
Su Xun was as modest as ever.

Hiss -

after repeated confirmation, everyone took a cold breath and looked at Su Xun stupidly.

A new small tribe actually defeated the fire tribe and killed the head of the fire tribe.

"You go on." Star waved, eyes slightly complex, whether the Dragon tribe is lucky or not, but he seems to have seen the next star tribe.

But it's good for the Terran. It won't suppress them. It will take a long time for the Dragon tribe to grow up, and the star tribe will be stronger by then.

Therefore, the Dragon tribe can only be subordinate to the star tribe. No matter how it develops, it will also affect the interests of the fire tribe, which is a medium-sized tribe, but not the star tribe.

Su Xun continued: "although we won the fire tribe by luck, the strength of the fire tribe is still stronger than us. We may retaliate, so..."

He didn't finish what he said, but everyone understood that it was nothing more than seeking the protection of the star tribe.

People think about it, too. Su Xun won the careless fire tribe by chance, but he must have been killed badly. If the fire tribe retaliates, Su Xun will surely die.

So it's normal to ask for protection from the stars. No wonder even good things like iron and dyed cloth have been taken out. This carelessness is the extinction of the race.

"Well! Snow salt is the special confession of our star tribe. It's rude for fire tribe to ask for snow salt. It's stronger than you, but it's defeated. How can you get revenge? Don't worry, I'll help you with the Dragon tribe! " The star says coldly.

Not to mention that Su Xun had offered so many treasures this time, the fire tribe was very angry and felt offended just because they wanted to rob snow salt.

Su Xun pretended to be overjoyed: "thank you, patriarch."

"Come and give me a seat!" The star called out, and soon some soldiers came in carrying tables and chairs.

After sitting down, Su Xun said, "patriarch, I've brought some pottery with me this time. We made them ourselves."

Jian quickly took out a few pieces of pottery, and the exquisite and smooth pottery with patterns caused another exclamation.

With so many good things in a row and strength, the heads of the seven medium-sized tribes in this room are beginning to face up to this new small tribe.

"What a skilled craftsman you are Xing exclaimed that the Dragon tribe was destined to rise just because of its quality, even though it could not be mass-produced with snow, salt, iron and pottery.

I don't know what Su Xun sent out were all substandard products. Of course, the real good things were reserved for his own use.

Su Xun said: "in addition, I have another thing to offer. When I came here, I met a rosefinch on the sea. I'll kill it. I'll leave two feet for the clan leader."


All the people in the hall were shocked again, and then they felt that Su Xun was saying something.

This is humiliating their wisdom.

"What did you say? You killed rosefinch? Are you kidding? The gods of the star tribe can't kill the flying beasts like rosefinch alone

"That's right, boy. I'm not young, but I'm not young. Can't we all be stupid?"

"That's rosefinch! Do you think it's a wild goose? "

Not to mention the seven heads of medium-sized tribes, even Xing looked at Su Xun suspiciously.

It's a rosefinch. It can fly and spit fire. It's powerful. How can Su Xun kill it?

And it was killed on the sea.

"Look, patriarch."

Su Xun personally took out the huge pair of red claws and handed them to Xing.

At the moment when the paw was taken out, all the people were wide eyed, because they could tell that it was indeed a rosefinch's paw.

The bloodstain at the fracture is not dry, indicating that it has just been cut down for a short time, at least not more than a month.

Is it true that this man killed a rosefinch on the sea alone?

If he really has this kind of strength, it is really possible that he will lead people to defeat the tribe.

"These are indeed rosefinch's feet!"

The star's eyes were slightly coagulated. Looking at Su Xun, his eyes were flickering. He suddenly had some guesses in his heart, but it was not convenient to say at this time. He had to wait for private questions.

Hearing the star's own admission, even if they had guessed, they were still shocked. Su Xun's eyes were full of horror and could not speak for a long time.

This kind of power has surpassed the gods, and this man is still a child.

Su Xun: you are the child. Your whole family is a child!

The star breathed out a breath: "I'll take it. You'll pick something for yourself in exchange."

"Thank you, patriarch." Su Xun has a good attitude.

Star said to a soldier: "take the Dragon tribe guests down to have a good reception, don't neglect."

Then Jian and others were taken away.

"Xun, can you exchange some of your iron and pottery with us?" Asked the Li tribe.

The heads of the other six tribes also looked at Su Xun, and so did we.

Su Xun laughed that people and animals were harmless: "you can all order people to bring goods in exchange."After all, they also need to change food.

After getting Su Xun's consent, the seven people all felt that he liked him a lot, and then the atmosphere was harmonious.

A few minutes later, a soldier came in.

"Tell the patriarch that people from the fire tribe will present a gift."

In a flash, the people who pushed the cup to change the lamp in the hall were quiet, and their eyes looked at Su Xun at the same time.

"Call in." Star put down the glass.

"Yes." The soldiers took their orders and left.

Soon, the people of the fire tribe came, an old man and a young man. The old man was in the front and the young man was in the back.

After seeing Su Xun sitting at the bottom, young Zhuang's eyes widened and his eyes showed fear.

He was one of the remnant soldiers who fled the tempering tribe more than two months ago. This time, he was brought to complain.

But he never dreamed that he would see Su Xun here. He was afraid of Su Xun to the core.

The old man in front didn't know Su Xun and didn't notice the expression of the people behind him.

"Patriarch! Ask the patriarch to make decisions for us

After entering the main hall, the old man cried, with tears streaming down his face, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

The profession of actor is now available.

Other people are joking at the old man, just like watching a clown.

"Why are you crying?" Star tone is not salty, eyes slightly cold, send troops to rob the Dragon tribe on the supply of my snow salt, won will not necessarily give me, lost still have the face to come to me, I do not know the so-called.

In the case of preconceived ideas, the star tribe hates the fire tribe's behavior. Even if the fire tribe directly retaliates, it will make him look up at it.

The old man of the fire tribe cried and said, "the state of Xia robbed our subordinate tribe..."

"What is the state of Xia?" The star interrupted him.

Su Xun stood up and said, "tell the patriarch that the Dragon tribe has been changed into a state and named Xia. Now it's called Xia state. When the patriarch is changed into king, it's called Xia king."

Stars and others are at a loss. They don't understand the meaning of changing the name of the tribe? However, the affairs of other tribes are not in their charge, so they don't care.

"Yes, the patriarch is right. He knows the state of Xia very well at first sight, but he is a little strange. Who is the patriarch of your tribe?" The fire tribe elders nodded and looked at Su Xun with good intentions.

The fire tribe's strength has been greatly damaged now. If he knows the state of Xia well, he must not be far away from the state of Xia. Maybe he can form an ally to attack the state of Xia.

The other patriarchs showed playful smiles.

The young man behind the old man of the fire tribe was sweating when he heard this.

With a smile, Su Xun held up his glass and looked at the old man of the burning tribe. He said politely:

"my father-in-law is very kind, lonely, Xia Wangxun."

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