Li tribe.

Li is Li of Li.

The first stop of Yang's lobbying is Li tribe, which is closest to the fire tribe.

The head of Li tribe received Yang.

"I don't know why the fire tribe came here?" Asked the head of the Li tribe.

Yang said frankly: "I'm here to invite the clan leader to join us in the summer expedition."

"Are you joking with me? Xingming said that the tribe should not go to trouble with the state of Xia. "

"Patriarch, the star only cares about the interests of the star tribe. Why have you ever considered for us?" Yang asked.

Then he continued: "the star tribe can get the snow, salt, iron and other things offered by summer. What about us?"

"What's more, the clan leader has witnessed the strength of Xia state. Today is the defeat of our fire tribe. What about tomorrow? The patriarch should know that we are the same. "

"As for the star side, after we take Xia state, he can still set up troops to attack our eight tribes?"

"Hiss -" the head of Li tribe took a cold breath, then nodded: "this is reasonable, great kindness. In this case, I will make an appointment."

It's as casual as a joke.

"The patriarch's lesson! You and I pledge to join forces in January next year, thirty miles away from the kingdom of Xia. " However, Yang was very happy and secretly said to himself that it was really a good idea.

Blame Xia for its rapid rise, which makes all tribes feel a sense of crisis.

Since Su Xun put forward the concept of month and year in the star tribe, the surrounding tribes have been popularized.

Li tribal head nodded: "can."

"In that case, I'll leave first. I'll go to several other tribes." After Li tribe joined, he had more confidence in persuading others.

The seven tribes were in different directions. It took him eight or nine months to walk alone, so he decided to join the alliance to attack Xia state next year.

Li tribal patriarch personally sent Yang away, looking at his back, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Instead, there was a touch of irony.

He called a confidant and said to him, "go to the state of Xia immediately, tell Yu Wangxun about this, meet with the mill there, and bring back the news he wants to tell me."

Mo, who was sent to Xia by Li tribe to learn how to make clothes, was actually an undercover who had joined Xia.

The seven tribes had already discussed the secret of stealing iron from Xia state by means of undercover.

How can we agree to Yang's lobbying?

It's a long way to start a war against Xia. It's time-consuming and laborious. Moreover, Xia state is not weak and will offend Xing. It's not worth it. After all, they have no blood feud with Xia.

After telling the good people to go to the Xia kingdom to spread the message, they called six more people and asked them to take their own words to the other six medium-sized tribes to get angry with them.

After cheating Yang, backhand sold him.


The state of Xia.

At this time, more than two months have passed since the last attack and killing of the blue eyed alien. Spring ploughing is over.

All the wasteland near the state of Xia was planted with millet.

More than 3000 new troops have been trained for nearly three months, and all kinds of strategic materials have been prepared.

In these three months, they have to train horse riding in addition to their daily physical strength and fighting training.

The 200 horses that were snatched back last time were teaching tools, and those captured by the wolf tribe were teachers.

When these 3000 people enter the prairie, they will be ready-made cavalry as long as they get on the horse.

In the second year of the lunar calendar, April 20, the rainy season, a drum beat woke everyone up.

"Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong - "

" Hua la... "

With the sound of the collision of armor, a thousand new soldiers and a thousand veterans gathered outside the city with guns and bows.

The expedition was carried out by the Xuanwu army, the white tiger army and half of the badminton army.

Qinglong army and Zhuque army stayed in Xia state.

Half of the soldiers in the Middle Kingdom were taken away.

The iron armour on the soldiers is relatively simple, basically only chest and back armour, inside is leather armour.

This kind of defense is abnormal at this time. Many tribal troops don't even have skin armour, they can only barely wrap in a layer of animal skin.

For Su, riding on a horse with a black head is also a good way for him.

The iron armor on his body and the iron armor on the generals can be regarded as a complete armor, as well as a helmet.

Two thousand soldiers stood as loose as a spear in their hands, and a sense of killing spread.

People have gathered around, looking at such a strong army, all faces show pride.

Su Xun wore armor and rode around the army with rein. He didn't have much pre war admonition. He just called out: "Xia Guowu, Wansheng!"

"Wansheng!" "Wansheng!" "Wansheng!"

At first, the soldiers and officers joined in shouting, and then all the people joined in shouting. Ten thousand people joined in, and the air shook the sky.

When an organization allows all its members to act in their own capacity, it will surely prosper."Choking -"

Su Xun pulled the reins, raised his two front feet, and his sword came out of the sheath: "go out!"

"Wuwuwuwu --"

on the city wall, the low trumpet sounded, the battle drums were dense, and everyone watched the soldiers go away.

This time, he went deep into the northern grassland and chose two wolf tribe captives to lead the way.

It takes March to reach the secret Road, and it takes two months to walk from the secret road to the grassland.

It will take a year to go this time.

So Su Xun arranged everything.

Next, what the junior high school should do is to cast money, build roads and water conservancy projects, and expand the Xia City. When he returns, the Xia state will be another scene.

Three months later, it was summer, and the army of Xia finally came to the entrance of the secret road.

It's just going through a mountain forest.

After entering the mountain forest, I walked for another two months. At this time, in September, it was autumn, and finally I arrived at the grassland.

The soldiers of Xia Kingdom who saw the grassland for the first time were all shocked. The endless grassland was crossed by several rivers. The river was a wild animal drinking water.

"Horse! Look, king, there are so many horses

General Jian of the white tiger army showed his excitement by pointing to the wild horses running on the river.

"We don't want these wild horses. The horses we want have been trained. Just go and get them."

Su Xun said with a smile. Then he took out the map and took a look at the wolf tribe. He sent scouts to the front to explore, and the army postponed.

The people of wolf tribe know this secret Road, which links the north and the south, and is not far away.

So we have to solve them.

The best way to protect secrets is when people die.


Wolf tribe.

"No! no Please don't

In a tent, a black eyed woman is crushed on the ground by a blue eyed young man.


"Black eyed bastard, it's your honor to spoil you! If you dare to resist again, I will kill you! "

The young man slapped in the face and threatened.

His name is Langya. He is the acting leader of the wolf tribe. Because his brother took people to plunder from the secret road to the south a few months ago, he is in charge of the clan now.

Unlike in the south, the tribal chiefs in the north are not elected by the people, but hereditary.

Now that his brother hasn't come back, he doesn't worry. After all, his brother is dead. He is the real patriarch. I wish his brother would die.

Black Eyed women can only cry silently when they hear this threat, but they dare not resist any more.

After all, mole ants still live secretly. Besides, chastity is not valued in this era.

She resisted Langya only because the other side was a blue eye barbarian, and black eye and blue eye were eternal blood feuds.

Two minutes later, Langya walked out of the tent contentedly and said casually, "drag down the black eyed cheap seed inside, wash it and bake it. I'll eat it at noon."

It's a normal thing for blue eyed barbarians to eat southern Black Eyed people.

Every winter the grassland is short of food, and the population they plunder from the south is the best food.

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