out from another road to fight with Su Xun and others.

A total of 40 people, led by an old woman.

"Bow and arrow! They have bows and arrows

"They're from the fire tribe!"

Seeing the bow and arrow in the hands of Jian and others, the other party was obviously frightened and showed a flustered color.

"They are not. I know him. His name is Qi. They are from the tree tribe." A man pointed to Qi and said.

Qida showed off his bow and arrow and said, "which tribe are you from? I'm Qi, but I'm not from the tree tribe. I'm from the Dragon tribe now."

Hearing this, the person on the other side was at a loss."We are from the Mountain Tribe, the Dragon tribe? When did you suddenly have this tribe? Have you changed the name of the tree tribe? And how do you have bows and arrows? Is it for the fire tribe? " Just said that knew Qidong that youth doubts to ask a way.

Jian said with pride, "no, it's our patriarch. This is our patriarch, Xun."

Hearing this, for a moment, all the people of the Mountain Tribe looked at Su Xun incredulously.

"That child is your patriarch? And he made bows and arrows? "

Su Xun

You are the child, your family is the child!

Laozi is old enough to be your ancestor!

"It seems that their arrows are different from those of the fire tribe. They actually made bows and arrows!"

The people of the Mountain Tribe all envied the bows and arrows in the hands of Jian and Qi, and almost cried.

Feel the envy in each other's eyes, Jian and other people are full of pride and pride..

"Young head of the Dragon tribe, I'm the head fish of the Mountain Tribe. Are you going to the fair? So do we. Can we exchange your bows and arrows? "

The head of the Mountain Tribe, the old lady who never spoke, took a few steps forward.

"We don't exchange bows and arrows, and we don't carry much, but there's one thing you'll be interested in." Su Xun looked at a young man behind him.

The young man quickly took out a pottery pot and handed it to him.

Su Xun opened it and said, "do you want to change it?"

"Salt! It's salt

The people of the Mountain Tribe were shocked again, and their eyes looked like ping-pong balls, as if they would fall down.

"My God! They actually use salt as a barter. It's salt! Is the Dragon tribe that rich? "

"How did the tree tribe become the Dragon tribe? What's going on here? "

"It's the first time that someone has changed salt since the fair was born so long!"

Listening to these comments, the face of the Dragon tribe showed a smile, so proud to look at the people of the Mountain Tribe, just like looking at a group of first time into the city, filled with a sense of superiority.

What are these miscellaneous salts? We already have snow salt that you dare not even think about.

Thinking that these were all made by Su Xun, they had more respect and awe for him.

"Change it?" Su Xun looked at the head of the Mountain Tribe.

It took a while for the head of the Mountain Tribe to react from the shock: "change, we change."

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