Time flies. A month has passed since Su Xun came back from the star tribe.

"Kill "Kill "Kill

On the square, a hundred soldiers with bone guns roared and trained their fighting skills.

Now they have been able to quickly line up and turn left and right, and they still need to improve in the aspect of marching together.

They have learned to retreat when they hear the sound of bronze, because it is very simple.

However, they still need to improve their ability to hear the drums, and they can't keep up with the rhythm of the drums.

But it's not bad to be able to do this in a month. It's elite in today's era.

In the palace, Su Xun was wearing a white robe and was handling official business. For convenience, he made writing paper and writing brush made of wolf hair in this month.

After such a long time of literacy, the people of Xia state have already been able to write basic everyday words.

Now the Xia state has the concept of month and year under the order of Su Xun, which is more convenient.

Thirty days is January and December is a year. It's much easier than remembering a few full moons.

As for the white robe on his body, they sewed it with silk cloth from the star tribe.

Two pieces of silk cloth made three robes for susian, and they made four long skirts themselves.

There is still something left, because a piece of cloth is more than 30 meters long in modern units.

So the star tribe is really generous. Two pieces of silk cloth are a lot of property.

As for the three pieces of linen, they are intended to be used to reward the meritorious officials below.

At this time, on the mountain road more than ten miles away from Xiacheng, a large group of people were carrying goods on their way.

These are people from small tribes nearby. They did not forget that Su Xun once said that after four full moons, they could take goods to the Dragon tribe to exchange salt.

The salt of the Dragon tribe is cheaper than that of the fire tribe, and it's closer, so it's not hard to choose.

"Do you think the Dragon tribe really has so much salt? What if it's not enough? " Some people are worried.

"How can it be? They took out so much salt last time. I think they can make salt."

"It's said that the people of the Dragon tribe eat meat and eat three meals a day. I don't know whether it's true or not."

They chatted while walking, and in half a day they came to less than five miles outside the city.

"Stop! Who are you

Here, they were stopped by children with bone guns on guard.

The mountains were high and the woods were dense. Su Xun didn't even know if an enemy would touch him, so he set up a guard tower.

The children in the city are in charge of the tower, and three people are in charge of one tower, all of which are equipped with bone guns and bows and arrows.

"We are from other tribes nearby. We were invited to the Dragon tribe for salt at the last exchange meeting."

The head fish of the Mountain Tribe came forward and said.

This time, Yu was chosen as the oldest tribe.

They are ready to cooperate with the Dragon tribe for a long time, so they want to fix the price of salt. Fish is responsible for negotiating with the Dragon tribe on behalf of all tribes.

"Come with me. I'll take you to the king."

One child went to Xiacheng to report the news, the other child was responsible for leading the way, and the remaining one stayed on the guard tower to continue to guard.

"Wang? Isn't your patriarch Xun? "

Fish and others thought that the Dragon tribe had changed its clan leader, and they could not help but worry that what Xun said before still counts?

"Xun is our king, and we are now called Xia." The child leading the way said with pride.

Fish and others looked at each other. They had never heard of these two words, but they could understand them.

Su Xun changed the name of the Dragon tribe to kingdom, and changed the name of the clan leader to King.

They don't think it makes sense.

They rushed to the summer city at the same time, the first step back to the city of the child has been the news back.

Su Xun immediately interrupted the army's training, and sent people to guard the city wall and the gate. The rest were led by himself to meet the visitors.

Let them see that Xia is now a country of great strength, in order to reduce their resistance to integration.

Crawling and others are shocked when they come to the plain.

I saw a nearly six meter high, hundreds of meters long earth city located on the plain, surrounded by a river several meters wide and flow around the city, the city gate with a floating bridge.

All around the city were reclaimed wasteland and fences for wild animals. Pedestrians came and went at the gate with a smile on their faces.

There are soldiers holding bone guns above the city wall, and there are soldiers standing around the city gate. At first glance, the momentum is the best of the best, just like the bone guns in their hands, straight and sharp.

"This Is this the state of Xia? "

All the people were confused. They thought that the Xia kingdom was just another name of the Dragon tribe.

But now it seems that the Xia state and the Dragon tribe are not a concept at all. They are hasty.They have been to the fire tribe and the star tribe, but they are not as shocked as the Xia kingdom.

Seeing the city and the soldiers at the head of the city, they could not help but feel awe.

"Come with me."

Looking at the shock on people's faces, the child who led the way was full of pride in his heart. He walked in front of more than a dozen patriarchs with a straight chest and head, without showing any timidity.

Fish and others subconsciously followed him. When they came to the pontoon, they saw Su Xun come out.

Su Xun was dressed in a white robe. He was very noble. Behind him were the health of bronze swords on his waist and crotch, and behind him were dozens of soldiers in leather armour.

Fish and others subconsciously stopped and stood in the same place, looking at Su Xun, who was leading the troops, for a moment, he was at a loss.

"See you, my Lord, holy peace."

The child who leads the way kneels to the ground with a fanatical face, and the fish and others kneel down in a daze.

"Why are you so good at this? How can you perform this great gift? Please get up, please get up quickly."

Su Xun's face was full of surprise. He stepped forward quickly and leaned slightly to make a virtual gesture.

Fish and others just react. Their faces are blue and white. They are embarrassed and get up one after another.

"I know what you're going to do. I won't let you down. I've sent someone to prepare all the food and wine. You'll come with me to the city. We'll talk while we eat."

Su Xun warmly invited everyone into the city.

"Thank you "King Xia." Fish and others are still a little uncomfortable with this title, because it's the first time they've heard of it.

Then, under the leadership of Su Xun, Yu and others entered the summer city, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

"Their houses are like this. They have no cracks. They will not leak air or rain."

"It's incredible how this was made. How can the enemy fight in?"

"The king of Xia is wearing silk. I heard that only aristocrats in big tribes have this kind of thing."

Xia people are looking at these distant visitors with the eyes of looking at the local buns, and their hearts are full of pride. The chatting people also raise their voices and show off their lives to these foreigners intentionally or unintentionally.

"Thanks to the king of Xia, we can eat three meals a day without hunting."

"Yes, and the Qing princess to see a doctor, no longer because of stomachache will die."

"Thanks to the leadership of King Xia, we built the city and earth houses..."

Fish and other patriarchs were deeply hit, and they could not help feeling that they were inferior to Su Xun.

The same clan leader, why is the difference so big?

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